Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Day 23: Beginning to look like July!


It's beginning to look a lot like July.  On my morning walk, I snapped a quick photo of one of the most well-kept yards.  I am not a gardener or a landscaper, but it doesn't stop me from admiring the art of others!
Also on the walk I noticed that the flags and bunting are starting to show up, reminding me that Independence Day in the U.S. is next Sunday!  Which means that we're only two days out from Canada Day.  My neighbors don't seem to have a clue about Canada Day (July 1) but I've been a Spark friend to enough Canadians to recognize both when their Thanksgiving holiday and their own Independence Day are celebrated.

My Tuesday / Thursday walks are a little shorter than my Monday / Wednesday / Friday ones, because I have the strength training appointments on Tuesdays and Thursday.  Next week, however, my trainer will be on vacation, leaving me free to do some changing up of my own.

We seem to be in a period of grace with the weather this week.  Had a brief shower about supper time last night.  Cool 69*F for my walk this morning.  Highs in the low to mid 80's F.  I am enjoying it, knowing it is temporary, and I'm thinking of those who are having that horrid heat wave up in the Pacific North West and Western Canada!  My news folks told me there was a record high for all tracked time for the entire nation of Canada yesterday.  Hope folks are able to stay hydrated and semi-cool!

Like everyone, I am thinking also of the families affected by the building collapse in Miami.  People will be looking for someone to blame.  Kind of the way humans operate.  But the best we can hope for is finding a way to know better next time, and hopefully prevent a repeat.  That's important, to learn from each tragedy we encounter.

Sorry, that bit was a downer!  I'll leave us with the pep talk of the day:

  • Eat to support your health today.
  • Remember to hydrate.
  • Get outside, safely, if you can!  In nature, if you can.  Even for a few minutes.
  • Remember to breathe, and be grateful for the good in your life.  You know it is there!

Now let's all get out and live the best Tuesday, June 29, 2021 we can manage, right where we are in the world and our lives!  It's the only one we'll ever get.  And LIFE is good!


  1. Oh I agree!! First, I love the beautiful landscaping people do. How I long to have some ugly shrubs removed from my front and some beautiful flowers instead, but it's a project DH has to be in on, and he hasn't been :-{. I so agree and also thought this am how they are looking for someone to blame for the Miami disaster. It's so sad and someone will likely be accountable in court somewhere sometime. And third, that heat wave is coming this way in a few days, so get ready!!! Stay strong! Enjoy your strength training!!

    1. I got a thank you from Carson, my lawn-mowing neighbor teen, for having the tree taken down, on his bill, by the way! He said it was nice not having to duck under it!

      Enjoying the respite, but braced for when the heat wave arrives in our neck of the woods. You generally get it a day or two before we do!

  2. I enjoy the landscaping other people do. I get ideas about my own although I seldom follow through.

    The building collapse is a very sad situation. You're right, people look for someone else to blame. Here in Canada, we are grieving the children who died in residential schools. Another sad story.

    On the good news side, I just heard that one of my friends is out of surgery. I'm not even sure exactly what is happening but I am praying for a good recovery.

    Do your best to stay cool.

    hugs, Harrowjet

    1. Yes, I had seen some of those reports about the residential schools... which, by the way, weren't JUST in Canada, there were some down in the lower 48, too, including one in my own state.

      Glad your friend is out of surgery, and hope they have a good recovery, too.

  3. The blame game only works if the guilty are help accountable, otherwise it is just a 'bitch' (excure my French) session...which in my humble opinion is the new national past-time. I still like baseball. Pretty yard...love a well-kept and interesting landscape.

    1. Seems a lot of that goes on, for sure. Best to use the "off" switch at times! Baseball is good.

  4. walking and strength training way to go

  5. Wow! That is lovely. I am not that great @ landscaping or gardening, either, but . . . I still try.

    Indeed, my thoughts and prayers are for all the souls lost in that tragic building collapse, for the rescuers giving it their all to find any survivors, for the families waiting for word of their love ones. THAT has to be the most difficult. I hope that the building management company for the twin building takes heed and note so that building remains safe.


    1. Amen to your comments about the Florida situation. ✨🙏

  6. Well, the delta variant of COVID is here in Central Texas as well as confirmed cases of West Nile virus so I'm pretty much enjoying the home AC and avoiding exposure to outsiders.

    Central Texas is experiencing rolling brownouts of electricity already--City utilities sets smart thermostats to 78 to attempt to conserve. Never would have thought City Government would allow an override of a home thermostat. We have had two brownouts in two weeks with 18 and 42 minutes duration. I've been researching online for a backup battery unit for my V-PAP machine as nightly use of this helps control a heart condition and I don't want to be caught short.

    Enjoyed the photos!

    ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. See, I KNEW I'd seen comments from you! So... I normally set my thermostat to 79 in the Summer, anyway, and my sister sets hers to 72! We're (cough-cough) frugal! OK, cheap!

      Battery backup for medical machine sounds wise! No, you do NOT want to be caught without that!

      Be safe!

  7. Woke up tired this morning, I was driving on auto-pilot and ended up at the wrong gym 🤦🏻‍♀️ Snapped out of it in time to get to the right gym for the Cycle class. I felt so foolish ☺️

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who has this kind of experience... one time I ended up at the "old" garage on my commute to work! Yes, sheepishly backed out and drove to the "new" one! Hope the cycle class was a good one!

  8. I most definitely need to up my "landscaping" game to meet local standards!! Our July 1 Canada Day celebrations will feel a bit muted this year: many Canadians are feeling grief concerning the residential school disclosures. I am flying a new Canadian flag with the hope and expectation we are all learning to do better.

    1. Oh, my! I am nowhere NEAR meeting the neighborhood standards. I am that odd "aging hippie" who doesn't put down weed killer in the yard because if she kills the dandelions it will snuff out the clover, which I love. Who doesn't put down fertilizer lest it overfeed the algae in the nearby lake. Who doesn't have the bugs killed as they might be pollinators... oh, yes, we can justify a lot of benign neglect that way.

      I understand that grieving feeling. And while I hope we are learning to do better, as with weight management, I fear that for many it might be easier in the moment to hide in denial... at least down here in the states. The "culture wars" can be ennervating!

  9. I also have great admiration for those well-kept yards, but, like you, I hope they are using a minimum of pesticides/herbicides to keep them that way. We had a few cool days here but it's been hot the past three. Ugh. Mid-90s. At least it's not as bad as the Pacific NW. Boy, have they got it bad. I can't believe the Olympic track and field athletes had to compete in such awful conditions... even delaying the races until evening, it was still SO hot! And those poor people in Florida. The condo collapse is so tragic.

    1. Weather has certainly been extreme this year, both on the cold and the hot ends of the spectrum! And there are no words for the tragedy down in Florida! Lots of feelings, but words are inadequate... music, on the other hand, can express so many feelings.

  10. No landscaping here ... though I would love some flowers. We have such a short growing season and I property is primarily in the shade from allllll the trees.

    But ... ahhh, getting out in nature. Love it.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...