Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday Play Date with Carl

I had just made an appointment to have Ember groomed on Sunday morning when I got a message from my daughter in law... would I like to have Ember and Carl meet at the dog run "sometime this weekend"?  They were flexible for which day and time, and I said "sure", but it best be Saturday.

Her next message reminded me "tomorrow" was Saturday.  I've been living a series of about five "Sundays" in a row here, inside my head.

Before the little one got all wet and dirty, the Mythical Son scooped her up "like a tiny puppy".  Shortly after that, any contact with either dog would result in muddy clothing!  I notice that even in his big grasp, she's looking longer and bigger!

The dogs played steeple chase over the fallen trees.  

They bounded amid the tall grasses.   Ember was happy to share the excess water in her coat with Aunt Lacey (or anyone else).

They swam in the flood swollen stream.  My son tried to toss a ball for them to chase but it sank, and the dogs could not find it!

We proceeded to another shady area (also muddy), and back across a long-grass area in the sunshine.  After about 45 minutes total, Ember started following a "pack" of dogs headed for the exit.  She was done.

As soon as we got home, Ember collapsed on the kitchen floor!  She had a taste of cucumber, tomato and ricotta cheese as a treat (bits from Mom's salad fixings), went out to pee, then was put to nap in her den.

When she got up later, we had a pretty sedate rest of the day, playing with toys, some mental games, a second pig's ear, eating her supper, a couple of trips outside as needed.  I decided not to leash walk thinking the "big adventure" of the late morning was enough along with her normal morning "round the block".

Then she went back to bed in her den, and I came upstairs to prepare myself for bedtime, too.  

Thunder boomers came rolling through as predicted. I had turned off the automatic sprinklers before I came up.  It's due to rain all night.  I might just leave them off all day Sunday.

Guess that tennis ball Ember left out on the patio is going to be soggy by morning.

I'm very glad of the timing for that grooming... someone else will have the bath water to deal with this time!  Good luck, Tony, this is likely to be the dirtiest puppy you groom for the day!

Life is Good.  Keep on Sparking!


  1. What a wonderful active Saturday! 🐾🐾❤️❤️

  2. LOVE the photo of you, Mythical son and Ember! Precious. And of course, Aunt Lacey, too.

    Sounds like the kids had fun in that stream. Yup . . . sounds, too, like the grooming timing is perfect.

    Here's to a great Suday!


    1. My daughter in law has the eye for taking great photos, for sure. Two years in a row our Christmas gifts included full year calendars with her best shots of the year. I think this one would be calendar worthy!

      They had a great time, and I just dropped Ember off with Tony, and you should have seen the sweeping full back end tail wag she greeted him with! She's going to have a wonderful spa experience!

  3. PHOENIX1949

    What a fun Saturday! Looks like if Ember was not held at a slight angle and was looking straight ahead, her body length would almost equal your height.

    A sister and her husband received a registered German Shepherd puppy as a wedding gift from the best man and his wife (life-long friends of the groom). They named him Shalico and he was deemed the first grand-furchid for my parents who waited many more years for a two-legged grandchild. Some time lapsed before seeing Shalico again as they lived in Houston. When they moved back to Austin and hosted a family lunch gathering at their home, I got out of my car in the crowded driveway and was shocked when 110# Shalico ran to greet 5'9" me, putting a paw on each shoulder and almost licking my face off. His antics provided a lot of family entertainment.

    Ember is a very lucky dog to have found the human tribe she fits into!

    1. It's true that if I let her put her paws up on my body, she reaches my chest and can lick my face. And there are times when I just want to hug her like that. But she does have to learn manners because you can really knock an older person or a child down when you are even her current size, much less the size she will grow to be. "Big girl" rules! We love them, no matter what, and they return that love, with multipliers.

      To my way of thinking, it's not just Ember who is lucky... it's all of us around her, too.

  4. And do we get a spa day? Naw, we give them to the animals, LOL! It all looks like fun and just the workout a peppy pup needs to wear her out.

    1. It was very good for her, and for Carl. Now to survive the backlash of the day after the weekend! Crossed fingers for Monday!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...