Saturday, June 26, 2021

Day 20: A little bit of cattitude!

This has been a week with a lot of changes in it for the furries.  They are not particularly fond of changes to their environment.  This was perhaps the last straw!

First on Monday, one of the trees went completely away.  And then on Friday... their entry way was completely swapped out and it doesn't smell the same!

However, each of them has been in and out at least once this morning.  I wonder if cats have the same twenty-one days to establish a new habit... that's the old saw for us humans, right? 

Speaking of establishing new habits, this is my 20th day blogging over here... so it's almost a habit.  For those who are just getting started on a new platform, allow yourself those three weeks to get used to the navigation and tools.  I've been sharpening my skills over on the Archive blog, as I'm still working on the migration of old blogs.

Link to OKM's Spark Archive

So, it's SATURDAY, gang!  Big weekend plans, anyone?  I have household chores (who doesn't) but at the end of the day, I have a reward activity planned:  the sunset paddle.

Now I'm off to LIVE the best I can, this one and only Saturday June 26, 2021 we'll ever get.  Because LIFE is good!  💖💪😍


Grocery trip went smoothly.  Not too busy.  I had been noting others paying attention to rising prices at the grocers, and this morning it struck me that way, too.  BUT, fortunately, not so much that I won't be eating healthy picks.  

I decided I should drop in at the Community Free Market, since son's GF Lacey and her parents are so involved with it.  It's kind of like a flea market, but no money.  You bring stuff that you're ready to part with, and if you see something someone  else is letting go that you like, you take it off their hands.  There is no requirement to bring something to pick out something to take home.

I did neither, but I did see some people I know and like.

Lacey and her dad Bob greeting folks, and very happy for a good turnout.  It was outdoors in a picnic shelter, and advertised as "mask friendly" event, in case anyone was not vaccinated or not yet ready to let their faces out, even if vaccinated.  I even ended up shaking hands with one of Lacey's friends (we're both fully vaxxed.)

The mythical son was there with my favorite canine, too, and after looking around a bit, we went for a walk in a different neighborhood than I normally do.  

They hold these events about once a month, so I will have to see if I can get my act together to take some things to give away next month!

I was impressed with how well behaved Carl was with the numbers of people around.  Yes, he did jump some, but his Daddy was there to correct him.  Socializing.  Maybe someday he'll be calm and well behaved enough (with some refresher training perhaps) to join Brody and company in working with not kids, but in son's case, probably older folks.💖


  1. Love that you're gonna do the sunset paddle!! So cool!! No mosquitoes allowed!

    1. Thanks for reminding me to douse myself with bug spray before I get there!

  2. DD just took in her brother's calico cat. She has a black (beautiful!) cat named Kitty that she's had for about 2 yrs. The first meeting between Rye (the calico -- looks like marble rye bread) and Miss Kitty was awful. Hissing and spitting. OF course she separated them. They were even having spats with the one cat behind closed doors! NOW the newbie, Rye, has adapted pretty well, but Miss Kitty continues to have hissy fits. DD is going to try some cat nip. Figures it may mellow out Miss Kitty. We'll see. I just said to DD that it will take time for Miss Kitty to adjust because her territory has been violated!

    Have a great Saturday!


    1. I believe you are exactly right, Barb! Cats are territorial, and they have to work out their own (pardon the chicken term) pecking order! My niece took in her father's cat when he passed away, and it took a lot of moves on the checkerboard before now, two years later, the feline Pride is fully assimilated.

  3. I love that Free Market idea. I am sure I could get rid of a lot of stuff! I am a "chucker" - the complete opposite of my parents - unless it's so old that it's probably a rarity or it makes me feel nostalgic.

    I must admit I never pay attention to grocery prices. Whatever food costs, it costs. Ditto for gas. I just try not to be wasteful with what I buy.

    1. I feel very fortunate that I don't HAVE to pay attention to every penny related to things like groceries and gasoline. But when other people mention it, it pricks up my antennae.

  4. There is a church near us that has had a very active food bank -- mostly organic -- for years (our neighborhood elementary school children have a huge garden to assist them which is a win-win for those kids). Shortly before the pandemic shut down they added a clothing, furniture, toiletry items, etc. store next to the pantry. This confirms for me that there are good people in this world looking out for other people which is sometimes difficult to realize when watching the news.

    1. ~ PHOENIX1949

    2. I will just say "amen" to that PHOENIX1949. Seeing a community do what it can to help in times of need is heartening. Speaking of... prayers for those down in Surfside!

  5. I like it when I can walk in a different neighborhood. Enjoy the paddle.


    1. It's nice to have a change of scenery, isn't it? And it was an older neighborhood with well established yards and trees.

  6. That kitty photo make me smile! The new door is neat and beautiful but you're right--the kitties don't look too comfortable or confident. I hope they adjust soon!

    The market idea sounds fun, eco-friendly, and a good way to socialize.

    I love your phrase "mythical son." Glad he had control over exuberant Carl so a good time could be had by all.

    Hope you had an enjoyable reward paddle!

    1. LOL... he got dubbed "mythical" because when I would host family holidays here, he would hide out in his room (teenagers, right?) and even now he avoids cameras when possible. He will never succeed with Lacey around... she's a veteran social media person!

      As for the kitties, Rubia seems to be the braver of the two. This morning (less than 48 hours after the install) she actually placed a paw on the door window pane to ask to come in!

  7. The Free Market sounds like a great idea. We have a community "garage sale" once a year at the local high school.

    1. Since I'm in the "getting rid of things" phase, this is yet another option to do just that, and hopefully someone else benefits.

  8. Sunset paddle AND community exchange -- both good things!! And nice to be getting out and about a bit more with more confidence in the vaccines!

    1. Week by week I am more confident, especially as our local rates remain low, with local vaccination rates being 65% of the population 16 and up being at least one shot. My age group? 90% with at least one shot, 88% fully vaxxed. And 45+, we have met the 70% goal that President Biden set for July 4th.

      It is an amazing sense of relief not just to be vaccinated oneself, but to see the community stepping up in large numbers.

    2. When I say rates are low, that's infection rates and hospitalizations that are low (for now, and hopefully ongoing)!

  9. Hmmm, I need to raise my awareness of the free market... I have a computer connection cord that needs a new home...

    1. Reuse... the best kind of recycle! But it does take some organizational energy to get it done, and that, as you know, is not my strong suit.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...