Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sidewalk is the last piece.


This photo was taken Tuesday morning, before the landscapers picked up the cones, but after the concrete guys removed the Moulding and tamped the grass back down.  Ember and I took her walk #2 of the day across this little stretch, "middle" of the sidewalk, to avoid disturbing the edges.

Workout with the trainer felt good, I had missed all last week, half because of the hot water heater, the other half because of another commitment of his.  

Wednesday morning the plumbing inspector signed off on the rework on the hot water heater gas line connection.

At 11, we have Ember's puppy class.  We both look forward to the after work visit from her Aunt Alicia. As always, we'll see how energetic Ember is or isn't when the time arrives.

Thursday another personal trainer day for me.  Friday The Prisoner has his first "office visit" with his vet since before the pandemic.  During the pandemic it was "drop off only", and even after, there were a couple of visits that were drop off.  This time I want to be there to have the conversation with the vet, because he's "getting up there" at 13, and I perceive him getting thinner.  I've been feeding him canned food twice a day, plus allowing him to free feed on dry food.  We'll see what the vet thinks.

Next week we have Ember's vet visits (2).  I'll have to see what I schedule for her in terms of training.  She's been such a good pup the past few days, knock wood, I don't want to jinx it!

Look how long she's getting from tip to tail when she stretches out!  My little measuring tape "estimates" that at about 44 inches between the nose and the tip of the tail.  You could also estimate by counting the tiles, which are 4 inches the narrow way, and it still comes out to 44 inches.

Wednesday morning, the crew came to add dirt to the edges and tamp it all in.  I hope they put down some grass seed, too.

Life continues to be good.  Spark on!


  1. Yeah! Projects coming to an end!

    Hope you have a good visit w/your sis.

    And good luck w/Ember’s puppy class. She is indeed getting big, but she has a beautiful body build and het coat, too is beautiful.

    Awwww, good luck w/the vet visit for Prisoner.

    Hugs and blessings


    1. I'm in denial about how hard it might be to get Prisoner to the vet. Last time it was a challenge, but he seems so much smaller since Ember has been in the household.

  2. Wishing you a good report for Poor Kitty! Feels like an old friend, as he's been a part of your posts for many moons. 😻😻

    1. He's lasted longer than some of his litter mates. He outlived the kitty I adopted him with as a pair, and then outlived Rubia who was younger than he. And yes, an old friend!

  3. ALICIA363
    Lovely visit, although I was the one with no energy. Ember played catch so well! Love you both - all, even the mythical Prisoner who rarely lets me see him ❤️🐾🐾❤️

    1. Hmmm, probably because of Ember's energy level when you are here. He appears when she's being calm.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...