And just like that, the U.S. and NATO forces are OUT of Afghanistan
Believe it or not, I've started to write on this topic several times, over the past few days, and erased it all. It's raw, it's hard to deal with at times, and one feels powerless, watching it unfold.
As I *did* leave in an earlier blog, though, the feelings that it stirs up must be dealt with. And a lot of my own "dealing with" is done at the keyboard. I've been trying to check in with my son more frequently, because I know this is hard for him, especially, having served over there.
He was deeply offended by our President saying that the Afghans weren't willing to fight for their country. That's just not true, says the mythical son. They *did* fight, they fought hard, and they died. They died for their country in numbers 25 times as high as NATO forces. Much as he saw this kind of an end coming, when the suicide bombing happened, and those oh, so young service members died, he longed for some "Obama level oratory" from leadership to "get me through".
For those of you who weren't paying attention, Obama spoke at the memorial service in November, 2009, at Fort Hood. My son was there at the time, mourning losses very close to him. His disappointment in Biden's "blaming" the Afghans rose to the level of his calling it "Trumping it up". That's a pretty severe, because whatever one might believe politically, we all have to admit that Trump was not big on compassion, and was big on blaming others.
All those feelings simmering, I wanted to "do something" positive, so I looked up the local charities that support refugee resettlement. I found out we would be getting two families of Afghan refugees almost immediately, locally. I looked up what the charity needed, and yesterday, N-95 mask in hand, I drove down to the Catholic Social Services and gave them some 40 year old, indestructible mixing bowls and baking dishes that I had received as wedding presents. They have a lot more needs than these, mind you, but this was a need I could supply. I'm no longer in the entertaining phase of life, and do not need them any more, and these folks coming here... have NOTHING.
When you feel as though you can do nothing, you're wrong. You can be kind.
Here's hoping that you will have a good Tuesday, August 31, 2021, as the month comes to a close. After all, it's the only one we'll ever get. And I hope that in the process of being kind, you'll remember to be kind to yourself... to your body, to your mind, to your soul. And then you will have the energy to be kind to others, as well.
Let us live, for life is good! No matter what! Spark on! ✨ππ We can do it.