Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Day 16: A lot happening all at once


Everything seemed to happen at once, yesterday.  A number of things I had been putting off and set myself the task to do today:  a haircut, and new shoes (last pair was purchased in May, last year!) for regular walk/running.

The haircut salon was still masking... rules vary, different places, but I'm OK with "whatever".  She got me back to my normal Summer cut.

I had "get new shoes" on my list.  I looked up online to see if my nearby Fleet Feet had my favorite model in stock, and the website said "nope".  So I decided I would actually go in, and see what they *did* have in my size.

They were busy.  Some were masking, some were not.  I waited my turn, and as it happens... they had two pair of my favorite model... in my size.  My size were the only ones they had left!  Guess Lori (the store owner) has me and my normal purchases planned into her inventory.  Those shoes waited for me!  I bought both, so I can trade them off.  And this morning I'll be walking in "new shoes"!

The next surprise was the personal trainer texting me about a forgotten Doctor appointment, so shifting my workout from today to tomorrow.  OK, no problem.

Then the replacement door/window company (Pella) called to confirm that yes, they WOULD be here Friday to install my new door.  The salesman and I had picked the day, but with the anticipation that with supply chains and such being pandemic affected, we speculated that it might not happen; but here we are, it's going to happen!

The biggest surprise in the day was the tree service company showing up.  No call ahead, no e-mail ahead, just... here.  The anticipation for THIS work was that it would happen "in 8 to 12 weeks", back when I got the estimate.  

It was a good day, probably the coolest in a while for outdoor work, and that's what they did.  The half dead smoke tree went from this:

to this:

It's not quite done, another crew will come and clear out the big chunks.  I do not know if they will grind it to ground level... kind of expect they will.  Whatever... there will be a follow up photo on another day!

And the tree that always seems to grow shrubbery at its root went from this to that, left to right:
All in all, a busy day... pandemic times got me used to having "just one thing" on any given day... this is probably the busiest I've live in quite some time.  

And with that, I'll call it a blog, and head out for my pre-breakfast walk in those new kicks!  Here's hoping that my Spark refugee buds join me in making good choices for this one and only Tuesday, June 22, 2021 we'll ever get.  Because LIFE is good, and we are worth it... let's go LIVE it!😍💗💨💪🙋


  1. I need new walking shoes too. I'm glad you were able to get yours. You certainly had a lot going on. It is so much cooler today that I anticipate a walk in my future too.

    1. Love walking in the cool! Hope you enjoy this weather while we have it!

  2. Wow! It was a busy day for you, highly productive!! The cleaned-up tree looks great!! I'd still like to remove the shrubs from my front and replant with something else, but gotta wait. I gave DH a funny Father's Day card that talked about all of the projects and it convicted him to restart...and MAYBE finish the 8-9 projects he has going. Tough for a perfectionist who can't start until he can "see" it finished in his mind's eye!

  3. Wow! Lots going on in the world of Barb. Looking @ your poor tree being dismantled reminds me of the previous blogs you did about the progress a neighbor (I think??) was making turning the denuded tree into a work of art.

    Love the shoes and hair cut. Feels so good to get the hair ready for summer!

    Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Thanks! It does feel good to have a fresh haircut!

      I had talked with the tree guy about the chain saw art, and he told me my tree wasn't a good candidate. So, now it's a flat stump, close to flush with the ground, and I have a recommendation for some stuff to stop it from sprouting suckers.

  4. That was a busy day. A great feeling to get so much accomplished. When we left for South America Feb 1, 2019 I ordered 2 pair of my favorite shoes from my local running store. I wear running shoes ALL the time. When we returned on March 1st I ordered 3 more pair to last me for the duration of COVID. I also wanted to support them to stay in business. Good plan, don't know when I will shop in person again. Our vaccination rates are below 40% and hardly a mask in sight.

    1. You and me both, Eileen, wearing running shoes all the time! Our vaccination rates out here are much better! They will update the risk dial this afternoon, and provided it stays green (which I expect, the infection rates are low, hospitalizations low, etc. Not ZERO, mind you, but low) we will enter our fifth week.

      Masks are spotty. And we greet one another with "don't worry, I'm vaccinated", "me, too"... even the 12 - 15 year old (last to be approved) are up to 37% vaccinated, and us oldsters? 90% 65 - 74, 85.6% 75 - 84, 80.9% 85+. Old Nebraskans did not like the statistics about hospitalization and death.

      I notice from a behavior point of view, we leave the six feet, even those of us who are fully vaxxed, we stick to outdoors where possible. We don't want this thing back!

      It feels... almost "normal".

  5. My what a busy day...feels pretty good. I have replace my old skylight visit planned for today and hoping the window washing person gets back to me. Boy I need those windows done.

    1. Good luck with your projects today! It's like we're waking up from hibernation or something! LOL!

    2. Your tree saga reminded me of our tree saga years ago. The front yard tree had three main trunks vertically. Imagine holding up three fingers 3 years old. Now imagine the middle one died. Not a pretty site. It was a liquid amber that had beautiful leaf color changes each fall. Now we enjoy the neighborhood trees.

      New shoes. You sound like a school girl come September. Happy feet!

    3. Seems like we all have a tree story or two in our lifetimes! Sorry about your three-pronged tree losing its center! Yes, totally school girl in September with the shoes!

  6. Busy, busy. Hubby has started asking ... what are we doing this week. We have gone from sitting on the couch ... to getting out while still wearing mask.

    1. I discovered today that they are not even updating the "risk dial" now that they have been in the green for over a month and let the directed health measures lapse. Different businesses have different "rules", so I just carry the mask, scope out what others are doing, and try to be considerate. Not concerned since I am fully vaxxed, but not everybody is, and you want them to feel OK about wearing masks!

  7. I felt like I did a lot yesterday, but it was mostly driving and a “spa-like” “event”. YOU definitely had a busy one, I’d need a rest day after all that.

    1. LOL! That's exactly what I said to myself: I need a rest day now!

  8. That is a LOT happening all in one day!! And: all GOOD stuff!! New haircut looks great, how nice to get TWO new pairs of your preferred shoes . . . and all the "house maintenance" stuff done too!! But yeah, I'd find it a lot to cope with all at once and just wanna hunker down a bit too!!

  9. What a good day--haircut, spiffy shoes (2 pairs!), and the needed tree work done! Sometimes the stars align!

    1. So good seeing your smiling Userid over here! Thanks for "popping" by and reading!

  10. Yes, the "in case I never find them again" is a real thing, with shoes, especially, as they change the structure of the shoe, and then it's not as good a fit for you!

  11. You sure had a busy and productive day - not always one and the same as we know! I know exactly what you mean about the contrast with the past year when one event in a day was a big deal. A full(er) day is a sign we are returning to "normal. Good for you getting both pair of new "kicks!" I have trouble determining when to replace mine but it's a definite "must" - enjoy your new happy feet!

    1. I know what you mean about figuring out when the shoes need replacing. Some people actually track the miles on their shoes... I'm not quite that compulsive! Hope you're having a good TODAY!

  12. Golly! Was it in the air? You, definitely, had a busy day there. Ours not so busy. But, certainly, a number of unexpected things arose that needed to be addressed and things planned that needed to be cancelled. Tuesday seemed to be an expect the unexpected sort of day. ~ JEANKNEE

    1. Expect the unexpected, indeded!

      Speaking of things being "in the air", here I am, awake at 2:45 a.m. due to rumbles in the atmosphere. Now, half an hour later, the rain associated has arrived. I checked Fitbit and it tells me I got four good hours of sleep before all the MidWestern Spring Sport of weather watching, lest a tornado spin up nearby got me up and dressed. I flipped on the TV, and that's what they are doing, broadcasting where the power outages are, how fast the storm is moving, and in what direction... and of course the National Weather Service warnings and watches. Isn't technology amazing (when it's not completely knocked out?)

      My worry? Both cats are outside, and when I opened the door and called, no shows. I imagine they have hunkered down. In a couple of hours it will all be over, and I may be napping come breakfast time!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...