Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Day 24: Half of 2021 wraps up today!


Many of the folks who followed me over from may remember the pebble jar calendar that I start each January 1, by filling 12 little jars with pebbles numbering the days in a given month:  31 in the January jar, 28 or 29 in leap year for February, etc.

Each morning when I come downstairs, I move a pebble from the month jar into the big center jar, marking the passage of days in the year!  This is what it looked like this morning, with six month jars remaining, and the center jar holding January thru today.  

What have we done with that half year?  I have:

  • Got my vaccination against Covid-19, two shots of Pfizer.
  • Hugged family for the first time in over a year, and continue hugging to "make up" for that year of loving restraint!
  • Had my hair cut in a shop - twice.  Masked, both times, as that is the shop's rule.
  • Started working out with a personal trainer again.

I have survived a year of "inconsistent" healthy behavior and pulled myself back on track... and while it's dangerous to say so out loud... I think this might stick.  

Why do I think that?  Because I'm starting to feel more like myself again.  Because I feel like the whole community has pitched in to get that local (county level) Covid 19 risk dial down into the green, six weeks in a row as of yesterday's update.  

The "demise" of the, a "safe" (to my way of thinking) blogging environment, has also contributed to this feeling.  It has put a burr under my saddle, so to speak... to pull up my socks, "gird the loins" to use the King James language.  I am determined to be a credit to that site and all we collectively learned from it!  Yes, there are still 48 days left to use it as of this writing, but building a new home, preserving the spirit of Spark, is a project that deserves my efforts.

I'm still looking for a replacement for how I've used the Spark Start page to-do list... but I'm happy with a substitute tracker (cronometer, if anyone wants to know), and I'm so far pretty happy with blogging here.  Still learning some of the tricks and traps here, mind you, but also  thrilled that several of my fellow bloggers are available to follow over here, via my Reading List.  

Bottom line:  the first half of 2021 has been one of forward motion for me, on the whole.  Not perfect, but improving.  Now it's just a matter of maintaining the momentum.

Let's get out and LIVE the best "last day of the first half" of the year that we can.  For it is the one and only Wednesday June 30, 2021 we'll ever get.  And each and every one of us is worthy of the self-care!  💖✨🙏🎇


  1. It sure has been quite a journey! I was visiting with some neighbors yesterday afternoon, catching up on what's going on in the neighborhood-some houses sold for outlandish prices, new folks and who they are, etc. As we talked about things, it was remarkable how many times we lost track of how long ago something happened because we lost that whole year and part of this one!! It does feel wonderful to be back to a new normal, yet watching carefully how close these new adaptations are coming and when it might be time to re-engage the masks and separations. Oh, Lord, keep us safe!!! (I've always loved your jars! Helps keep the days in order!!)

    1. Yes, same here... watching carefully, lest things get crazy again! Amen to your prayer!🙏✨

  2. I’m not where I thought I would be, that’s for sure. I thought I’d be back to my goal weight, have a new job…

    I’m realizing the Cycle classes are taking a lot out of me. Slept in this morning, I napped twice yesterday (after the cycle class and again in the evening), but I feel so elated the whole time I’m in class. I may need to make sure I’m refueling and rehydrating properly. I’m not logging the food anywhere, despite having the Cronometer app (my brain keeps calling it Cronos)… the experiment of one continues…

    1. Rest and recovery is the third leg, to go with nutrition and exercise... one step at a time... you've got this, my friend!

  3. Your pebble jar was visually stunning this morning...what a treat to find out we're at the halfway mark!

    1. Kiddo the link takes me to an album... with nothing in it and has a "Join" button. I did not click it...

  4. 2021 has been a time of uncertainty. We got our vaccinations in February but still felt isolated waiting for family to get there turn. The hugs were so welcome. We’re still cautious with so many not vaccinated. DS is uncomfortable facing sending his twin 6 year olds to full time school for the first time this fall.

    The demise of SP was crushing. I realized how much I relied on that site for information, support and motivation. That’s why I am determined to bring the depth of those resources with me into this new chapter.

    1. Yes, the loss of SP at the same time as we are coming out of pandemic and getting our feet under ourselves again is hopefully putting that "determination" in many of us. But we can trust what we have already learned, and we can hold on to contact with each other.

      Onward into that new chapter!

  5. wow six months gone already good blog

  6. Am missing the old SP emojis... lol... wanted to give you a "well said!" Yikes - we're at 2021.5 already??!!!

    1. 🤣 I miss them, too! I did find a Sparkly one: ✨ and a Sparkly heart: 💖

      I figured out that if I right click in the comment window, I can add emojis!

  7. I have to agree with you. I plan on being a "credit" to the web site formerly known as I have spent 13 years learning from our SPcoaches and hope to continue doing them proud. Wherever they landed! I will go on to Spark360 but it won't be as involved I am sure.

    I miss the emojis as well. ;)

    1. I've been over at Spark360, but find I "skip" days, because I'm so busy working on making my "nest" here, and helping others find their way, and getting used to my new tracker, and... and... but I still go over to give it a "fair shot"!✨

  8. My pebble jar is a combo of shades of blue and I have a non-Spark accountability buddy that continues to exchange our Sunday morning 'Pebble Ceremony' weigh-in, check-in e-mails. She joined SP but never got actively involved with it. ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. So are you using pebbles as pounds, inches lost, or as time passed? I've heard of all these uses. And I love the shades of blue... as you can see, mine are shades of green, but I do have ONE blue pebble that I use for "leap day" every four years.

  9. Nice to see the pebble jar at "half time"! And nice that you are feeling back on track to the you YOU want to be! Preserving that "spirit of Spark": yes. An acknowledgement of all that was given in that venue . . . the skills we've learned that ar. e part of us. And the community too

    1. Like little satellite Sparks, all over the internet!✨💖🤣

  10. Love the jar. Yes, we have to remember all we've learned here on Sparks and continue to use the tools and spread the spark.

    Hugs and happy July.

  11. Dang ... half the year is over and I've accomplished ???

    I went to the doc today for a re-check on my low thyroid and she announced in the 6 months since physical I have ... gained weight NOT lost weight.

    Geeeze. DS was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Hubby had another brain fart. And BFF of 35 years up and died from a brain aneurysm. But ... those are alllll excuses for emotional eating.

    1. Hugs! Stay strong is a cliche... so I'll stick with hugs! ❤


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...