Friday, August 13, 2021

Day 68: Things could be worse


Things could be worse.  That is actually the title of the pattern on this morning's super-sized mug of pre-breakfast coffee!  Looking like your grandmother's Delft China from a distance, when you get close, you see monsters, pirate ships, sea serpents, rogue robots and space ships, etc.

I got a couple of these on a whim, during the pandemic times last year.  Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves that despite what the news is saying, despite the worst things we may see in our lives... we actually have it pretty good.  There are always things to be grateful for.

The blog review project is proceeding apace, and I have hopes that I will actually complete it before the lights go out.  When I started yesterday morning, I was down to 73 pages, which was 1089 individual blogs.  When I shut down and said "enough" as the news came on last night, it had been whittled down to 55 pages, representing 820 blogs yet to be reviewed.  Doing the math, that means I touched 269 blogs and made decisions about them yesterday.

In the process I found my last Olympic Distance triathlon, and copied not just my blogs surrounding it, but also one authored by KALIGIRL, who served as my Sherpa for that race.  Her blog reminded me that she also served in that capacity for my first Sprint distance triathlon... she was in on my whole "career" if you can call it that, as a triathlete.  So I went and copied her Sherpa blog from the first one, too.

You see, doing these things by hand allows for this kind of side look.  But were I not retired, I would not have had the privilege of time to do this.  

I also got the the total eclipse day, August 21, 2017... and I have KALIGIRL to thank again, as she got a better photo of it than I did.  I swiped that one.  When I move my eclipse blog over, I want to include it.  I had only posted it to my Spark page, and had it in my photo gallery.

Didn't she get a great shot?  What I remember most about that day was afterwards, how quickly such a magical moment (and it lasted such a short time) disappeared from the talk.  I mean, really, we'd been reading about the total eclipse of the sun since we were kids in grade school science class.  We heard when we would be in the path and we couldn't imagine being THAT OLD when it finally came here!  But there it was!

Then I found a blog about the hand off from one of my favorite trainers, BJ, to the next trainer, Chelsea.  I actually met Chelsea's husband at the dog run... I know this because I recognized their dog from the Facebook posts!  They have two children now, but back in 2017, when she was my trainer... she was still unmarried.

As we all know, life is a flowing stream, and despite all the "bad" things that happen, a lot of "good" ones happen, too.  

Today's plan:  I'm thinking just a walk, as yesterday was strength training, and I jogged intervals the day before... this should be an easy day.  I also am contemplating some yard work mixed in, to give myself breaks from the blog work, as we finally have a mild enough weather day (it's been hot).

Onward, my friends... let's make good memories today, right where we are, this one and only Friday the 13th of August, 2021 we will ever get!  For, as all of this proves... Life is still good!  Having those adventures before dementia gives us something to look back on with joy!
✨πŸ’– Spark on... wherever you ARE online!


  1. So nice to have the opportunity to reflect on events past -- and to anticipate future events too!! Love your mug!!

    1. I'm so warped in my sense of humor, I bought another pair of those mugs to send to "the kids" later in the year, when they moved in together.

  2. Those memories of yours are wonderful!! How blessed you are to have documented them! I, too, remember the eclipse! We were returning from visiting out children, but the highways were clogged with people trying to find the best location to view it! We ended up in western NE, taking the long way home, stopping at a fast food where they had TVs on so people could see it when it happened without the special glasses. We chose that route.
    And how fun to follow Chelsea's changing life! I just finished on the recumbent bike, and will plan to row soon. DH is thinking taking a walk, since it's cooler out. We have sure missed those walks due to heat and grandsons, who will arrive at 11:30 so their mom can go to the gym!

    1. I remember you commenting on my blog about your stop in Western Nebraska to see the eclipse! We finally have a break in the heat now... hope you get a chance to enjoy the cool, too.

  3. The great memories continue. πŸ’–

    I think those “calamity” versions of the Blue Willow pattern are hilarious! πŸ˜‚

    Your training plan sounds really good. And you’re doing great scale-wise too! Keep it up. It *is* all good! πŸ˜„

    1. They are hilarious. Believe it or not, I actually bought these AFTER I had declared myself in the "no longer accumulating new things" phase of my life. We have to amuse ourselves, don't we?

    2. Indeed. It’s good to be easily amused.

      It means one gets to spend more time amused, than otherwise!

  4. Replies
    1. πŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’beating hearts, going on!

  5. Sounds like you are nearing the finish line for your blog review. In the event you want to export the remaining blogs, to review without the impending deadline, BOBCATGIRL76 has an option if you are looking for one.
    Thanks, as always, for your positivity and encouragement. Current events can be... make that are overwhelming. I read an article this morning (How the pandemic now ends from The Atlantic) which was somewhat reassuring - not necessarily because it has the outcome we wish/hope for but because it seemed reasonable and straight forward.
    Locally, we should get a weekend respite from our streak of heat & humidity - my list of outdoor chores and activities is getting pretty long. Now if the mosquitoes and other biting insects would depart...

    1. Glad you're getting a respite, too, for that heat and humidity. This morning on my walk there were several of us out and about, smiling broadly and enjoying the 66*F weather! One of the things I noticed when I started touching "the pandemic blogs" (I did a series of "good things that happened on"... date blogs) was how often "turned off the news" was included.

      Let's see, which is worse: smoke in the air, or biting insects? LOL... always something!πŸ’Ÿ

  6. Great memories! HUGS and good luck going forward saving blogs!

  7. Positive reflections are good for the soul. After last night's storms it is much cooler today...still humid...but much cooler. Tomorrow will be mowing and weeds after the week of extreme heat and sunshine, with a couple bouts of rain tossed in for good measure. Perfect climate for the weeds. Ugh!

    Happy Friday the 13th. It is a good day!

    1. Happy Friday the 13th to you, too, from my ninja cats! 🐱‍πŸ‘€

  8. Isn't it interesting to see what we were writing back in the 'old' days? They do bring up memories.

    I like your mug.

    1. It is pretty amazing the feelings those writings stir up, too.

  9. πŸ’–✨Spark on... yes, that pre-breakfast coffee gets our eyes open!

  10. Things could be SO much worse.
    Seems like I’ve been telling myself this everyday this month, to keep things feeling like they are moving forward, despite feeling stuck in the same place.
    Apologies, for the “cryptic” message, my emotions have been all over the place and not resorting to the usual numbing methods has left nothing other than going through the emotions themselves.
    The Saturday cycling instructor is constantly saying: The only way to get over it, is to go through it. Through it it is!!

    1. Through, indeed! And we shall survive! ✨πŸ’–

  11. Now that's my size of a morning coffee mug... :)
    And yes, you're right, things could definitely be worse.
    I've copied my blogs but did not indulge in reading and reminiscing when I did. Get the stuff off SP and get back to them later - or never...

    1. Choices, choices, what to do when moving, right? Or never is a real option for many!


Not a fan of the telephone

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