Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saturday was even hotter

 And Sunday is predicted to be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit here.  It was already 88 before noon on Saturday.

I put the puppy pool on the shed pad in the far corner of the yard and dragged the hose out to fill it.

Ember had her own ideas, as labs are wont to do.  She had already gnawed holes in this pool, so when filled, it is leaking.  She lapped from within the pool, and lapped at the leaks, and lapped at the hose before I got it turned off, too.

But it was a good mental exercise for her, between puppy naps.  She took hold of the end of the hose and dragged it all the way to the deck, up the stairs, and into the house (until I put it back out and explained that puppy can come in, but hose cannot).

The hose's brief visit to "inside".

While Ember was snoozing puppy nap #1, I dashed out to Menard's and bought a new puppy pool.  It's hot pink.  

I also swung by the Humane Society to drop off some things I got from Chewy that weren't a good fit for Ember, but undoubtedly will come in handy for the pets in need at the shelter.

Ember wanted to go out the front door, on leash, and we went and visited with Susan, next door, who greeted and petted Ember.  She used to have a lab prior to the dog she has now.  A lot of folks who have had labs in the past and have fond memories of their former dogs make a big deal over my puppy, and she soaks it all in!

Later in the afternoon, we chilled on the couch together.  Moments like this are why one gets a dog, and they make up for the frustrating times when teething and miscommunication get in the way.  Nothing matches the love of a dog and his or her human!

Onward to Sunday, where it's predicted to top the century mark.  Ember got up in the 5 a.m. hour, we worked the treat/toy puzzle, got out on walk #1 at 5:57 a.m.  She was a bit intimidated by dogs barking from their balconies and fences, bit dogs she'd felt a little scare of before, but with treats, gentle talk, and patience we made it past those obstacles.  In the end, and elderly gentleman invited her for pets and treats.  He has a 12-year-old lab himself and his son walks the dog, as he is no longer able.  But little 5 1/2-month-old Ember, he was happy to greet!

When we got home, she went nuts over the dust mop, which I somehow rescued.  She got hold of the purple people eater (again) and I monitored her taking it apart while I cooked my own breakfast.  When she was safely back in her crate for puppy nap #1, I put the dust mop and the purple people eater back together and put them "away".  I'm trying to preserve the purple people eater for an experiment in cooperative play with Carl.

Anyway, time for a bit of a nap while she's napping!  Wish us well as the heat warning continues through Monday evening!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. It's dangerous outside. Stay in and stay cool. 🥵

    1. Mostly that's just what we did! Ember put herself to bed in her crate for an afternoon nap, and insisted on an afternoon walk, but I refused to go further than the third house away. Too hot at 95F at that point.


  2. Yes, warm Saturday, even warmer today, but in the 90’s. Heat index is 1—F

    Ohhhhhh my. Glad the in-the-house-hose-visit was brief. OY.

    Sounds like you both had a very productive, good day!

    Stay cool.


    1. LOL! At least the hose had the water turned off at the point at which Ember wrestled it into the house!

      At this point we have survived both Saturday and Sunday with me in shorts both days! One more day in this heat warning before we start a "cooling" trend, where the worst predicted high is 90F.

  3. ALICIA363
    79 degrees 45 minutes before sunrise - ridiculous!
    Hard on humans and canines. Looks like you and Ember are doing a good job making lemonade out of the weather lemons!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...