Sunday, June 27, 2021

Day 21: Sunrise, sunset... which is better?


My favorite sunrise shot from June 18th

My favorite sunset shot from June 26th

There is something about day's start, and something about day's end.  In between the two is the day of LIVING!  At day's start, that is a day of potential.  At day's end, it is a day of completion or accomplishment.

Now don't go telling me that at day's end you have days when you didn't complete or accomplish *anything*!  That is just plain untrue.  You lived.  You breathed.  If you were ill, your body was fighting your illness.  If you were resting, your body was recovering from the stresses imposed on it in the hours or days before.  I think we mistake if we judge a day only by concrete "things done".  

I also think we are capable of having too ambitious a "to do" list at day's start.  Day's start does involve some hopes for the potential day ahead.  Some things are not optional.  We may have to work, to earn a living.  We may have appointments.  We may be in charge of the family's meals and getting the children to their school, activities, and so on.

During the past year, the year of pandemic, we may have been forced to take a step back from the level of activity that had us thinking we were running on a treadmill and never stopping.  This happened to both Sister #1 and to me.  We stopped doing some things to keep ourselves and our community safer.  And, surprise, now that we're both fully vaccinated and we CAN get back out and do?  We are each in our own way choosing carefully which things in our lives are indeed worthy of being on that list "to do"!

And yes, the sunset paddle was awesome and peaceful.  The water was quiet.  My friend Gerri came this time, as she was out of town for the sunrise paddle date.
A little artistic angle of Gerri, resting and watching that sunset.

I breathed in watching the runners and walkers getting a little activity on top of the dam.

It was late (for me) when I got home and showered, but I took the restful feelings into my good night's sleep.  And now, it's another day's start:

May we all remember to fully LIVE in this one and only Sunday, June 27, 2021 we'll ever get.  For LIFE is good.  💖💪🙋


  1. Another beautiful blog full of wisdom… Thank you, my friend.

  2. that sounds like such a great tie and so beautiful thanks so much for sharing hugs

  3. beautiful photos and well written!

  4. That's a nice time and nice pictures.

  5. How fun. ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. It was, thanks! A bit late for me, being out and about, but it's Summer!

  6. Beautiful! Must have been especially gorgeous in real time! Yes, I refuse to take so much for granted now, and look for those special times and vistas! Truly a gift!!

    1. It was... you needed your sunglasses, until you didn't. The kayaks had glowsticks hanging on their bows, in lieu of "running lights", but we were off the water before it got too dark to see.

  7. Beautiful photos at time of day. Sunset suits me better than sunrise. I appreciated your words to live this Sunday fully. Every day is a precious gift.

    1. Yes, hope your "gift" that was today was a good one. We see sorrows in the news and it gives extra appreciation for the good times.

  8. Beautiful. Do you have a preference about whether you will choose sunrise or sunset next time?

    I agree with what you wrote about how we think at the end of the day. Many times I have 'accused' myself of being lazy but not every day has to be crammed full with activity.

    1. I tend to be more of a "morning person", so would go for another sunrise paddle. But I have to admit that once in a while, getting that sense of peace at sunset is worth the later bedtime.

  9. Love them both...sunset especially. I may need to take up kayaking.

    1. My son characterized kayaking as the least costly way to get out "on the water". I would say it is versatile... stay in calm waters and you can sneak up on nature. Son's GF and her dad have caught amazing photos of a heron in a tree and turtles in and out of the water! Yet there are those who kayak on whitewater!

  10. Love sunrise, love sunset, love your wise musings about the course of a day and the course of a lifetime. We have changed during this pandemic and we are re-thinking how busy we want to be!!

    1. Thanks. Lemonade? Or just another of God's Lessons for us... oh, yeah, another word for "life"!

  11. Beautiful! And your observation that we 'don't do anything' is absolutely right! We've lived another day, breathed in and breathed out, had thoughts we've acted on and some we've dismissed.

    LOVE the beautiful photos.


    1. There is value in LIVING! And it is beautiful. Why else would we work so hard to save lives?

  12. Finally found the "reading list"
    Great to keep in touch.
    Beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you. Glad you found your way. That reading list is a Godsend, and I found it thanks to your daughter!

  13. ❤️ Love sun sets and sun rises. It feels like new beginnings and closer of the day.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...