Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Day 9: Morning walk and breakfast

 We are toward the beginning of a Heat Wave here... 96F yesterday, so I scurried out for a loop of the neighborhood before breakfast.

About a mile and a half.  
I wasn't the only one out trying to beat the heat!  The little group of park exercisers, that I wrote about LAST year was out.  "The Pandemic Park Group" is not a real title, just a title in my mind.

And of course, with fresh fruit being plentiful, I chose to put both strawberries *and* blueberries in the oatmeal:

Not much else to say this morning.  Cronometer experiment continues.  The trainer has me scheduled for noonish.  I reported the stray bike to the "Lost and Found" on Nextdoor.  Oh?  I didn't mention the stray bicycle?

It's been there at least since yesterday, and Shokhsanam (see, I'm learning how to spell it... she dictated the transliteration to me) and her son (across the street) say it's not theirs.  So... off to the lost and found board.

Here's hoping that my fellow Spark refugees are finding their way to safe landing places, and continuing to make healthy choices, this one and only Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 we'll ever get!  Let us LIVE in the present, for LIFE is good.💗💪🙋


  1. Hope someone claims their bike! Looks like a nice one.

    Have a great Tuesday.

    1. It does! My son would have loved it when he was a kid.

  2. I really want to get an electric bike (can't tolerate the hills anymore). Heat spell in San Diego, too. Thanks for the SP post on using the blog....my brain just doesn't learn like it used to. Plus I picked up that same retirement "got nothing planned so why get up early' syndrome. Cheers to the day!

    1. Hopefully others who learn different ways of doing things will ALSO clue us in. Hope you have a great Tuesday!

  3. I'm hoping it hasn't been stolen, as it looks like a wheel is missing. IT'll be toasty here again today, but 10 cooler for the next couple of days...they say anyway! Stay safe!!

    1. Quick response: the police parking enforcement came by. A neighbor had said they thought it might belong to someone they knew, and that person was coming by. The parking officer said if it turns out it isn't theirs, they will "take care of it". The chain was pretty rusted! So, yes, it might have been a bike someone swiped for a joy ride... maybe some time ago... and only got around to dumping it now.

  4. Don't quite have the hang of this yet... lost the comment I wrote but I wasn't signed in first... the old learning curve. Was away for a long weekend so just discovered your blog... on Day 9 already!! Went back to Day 1 (where I think I left a comment??) and got caught up.
    Stay cool - that heat wave looks brutal. we're a bit below average today with a number of small, unpredictable pop up showers. We came home a bit damp after cutting our walk short but at least we didn't get soaked. The boys don't have oil in their coats so when they get wet... well, they get really wet.

    1. We will learn, won't we? Those pop up showers can be refreshing!

  5. Stopping by to say hello. Hello!

  6. Curbside finds always have a bit of mystery to them.

    1. It's gone now, but I wasn't looking at the moment it disappeared... so don't know if the owner claimed it or the police hauled it away. As you say... a bit of mystery!

  7. Abandoned bike 🤦🏻‍♀️ Shame!
    Before the car accident I had this idea of renting bikes out at the beach for the sis and I, since my nephew was gifted a bike for Christmas. Still hasn’t happened, (and now she’s hurt, too) but it’s still on my list of ideas. Just like stand-up paddle boarding.

    1. Huh! Just had a glitch over here, trying to reply to your comment. I had to log back in. Oh, well! I was going to say we have to adjust plans (you know that) when recovering from injuries, for sure. We may not LIKE that we can't do as much as we used to do, and we have to be careful to build back gradually!

    2. p.s. I figured out what I did! I clicked the "Sign Out" instead of the "Publish" button. Silly woman!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...