Monday, June 28, 2021

Day 22: Monday offers a fresh start to a new week

Happy Monday, all!  Yes, I still love Mondays.  This morning I'm featuring my oldest (remaining) Spark mug, the orange one.  I used to have a rose colored one and a green one of this shape, but I gave the green one away as a gift to a fellow Sparker that I met in person, and the rose one was a victim of Rubia, who knocked it off the counter.

I had my first mug of coffee then went out for a pre-breakfast walk before the heat of the day will arrive, and came back to have my fruit and oatmeal breakfast.  Today it was a mix of fresh blueberries (no, my state was NOT part of the recall), and fresh strawberries.  I added unsweetened cocoa powder to the oats while they were simmering in the skim milk.  It really does become a satisfying breakfast.  Some fruits invite cinnamon, strawberries invoke chocolate for me.

Edited to add link to the recall, since someone asked:  Blueberry lots recalled

While on my walk, I took note of the tree art (it lives on the far side of the park), in the morning sunlight angles.  Some of you will remember that I documented the whole construction of that tree trunk last year, during the pandemic.  It gave a certain "story" to the slowly passing days.

I thought about the learning process so many of us have gone through during our many years over at  You see, I've been doing that review of old blogs, looking at what I was thinking.  Why did I choose to blog at Spark?  Because it felt safe.  Because I needed an outlet for my thinking.  And because having been through the weight loss/regain cycle many times, I believed I was "wearing out" my in person friends and family with my obsession!

I like to think I have become less obsessed over the years, at least when it comes to allowing my mood to be dictated by the scale.  However, I find I still have to do "whatever it takes", in order to preserve health, if not a number on the scale.

When I walk early, I encounter others who do the same.  I have seen this same couple walking their dogs several mornings.  I asked them the first time if they were a mom and daughter dog, if they were related.  They said yes, they are related.  The adult dog is the litter mate of the young one's mother!

Of course seeing puppies always brings back warm memories of Carl growing up.

Carson (neighbor teen) is outside, mowing my grass/weeds.  The photo is from last year, but, you know, mowing grass is mowing grass!  The light's wrong... it's earlier in the day today than when I took this snap in the heat of noonish!

Now, what was that the other day about recovering from perfectionism?

That's about it from me today, except to say that reviewing those old blogs took me back into my working days, when the process involved:

  • Packing a lunch / snack bag for the workday.
  • Remembering to eat what was in the bag (and not something from a vending machine).
  • Remembering to "go to recess", i.e. TAKE the work breaks I'm supposed to and go take a walk during them.
  • And remembering to breathe.

I had to make adjustments upon retiring, but I'm finding as the pandemic becomes more managed, and I am fully vaccinated, some variation of that process is still valid.  It worked for training with a full-time job, it should work as a retiree, too.  

So let's get out there and LIVE this one and only Monday, June 28, 2021 we'll ever get.  For LIFE is good.💖✌


  1. OH I LOVE unsweetened cocoa in my oats when I am pairing it w/strawberries. Peaches invoke cinnamon. YUMMY.

    Yes, I well, remember that tree trunk. So utterly awesome. And for sure, the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual morphing that has taken place for me on Sparks is something I never would have imagined, just like the tree stump being turned into the beauty that it is!

    Oh for sure, retiring necessitates developing new routines, but still have to be mindful of taking those breaks and eating right and proper nutrition. Life is constantly evolving!

    Hugs `

    1. And we all want to go on being those Sparkly people we morphed into, don't we? Yep! Spark on!

  2. Our daughter has a father and son duo (black labs). Unfortunately, the father is getting arthritis but he can still find a ball. They were here on the weekend and he found tennis balls from his last visit that we had forgotten about. It was so funny to watch him.

    1. They are personalities in their own right! And they bring so much to ours.

  3. As that tree ages it should look spectacular!

    Just like us!

    1. I've been appreciating how it has changed over a year of "aging". It just keeps getting more colorful.

  4. I remember so many of your blogs! Loved watching the tree stump come to fruition! Enjoyed so many of the mug photos and even the lawn mower from last year! So much of our successes depends on rituals or routines. I know my breakfasts vary only by the cereal that's added (steel cut oats, grape nuts, cinnamon life), movement varies a little most days, but the grandkids do make adjustments there. I retired in '17 and my routines varied a bit, mostly because I allowed myself about an extra half hour to sleep so stay up a little later, yet I am still often up at 4-4:15 (even today). It's that body clock ;-]

    1. Routine supports us. Even those of us who like adventure!

  5. ~ PHOENIX1949 was here (limited time for comments)

  6. Oooh, the mention of strawberries and chocolate brought me back to a Birthday celebration I went to...small affair as during the pandemic, but boy these strawberries were the size of plums dipped in dark chocolate! Better than cake, lol!

    I'm trying to appreciate the benefits of routine! I've always been one to live off the seat of my pants so to say, so perhaps some good habits and routines will do me well! Organization, expectations, some order! Thanks!

    1. Exactly the idea of strawberries and chocolate, but for breakfast!

  7. I love early morning walks way to go and i put unsweetened cocoa in my coffee yum

    1. There's something about unsweetened cocoa that reminds me of my grandmother! I remember her stirring it (and teaching us to stir) into milk warming in a pan on the stove!

  8. I so enjoyed watching that tree art evolve!
    Is there a way to get notified of yr blogs over here…once we lose the link on yr spark blog?

    1. The only way I know is somewhat indirect: go to your own blogger profile and add my blog to your Reading List. The indirection is that you have to look at your reading list, it won't send you an e-mail like Spark did! The most recent posts of all your "followed" blogs show up in the reading list. Use "" as the URL you add, rather than a specific entry. You can do the same for all of your favorite Spark refugees!

  9. Yes, here in "the States", Dole blueberries (packaged, not like the fresh from the grower you get) has been voluntarily recalled, due to a possible cyclospora contamination. Our local news reported none of them were distributed here, and that no one had reported becoming ill.

  10. Love that tree. A couple of years ago when we were in Florida on a street out back of where we stay the condo association called in a wood carver for a palm tree that was ready to be cut down. He carved some beautiful animals, and sea creatures. He did a beautiful job and that tree added something to our walk. Last year the tree was gone. It must have gotten blown over in one of the many hurricanes that occure there. Have a great day!

    1. So excited to see your smiling ID attached to a comment! Welcome to the Spark refugee camp! Still Sparking, just in a different spot!

  11. Just found out a neighbors dog was run over by another neighbors’ visiting friend 🤦🏻‍♀️ So terrible. She had the pair (male&female) now its just the male.

    1. Oh, no! So sad for your neighbors! It must be distressing to both of them! Wouldn't you hate to feel responsible for such a loss? Hope the poor surviving male is getting lots of extra love and attention.

  12. I didn't miss this wonderful blog -- but must have been distracted before I commented!! Love the companion dogs . . .and the evolution of the tree!! Yes, retirement is quite a transition but I've had your role model to follow!!

    1. I don't think I've hit my retirement stride quite yet. But we'll get there! I mean, what choice do we have? LOL!😂

  13. Love the tree art. While kayaking we discovered a tree sculpted into a very realistic looking bear. Must find that photo.
    This "after spark" thing has put several things on hold

    1. I hope when you find it, you'll share that bear-tree photo! Sounds amazing.

  14. Oh, how I remember the tree art. When in Galveston ... Hubby and I went on a scavenger hunt of tree art in the neighborhoods.

    I use to journal almost daily ... and for some reason stopped. Re-reading my blogs on Sparks makes me want to start journaling again ... some where.

    1. Wherever somewhere is... please keep me in the loop! I care! 💖🙏

  15. That sculpture tree is amazing, a legend in the making. Someday the city council will be called upon to restore it, and children will remember it. Like a fairytale.

    Love the way the neighborhood dogs are reacting to you from across the street. They look so friendly and curious, as if they'd like to come over and check you out more closely.

    1. Puppyhood seems to carry a lot of curiosity with it. One day I did get close and puppy enthusiastically greeted me. I try to give them their training space, most of the time, though. I remember how "too much excitement" made it harder with Carl.

      I don't know if we are close enough to city center for that tree to become a city council issue, but I'd bet on the neighborhood association giving it a prize.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...