Thursday, July 11, 2024

If you thought it was over, it was not!


Next phase of home improvements underway.  This is supposed to help with the drainage process.

There will be a "catch basin", and then a pipe out to the street, and the new sidewalk will be raised higher, so that it doesn't puddle there.

It's Wednesday.  While the workmen were digging the old sidewalk out, Ember and I went to puppy class.  Ember was into just lying there and watching, today.  Until "Puppy play time" and then she was all in.

One major advantage of puppy classes is the interaction with other puppy parents.  Swapping experiences, I discovered that the bleeding associated with teething is not an aberration, they saw it, too, those whose pups are a month or so older than Ember.

Ember got "in trouble" before puppy class, early in the morning, after our walk, for gnawing on the Wingback chair cushions again.  While she was in her "safe space" and I cleaned up, I took a bit of a reading break out on the paver patio and look who came to visit my quiet time!

The wingback chair has been stripped of its cushion, but the slipcover and pet protector put back on, in the hopes of deterring worse damage to the arms of it.

I have the cushion up in my room, along with a pillow that I had loosely been using to substitute for the first incursion into its innards, which was done by the "dog of my heart", Diamond, probably 15 or more years ago.  Ember has merely extended Diamond's efforts.

Another new toy distracts her for a while.  If I have to invest some bucks in toys to destroy while teething to save my furniture, so be it!

Ember went out with me to "supervise" the men at work.  She laid in the shade, watching.  So much more entertaining than being in the house, even though it is cooler there.  While doing so, she would lean up against my leg, which of course made me feel all melty and forgiving of anything she might do as a puppy.

Alicia came for her after-work visit and chat.  Ember was eating her supper and then clearly ready to go to bed, so I fixed her bedtime treat and put her away.  Alicia and I sat and chatted, letting the puppy settle herself in.

Mother nature proceeded to give us a little bit of rain Wednesday evening, and I gave Ember her "last call" around 8 p.m.  I went out to check on the work site after, and had to reset up one of the cones.  I also tested the "catch basin/pipe" by pouring the dehumidifier tank into it.  Woohoo!  It drained to the street!

Thursday's challenge?  Another trainer day for me, and the guys will be coming back to hopefully fix the wobbly step and the gate post.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Well, glad to know that others have seen the bleeding w/teething in their pups.

    Ember, Ember, Ember . . . have to leave that cushion alone!

    Yes, the $$ invested in toys while Ember is teething is definitely worth it.

    Awwww, nice you got to visit with your sister. I am sure Ember appreciates that, too.

    Hope your trainer session goes well, and your wobbly step gets fixed.


    1. She learns (to manipulate her mom) quickly. This morning she opted to come lay on the couch in the family room while I putzed with the computer. She can't get in trouble while she's in my signtline!

  2. Poor Kitty looks very regal as he surveys his kingdom. 🤗💖🐱🐶

    1. LOL! Yes, The Prisoner is very confident in spaces outside the fence!

  3. Life with a puppy, gotta love it. She's beautiful though, I love a black dog. I know some say that black dogs are the last adopted ones. I think, why? That's where I go to first.

    1. Black/dark colored dogs in shelters, particularly if they are shy or scared (normal in a shelter), will hide in the back corner and not be noticed, so less likely to be adopted, according to one creator I follow on YouTube. When I was debating over silver or charcoal puppy, my son immediately said, "Charcoal"! Both Carl and Ember are dark coated dogs! And oh, so beloved!

  4. ALICIA363
    Life is indeed good.
    When we got our house and I was overwhelmed with all the things that needed attention, a good friend told me, “A house is a work in progress” and assured me it would never be done. Wise advice.
    Grateful to have a home, in whatever state of (dis)repair it may be in at any given moment!

    1. Exactly! I squeeze my eyes shut when I look at the budget these days, and I have to be saying "no" to wants for a while. But the sidewalk repair just had to be done.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...