Thursday, July 1, 2021

Day 25: Welcome, July!


Happy Canada Day, to my friends north of the border!  🍁 Here's where I miss the Spark emoticons that included all the flags.  I did find a maple leaf, although not the pure red one that is centered on the Canadian flag!

My heart healthy breakfast to start off the month includes blueberries, a small banana, rolled oats simmered in skim milk, and cinnamon.  Very yummy, and also in accordance with the goal I set myself in June, which was to eat with my upcoming blood work in mind.

That upcoming blood draw is scheduled for early tomorrow morning, and since they want a 14 hour fast before, that means I have to keep an eye on the clock, so I get supper over and done by 5:30 p.m. 🕠

I'm pretty happy with how I did in June, but we'll see what the results look like at the doctor's office tomorrow.  I expect I will continue to be happy with how I did in June regardless of those results, though, because I feel that I did what I could!

I've already been out for my morning walk, a short one because I have the trainer this noonish for strength work.  As I walked, a couple coming the other way shifted into the street, and we joked a bit about how "social distancing" will likely be with us for a while!  Because as of midnight last night, our state (Nebraska) is no longer under any directed health measures, and the Covid-19 related emergency order has been allowed to expire.  They will no longer be maintaining the statistical web site for the state, it was announced, although the health department will continue to track cases, vaccinations, etc., and that information will be available by request, for the media, etc.

Oh, and for any of you who might have wondered how long it would take the cats to adapt to the new door?  They are there, this morning.  Tomorrow will be a week since the new door went in.  This morning they played "swap kitties" as they always did with the old door... one in, one out... a few minutes later, "let's swap".

Now, let's all get out there and live the very best Thursday, July 1, 2021 we can manage, wherever we sit in life's journey.  Because it's the only one we'll ever get.  And LIFE is good.✨💖👍💪


  1. No longer maintaining the statistical website?
    I hope VA doesn't follow suit. I WANT to see the data.
    Hope the doc visit gives you the good report. As you say, you've done all you could.

    1. We had locally stayed in green for six weeks running, and I think with the end of the emergency order, funding for some of this communication as well as the "Test Nebraska" program probably went away. Keeping my eyes open for the news, anyway. We had some scary weeks from November through January, don't care to see that kind of thing again!

  2. Yes, we will be wearing masks for a while. And social distancing. Good luck with the blood work! 👍

  3. I had my bloodwork Tuesday and annual visit yesterday. I'm good for another 60,000 miles but had to choose a new provider for the future because mine is moving out of state. It'll be a little adjustment, but I'll manage, and don't need to see her for a year, so it's all good! I just have to remember!!

    1. Adjusting to a new provider is the bane of getting "older", isn't it? I've not had good luck with doctors other than this one, who has hung out with me for 15 years. Got my fingers crossed that this will not change, but there are never any guarantees, are there?

  4. good luck with the bloodwork bet iy will be great Hugs

  5. Cats....who knows?

    Good for the breakfast and hope you continue to follow your own habits AFTER the bloodwork.
    My breakfasts have changed again due to my 'use the garden and clean-out-the freezer' program. The past several days have been from a large bag of frozen chicken cilantro mini wontons, fresh snow peas and a touch of sesame oil and soy sauce.

    1. Continuing with good habits is the plan! Between the workouts with the trainer, the improved nutrition, and the increasing sunlight, I'm into the months of the year when I feel my best.

      Your ice-box cleanout sounds familiar... I'm doing a little of the same, which brings back in some veggie burgers and some fish that was getting freezer burn. 🍽🍴✨

  6. I have a desktop shortcut link to our COVID tracking site. Our County population is over 2 million and we currently have 295 active cases of COVID. The death total is at 881 which is sad while at a low % of the general population. Hopefully the recent and upcoming large gatherings of groups will not cause any spikes.
    ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. I have all the local Covid tracking sites and a few of the national ones bookmarked. Turns out it is just the STATE level site that is no longer being updated. The local one still is.

      I share your hope that the holiday gatherings (and the college world series, for that matter, 50 miles up the road) will not result in spikes.

  7. I am also from Spark and I enjoy your blogs! Your breakfast looks very good! Good luck with your doctor's appointment!

    1. Hi, nice to meet you. That's a "just in case" 'cause I don't think I knew you over on Spark, at least not as "bknock".

      Thanks for the good wishes. They got their blood (or rather they got MY blood). Now it's a wait for the results game.

  8. Hi, hope your bloodwork appt was quick with one stick!

    1. Sigh, it is rare for it to be just one stick for me, and it wasn't this time either. But the second arm gave it up right away, and my arms balance (each one has a wrap!)

  9. All best with your blood work: but as you say, YOU know that you've done the best you could! Feels so good to take care of ourselves, doesn't it? And love the "swap kitties" image . . . they're settled and contented again!!

    1. Thanks! At this point the deed is done, and I don't see the doctor to discuss results until the 14th (he's on vacation).

  10. I got my lab work back ... low Thyroid T3 ... still.


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