Sunday, July 28, 2024

Testing... one, two...


Ember and the hose, let's see if it can be shared!

The online dog training program requires me to upload content to YouTube.  This is not part of that effort; this is just me seeing if I can master the skill of uploading and sharing a video!

I took this one this afternoon, of Ember, pulling the hose up the steps of the deck.  Again.  But she listened to me and didn't even try to bring it into the house.  We have had several sessions of what I now understand to be a form of the game "ItsYerChoice" as modified by the use of the sliding glass door, not my hand holding treats.

"Puppy may come inside.  Hose must stay outside."  Same way I trained Carl years ago, about sticks having to be played with outside.  Let me know if you can or can't see the video!

Life is Good.  Spark on!


  1. PHOENIX1949

    Video came through just fine.

  2. ALICIA363
    Ooo, fine video!
    You do know it’s not mandatory to film and post on TT, right? I don’t think I’ve made a video since 2021, when the lingering pandemic was so frustratingly boring. Had to entertain myself somehow. Still I continue to enjoy content and information from other creators.

    1. I still meander over once in a while, just to watch. Do not post. Didn't feel I had the material. Now I do have topic specific items that I will need to post to the chat in the online class material. Motivation comes in many forms. Mine has four paws and fur.

  3. Awesome! Good girl, Ember! You listened to Mom and it was recorded!


    1. I was very pleased that this particular lesson has stuck! LOL. Don't need a flooded dining room (other side of the door).

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad several different folks responded... I'm never sure if some can and some can't see such things! Technology is wonderful until it's not.

  5. I was able to view the video. :D Ember is getting so big and looking very little like a puppy these days.

    1. She may not LOOK like puppy, but she still thinks and acts like puppy! And she's only half grown.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...