Saturday, June 19, 2021

Day 13: Happy Juneteenth, all!

Climantis, I think?  They are glorious this year.

 Not my flowers, mind you, photo was on one of my walks through the neighborhood... I have neighbors who garden and encourage the beauty, thank goodness!

For those who like holidays, it's a two-holiday weekend:  today is the official date of our newly minted National Holiday, Juneteenth.  And tomorrow is the annual observance of Father's Day. 

The adventures planned for today?  The mythical son will be picking me up in about an hour to go join his GF's parents at a lake about 40-45 minutes from here.  He has to go out of his way to pick me up (what a sweet adult son to have), but I'm glad he's doing it, since I am unsure of which area they meet at.  

I have packed a bag with bottled water, a roll of TP, sunscreen, and bug spray.  Oh, and I carry hand sanitizer in my purse.  I tucked a "just in case" face mask in there, too.  A Girl Scout in my youth, the motto to "be prepared" is being followed.

Here's hoping my fellow "refugees" from Spark are finding their routines for "beyond SparkPeople".  And as for this one and only June 19th, 2021 we'll ever get... let's get out and LIVE in it... for LIFE is good!  And we are all worth taking care of.  Be good to YOU, today!  💗💖😇🙋😍 


  1. I'm adapting well to life "AfterSpark"
    Just added to my new blogspot. Very easy even got all those links up to my website and Spark blogs - all 765 of them!

    Enjoy your day. We bought a tandem kayak for our "fleet"

    1. So glad you're going to be on Blogger, too. I've already added you to my reading list, after heading over to check out the "new" Brooklyn_Born who is the same inspiring, spirited lady I've followed for so long!

  2. Have tons of fun ... feeding your soul.

    1. It *was* tons of fun, and will not doubt show up in future blogs just how it "went down".

  3. Wow, those neighborhood flowers are gorgeous! Enjoy your time of the lake. And, those scouting skills do get ingrained in a good way, don't they? The migration to Blogspot appears to be underway. ;-)


    1. The scouting skills... GF's mom was also a scout, and her special skill today: knot-tying to keep the kayaks solidly on the rooftop rack of GF's car.

  4. My venture was to a different gym with a different instructor, on what turned out to include a different spin bike! I may need to foam roll either later on tonight or tomorrow, I felt some dormant muscles awaken.

    1. Dormant muscles reawakening in a GOOD way, I hope! Funny how changing up one's activity will do that... I had a blister develop yesterday, and was bandaged for today's outing.

  5. I think I'd have forgotten the TP, but thought of the rest. I do that when I take grandsons anyplace these days.

    1. LOL... I knew there were no flush facilities at this lake... we hold one of the triathlons out there in September. Turns out, early in the season, and at the busy boat-ramp, didn't need that roll of TP, but I left it there when we came home, as a donation to the cause. Funny bit? GF's mom brought a roll, too. Compatibility, anyone?

  6. Yes, the clematis are gorgeous this year, almost making up for the forsythia being a bust. Every year is different!

  7. Replies
    1. You would like these, for sure. Thanks for popping by!

  8. Oh, my: you and GF's mother are soul mates indeed!! Really tickles me!! WATERMELLEN

    1. We are! Every time we swap childhood stories about one or the other's kid, it's a "my kid too!" moment!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...