Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Something bit me back, Mom!

I have no idea what exactly caused the episodes of Zoomies this Tuesday morning, but I found several different smears of blood... teething?  Cut her gums on something she gnawed on?  The furniture bit her back (she wasn't supposed to be chewing on it)?

Regardless, we've had two or three such episodes this morning, and in the end, when she started digging in the wingback chair's cushions (blood found on the foam, where she was chewing)... she ended up in her safe space about 7:15 a.m. and stayed there until after mommy's workout with the trainer.

I have started making a home-made toy for Ember, based on seeing one of Susan Garrett's YouTube videos on games you can play with your dog.  She affirmed that some dogs need to shred things, and some do not.  And she described making this kind of toy:  an empty tube (TP or paper towel roll), pop in a few "treats" and then close up the ends (I just fold them over, so that the treats can fall out if she shakes it or upends it).

Now here's the interesting bit.  Always before when I gave her these tubes, I had not done the fill with a few treats and close the ends.  And she would shred them.

This past couple of days when I put the treats in, she got the treats out, but did not immediately shred the tube.  On Monday, she shredded it later.  Tuesday morning, I collected it before she got a chance to shred, while she was in her crate.

Oh, yes, the other incident of the pre-walk morning:  as I was getting my sweatshirt out to put it on, Ember stole it and wanted to play tug.  She had already put holes in this particular sweatshirt, and I was trying not to end up canceling the walk, so I jollied her along, abandoning the shirt on the chair.  We went on our walk.  I was shocked at what RunKeeper said the distance was when we got home:  1.06 miles.  I didn't think we went "that far".  The map it generated was jagged, and that matches the places where we saw other people, tried to show off how much we wanted to meet them, etc.

Episode one of the Zoomies happened about a block from home on the way back, when she picked up an empty plastic bottle from the ground.  Did it hurt her mouth?  She went nuts.  It took me a detour of a block of "chase the treat" to get her centered again.  We got home, and episode two of the zoomies took place in the house!  The routine of me cooking my breakfast seemed to settle her down again, and then she went on to the digging at the chair cushions.  She stayed in the crate for over three and a half hours.

Now, I made several strategic mistakes when I came home after my workout.  One:  I put on shorts.  Ember has seen me in shorts maybe once before.  Two: I didn't prepare for her reaction.  I mean, I know she goes nuts when I change the shoes I wear to a "new" or different pair. There is an element of escalation there with the bare legs.  Three: I didn't brace myself for the potential "I'm mad at you mom, you left me in there so long!"  Four:  I didn't prepare for the distinct likelihood of her being hungry, given how much of her breakfast went uneaten.

So I let her out.  Teeth to the ankles.  Teeth to the legs.  Ignore rated a jump and nip at the back.  After tossing a couple of tennis balls didn't work to distract, I eventually left her out on the deck (with The Prisoner, no less, sorry, kitty) while I went upstairs and changed to jeans, and came back down and donned the cut-resistant sleeves.

I didn't know if she did her business while I was doing that.  I later found evidence that in fact, she did.  I know the kitty got away. I put Ember through the paces of sit, down, stand, sit, etc. when she was ready to come back in, more civilized.  I set up the "toy covered treat" game.  I put on her leash and took her out back to play "trainer-rules fetch" with the "wait" included.  We came back in and I fixed a salad for me, and samples for her. I took her on the second leash walk at 12:40 p.m., which was shorter, just around a block.

I cooked hard boiled eggs, for future use (she likes to eat the shells when I peel them).  I don't let her have as much as she likes, because I end up seeing them in the poo anyway!  She got some of her treats, including her dental treat.  She finally wore out and went to sleep on the kitchen floor at about 2 p.m.  I'm was going to try to keep her sleeping until 4, but that didn't happen.  She chilled with me for a while, but then was raring to go by 3 or 3:15.  Two hours to departure time for agility class!

She did get outside to both poo and pee at 3:35 p.m. She should be good with just a pee before class, I'm thinking.  Of course, she decided to go after the wingback chair again and earned herself a timeout by 4!

We made it to class.  Ember was thrilled to see the other puppies and meet some people.  She performed well on her first couple of runs, then on the third one she started "acting funny" and sure enough... poo'd on the way to the exit for a potty break!  I have lost count how many times she has either poo'd or peed at the ZoomRoom gym.  I'm wondering if she's nervous and that's leading to some of these... the two in agility were soupy... nervous bowel?

Anyway, we left early, came home, and put her to bed.  Next Challenge, Wednesday puppy class at 11.

Meanwhile, the yard project resumes on Wednesday

I got an email from the landscape dude, in response to my own e-mail detailing the things I am still waiting on.  He's sending the irrigation crew out to work on the front sidewalk tomorrow!  At which time Nate (the irrigation chief) will look at the other three items.

OMG... the kids!

Cross your fingers and pray for wisdom.  The Foster Care company reached out to my daughter in law at the end of her workday to explore the possibility of a bonded pair of siblings in need of a foster placement.  Boy, age 8, girl age 1.  This is not what they were expecting, and it's far from a done deal, but maternal instinct is kicking in big time with her and she hasn't yet talked to / with my son about it.  Yikes!  A one year old!  Neither appears to have behavioral issues, boy loves school and is "smart"... that would be a great fit for my son, who grew up as a "smart" kid.  The little girl has some developmental deficits, but not behavior issues.  And there is help available to bring her up to level.  Fantasy takes over in a great hurry in this lady (me)... we'll see how realism sets in when the two of them talk, and as they find out more.

This "feeler" is by no means a guarantee that they would be chosen, but someone seems to have thought they might be a good fit.  Those of you who pray, pray for the wisdom of all involved.

Life is good!  Spark on!


  1. First of all . . . MANY prayers for DS and DIL. Yup, and 8 and 1 yr. old will be a handful. But, as you say, someone seems to think they can handle it. Fingers crossed if it's meant to be!

    Sounds like Ember had a so-so day. Hope that the bleeding was due to teething. Poor baby. Poor YOU!

    hugs and best wishes


    1. I imagine I'll hear something eventually. Likely this one will not be a match, as there are rules about separate bedrooms for different genders, and they only have one bedroom allocated to "the kiddo".

  2. Yikes, that's a quick touch out from the care group. I am sure there are many more kids than homes. Good luck with all that.

    I'm on the fence with egg shells. They can get jammed into empty tooth spaces and also slide into puppy gums. As to the bloody spots, there are probably a load of teeth still changing out.

    Her behavior is rather spunky at the moment. Maybe switch out to shorts for a while when she's tired from a walk and just sit with her? I hope she calms down soon for your health!

    1. The next week or so we'll be getting hotter weather, so the need to expose her to my bare legs is going to be raising its head. Good suggestion about changing while she's tired from a walk. Maybe when she's getting ready to nap, and starting to nod off anyway.

  3. What a blessing for the two siblings. It's true these kids need so much love and stability in their young lives; those with developmental deficits need a bit more love and patience. Prayers for a smooth transition period.

    1. I haven't heard anything more, and I suspect it won't be my kids getting selected for the siblings. There are rules about separate bedrooms that they probably can't fulfil. Sigh. But either way, eventually they will get a placement with them, and their lives will change significantly and permanently!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...