Wednesday, June 12, 2024

But maybe a sod killer?

 Tuesday evening report

The sod dudes never showed up, so I decided to start the watering, in spite of what they told me.  What I discovered is what I didn't hang about long enough to see last night.  The sprinkler heads that are supposed to water this part of the yard are not doing so!

And this morning when Nate (the sprinkler crew head) came over, he programmed the system, but did not recheck that they were all working in the back.

Consequently, I have a call in to them about this.  They have not called me back yet. I have also taken matters into my own hands.  They told me I wouldn't have to pull hoses, once these repairs were done.  Tuesday evening, I pulled hoses.

Hard to see, but in the bottom right-hand corner, a thin black line of drip hose.  I will leave it on for a while.  Note the sprinkler heads on half of the yard seem to be functional.

Wednesday morning update

E-mail back from the landscaper, Nate will drop by again this morning, and in the meantime, I might want to consider pulling out the hose and watering if I could.  WAAAAAY ahead of him on that one.  This morning I also put out a sprinkler for a patch in the middle that didn't seem to be reached by any of the working heads.  Sigh, always something.

We'll see what Nate has to say about all this when he gets here.

Something I did not notice until this morning is that the drainage spot across the sidewalk has widened with the extra source of water to the lawn.  

Some things one just does not see until things get "turned on" for real.

Demon puppy appearance

As you can see, the cat tree destruction project (Ember's plot against The Prisoner) has continued.  She is now down to removing the carpet from the top, and regularly drags the thing around and tips it over.

So, Tuesday after I'd put her away for the night, I removed the cat tree and cleaned up the fragments.  This project was a way for her to work out some aggression, so it was not particularly startling to see her move on to another toy to jump up on and nip at this morning:  me.

But we survived it, and even got her into the "Easy Walk" harness that is still a little too big for her, and took it for its maiden neighborhood walk.  Woo-hoo!

When we got home I cooked my breakfast, and pulled out one of the chewing toys I had bought for Carl visits.  She likes it!

I kept her outside the den/crate until about ten to eight, at which point, she walked in under her own steam enticed by treats and a peanut butter bone.

I'm hoping she stays content there for a couple of hours, so we go to puppy class fairly fresh.  Cross fingers for us!

Meanwhile, on the inside:

The seat and the grab bar have been installed, and the shower walls.  I was invited up to check the placement, and it seems Goldilocks "just right" to me.  


Life is good.  Keep on Sparking!


  1. Oh...the drainiage and sprinkler glitch! Every project has glitches, but even knowing it can produce a sigh or two.

    The shower is lovely! I couldn't quite understand the seat until enlarged to see it more clearly ... it is designed to flip up and out of the way?

    1. Yes, the seat folds up against the wall. So I can shower standing or seated. And, thinking for myself, I can sit down while bathing the dog!

      This afternoon, with just MY sprinkler draining, the puddle is its normal size. The problem is that not only MY yard drains there, everyone's "upstream" of me does too!

      Wednesday afternoon, all seems to be well.

  2. Sorry to hear all your sprinkler woes. Hope that your sprinkler guy can get it all fixed for good. And the drainage problem, too. We have that in the back yard. 3 yards drain into ours. But fortunately, there is a little trench along the fence that keeps it going. Poor planning on the part of the developer.

    Awww, Poor Ember (and you). Having routines totally disrupted is so hard. That will be good when things return to normal (whatever that is, right?!?)

    Your shower tiling looks really nice. And a nice sturdy seat. And Grab bar. It will be nice to have that all assembled.

    Hang in there, breathe.


    1. They showed up promptly this morning, both the sod guy and the head sprinkler crew guy. Turns out that the "new" zone 8 had not been added to the programming, and that fixed the sprinkler issue. There is still ONE tiny bit of sod missing. Hopefully that will arrive within the next day or two, and since the sprinklers are working, it should be smooth adding it when it does.

      One more day of work in that bathroom to go (meaning Thursday)! Photos in the next blog.

  3. Ooooo, the new shower is shaping up and looking nice!
    And there’s the receipt - the picture - to show the water WAS much worse on the sidewalk!
    Hope you and Ember have a good Thursday!
    Love, Ace ❤️

    1. Thanks. About to go get her out to go for morning walkies. Cross your fingers for me!

  4. So much going on, I think I would be in Ember's crate sleeping - LOL. I am sure there will be a lot more settling once teething is over too won't there? You are really doing so great with Ember, each post just impresses me so much. Hubby knew how much work a puppy is but I have never had one so this is all new for me.

    1. When Carl was a puppy, I had him one day a week, and would be exhausted, but so madly in love with him, all at the same time. I took such joy in his puppy progress. My son said to me, "I'm going through the work of puppy raising for the sake of the dog he will become."

      I totally understand his attitude now. Puppies are a lot of work, but if you put in the work, a great dog is the result.

      I'm grateful for every human who is helping me in this project, on line and in person. The humans who offer to pet the puppy and are willing to follow mom's rules are the best! The humans who forgive the puppy for swiping their "booties" (the plumber) are awesome. The other dogs / cats who give a puppy a pass, but not too much of a pass.

      "It takes a village" doesn't just apply to human children! Vets, trainers, and other folks who have experience in raising a puppy help out so much!

  5. Yesterday was filled with running errands from early morn 'till late last night. Ooph! Missed this post. Am catching up now.
    How do you teach the difference in what he's allowed to destroy and what he's not? I think that would be really difficult.

    1. I agree. It takes some smarts to know what's approved and not to chew on. But there are already such conundrums: can't chew on people or their clothes, but a cloth toy, like a tug? Oh, yeah you can chew that! Can't chew on furniture but can chew on the cat tree? OK to chew on roots, but not on electrical cords that look just like roots? Yep. It takes vigilance and reminders until they "get it".

      It takes time and patience!

  6. Your seat reminds me how I have nothing installed to hold my shower supplies. I had to buy a hang over the shower head thing.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. See next blog for the shelves to hold the shower supplies! I used to have one of those wire "over the shower head" racks, too!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...