Friday, June 18, 2021

Day 12: Don't forget to feed your soul.

 Soul-feeding!  That's what this morning's outing was about.  Oh, I got a little bit of workout with the paddling, but mostly, I soaked in the nature around me... the sunrise.  Pre-sunrise, as I walked from the parking to the launch area, the bull-frogs croaking.  As I paddled, co-existence with the families of ducks.  Some distant (very distant) lightning that we kept an eye on.  Mostly we stayed hushed, to allow one another to savor the beauty.

The local news was doing live spots, to highlight things to do that are available to our town.

My favorite sunrise shot, with the light playing on the water.


Now, that done, time to take on the rest of the day.  It's a lot easier to take care of yourself if you feed the soul first!

Happy Juneteenth all, the first of its kind, hopefully not the last, but for sure the only Friday, June 18th, 2021 we'll ever get.😍💗🙋🌞


  1. Absolutely breathtaking!! My church does "LOVE WEEK" every year exceptionalities last year. Today I have signed up to help clean a local park, so my earlier morning was my chores at home so I am ready to go to church for the assignment! Gloves, bags and maybe I'll bring a reacher!!

    1. Smart woman. Must have been a Girl Scout? Be prepared!

  2. Came here for the answer to my RunKeeper question 😁

  3. Beautiful morning paddle... thanks for sharing! Do you keep your own personal kayak at this launch site or do they belong to your community for rental? Just wondering, I missed that detail along the way. Either way what a great spot!

    1. It's actually a small local business, just started the past year or so. They meet you at the lake with their kayaks. They serve more than the one lake. This way you don't have to do the hauling and taking care of the craft... and can find out if you want to make that kind of time and dollar investment, if you're just starting out.

  4. What an absolutely spectacular view! I can see why you were all quiet to allow each other the privilege of soaking in that beauty! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hmmm. Our parents fed their souls every morning. Wisdom persists!

    1. Indeed they did. Just not the same way I do it these days.

  6. Beautiful sunrise. A quiet moment to start your day.

    We have a beautiful group of man made lakes nearby that rent craft. In 1960 a very smart man persuaded the town to invest in a secondary pipeline to bring sewer water to a treatment facility where it could be treated and then sent to 7 lakes. They have fishing, parks, boating and playgrounds. The water is not drinkable but has no odor or issues. The second pipeline carries the water to city parks and commercial landscaping throughout the city. Amazingly creative.

    1. Good for your community for listening to the smart man... you are miles ahead because of that willingness to listen and act!

  7. Thank you for sharing your sunrise experience. I shared one of your pictures with my daughter. She has a kayak and has offered to teach me.

    1. I hope you take her up on it. They are very stable craft. I've only been in one these two times, but I feel very confident on our quiet lake. Tomorrow I'll find out if there is choppier water at a bigger lake.

  8. Barb,

    Just beautiful sunrise, thank you for sharing the picture. A workout first thing in the morning leaves your energized for the rest of the day.

    Betsy BMASSIE3

    1. Thank you for stopping by! And I agree about morning activities!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for an enjoyable read.

  10. It's a lot easier to take care of yourself if you feed the soul first!

    You are soooooo dang ... smart.

    1. Thanks! Here's hoping you're doing just that today... catching your breath and feeding your precious soul!


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