Monday, July 15, 2024

Current fascination

Sunday report

Current fascination:  locusts when they come out of their shells.  She's been finding dead ones and not yet dead ones, and the first couple that she ate gave her zoomies. I don't know if they have stingers or if they taste funny or what.  More recent encounters have not been zoomie generators, but she is fascinated by them.  She found one in the sandbox newly out of its shell, wings not yet fully dry and went nuts, digging around it and being surprised when it moved.

Ember and her mommy survived the heat of Saturday and Sunday.  Sunday did not get as hot as predicted.  96 or 97, not 102.  It was plenty hot enough for me, and that's for sure!

I filled the pink puppy pool with water and dumped a bunch of balls into the blue one, so she had a choice of play venues in our short outdoor adventures.

We took a walk early a.m., when it was a pleasant 74 degrees, and another at 9:45 or so when it was "only" 80 degrees F.  

Some wasps nesting on the deck railing bothered Ember in the early afternoon.  I don't know if she got stung, but she pulled in her horns and was quiet inside with me while I left messages with the pest control company that was supposed to have taken care of those yellow jackets!  Seriously, though, with all the yard work, and the open doors while things were being carted into and out of the house with the shower conversion work, and dirt being hauled in to grade the yard, whole new species of insect have been added to my yard and home!  I want to know how long before they come out again.

At about 1:30 p.m. Ember opted to enter her crate all on her own!  A nice safe place to nap, little one!  I left the door open, and I chilled in the family room watching TV.  She got up at 3 and came down to find me, and we went outside.  That's when the sandbox photo was taken.

Then Ember ate her meal and asked to go for a leash walk.  We went but I would not allow it to be very long.  We went three houses up the block and back.  

At the normal "time for mommy to cook her own supper" time, she's back into the "den" for the night.

Monday morning

Slept in a bit.  Didn't get the pup outdoors until 5:19 a.m.  She did her business.  I'm in shorts for the third day in a row, and only got the ankle nibbles once this morning, so far.  

We got walk #1 in with the temperature at 79 degrees at 6 a.m.!  Yikes.  But this is supposed to be the last day of excessive heat warning.  "Cooling" trend ahead.  Cooling as defined by Summer.

Puppy is in the crate for nap #1 and I'm about to head out for a grocery run.  A Chewy delivery is due today.  And life goes on in Emberville.

I suppose I ought to say a couple of words about the news, which I am turning off even more often than before.  

I will be interested to see if any of the violent rhetoric gets actually toned down.  I was dismayed by the reporting of accusations that "the left" caused this, radicalized that, etc., because let's be honest, we do not know what the motive was behind this awful act.  We have to stop characterizing those who disagree with us politically as being evil or worthy of being attacked violently!  I've heard it on both ends of the scale.  The worst images are being put before us day after day, hour after hour... painting one another as horrid people.  "The left" leaning media replays the worst of "the right" leaning media to stir up their own base.  And then everyone acts so surprised when a young person gets all het up and acts on what they have been exposed to!  Stop it already!

Life is good!  Let's support it by being kind one to another!  And Spark on!


  1. Awww, Hope Ember didn’t get stung. Yellojackets are not nice.

    Miss Lilly and I did not go far, either. Walked early in the morning but the rest of the day . . . just out for the necessaries and that’s it.

    That’s good that Ember is getting used to you dressing in shorts.

    Yes, I’m in your camp. HOPING that the violent rhetoric is toned down. And for sure, am dismayed at all the false accusations that the ‘left’ is responsible. The shooter was apparently a registered Republican and made a donation to a right-centered cause. Absolutely, it is imperative that everyone is humanized again – no characterizing those who don’t agree w/us as non-human. With all the ‘dehumanization’ of those who don’t fit the ‘mold’, it’s lots easier to perpetrate violence. Prayers for peace!

    Yup . . .. peace starts with us by being kind!


    1. I don't know for sure if she got stung, but it freaked her out having them around. Flying insects are part of her fascination... this morning on our walk there were some kind of pollinators buzzing about the clover across the street, and she sat down and chewed a treat as if she were eating popcorn and watching a movie!

  2. PHOENIX1949

    Yesterday, our NextDoor newsletter had a recommendation for an environment-friendly way to ward off wasps (below). I have them on order so can't personally vouch for them, but a lot of folks confirmed they are effective for them on the NextDoor posting. I'm hoping they run off yellow jackets & mud daubers in addition to wasps.

    Amazon - 4 Packs of Fake wasp nest, Waterproof Material wasp Traps Outdoor Hanging Deterrence Against Wasps (Brown)

    Heat is very oppressive here with 100+ temps not including the heat index. So grateful for central AC. We are experiencing temporary brownouts of our electrical grid which play havoc with the household electronics (spouse's office has 5 terminals -- he provides IT support for a large State Agency).

    Sad at what has become of our country and praying for better times. Recent events seem to have polarized folks even more, SIGH.


    1. Ah-hah! My bug guys are supposed to be "eco-friendly", but anybody can say that! Hope your fake wasp nests help!

      Without saying what one's politics might be, we can all be sad that we don't hold substantive discussions about issues any more but treat politics as though it was "team sports" and only the "win" matters. Those who study history are not surprised that a tragic/violent act does not result in unity, especially when "Unity" is defined on both ends of the spectrum as "agreeing with me"!



A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...