Sunday, August 22, 2021

Kayaking adventure, in which Barb proves to be a wimp

 The title says it all.

This morning, my friend Gerri had a great time, paddling on the white caps out in the main lake.

Me, not so much!  I paddled out to the entry to the main lake, and upon getting through a couple of troughs between the bigger waves, decided I was not up for this.  Not today, anyway.

I turned back and did my paddling in the protected cove.  I would paddle back toward shore, then turn around and paddle back out toward where Gerri had gone out, then turn around and paddle back toward shore.  I kept trying to go a line of waves further with each trip, but in the end, it was pretty much rinse and repeat for about 45 minutes and I was just "done".  

I walked around, ate my snack, talked with Zoey the paddle board / kayak rental mascot dog, used the restroom, and watched the rest of the crew decide to face the whitecaps or not.

Now, mind you, these were NOT hurricane Henri style waves.  They were "wind from the south, let's kick up the water" white caps.  This is not an ocean.  It's a dam-created inland lake.  It looks tame enough in the wider shot.

The paddle boarders came in early, as I had done, and hung out in the protected cove.  It really was a pleasant day, on shore.  I already had my bug spray and sunscreen on, I'd had my 45 minutes of aerobic activity, I was good.

Nearly an hour later, after going back out and truly enjoying the challenge of the waves, my friend was among the last to come back in.

Before she did, though, we had a bit of excitement, as someone got "stuck" out there, and sent someone back to blow the whistle. Another person was wading and pushing their paddle board back (might have been the one blowing the whistle).  The rental folks paddled out to rescue the guy who according to the whistle blower "really needs help".  They hadn't yet returned by the time Gerri and I packed it in and left.  Gerri was in a different corner of the lake, and with the wind, she didn't even hear the whistle.

As for the logistics of the trip, driving in a mask was not a problem.  The N95 allowed me to drive with clear lenses, no leaks.  Gerri wore a cloth mask, and we got to and from with zero issues.  This was my first trip driving masked, other than just in the grocery pick up parking lot, so I am grateful for a smooth, confidence building experience.  Who knows how often over the next year I might need to drive someone who is not "in my bubble" when infection rates are high?

For canine lovers, I'll put Zoey's photo here... what a laid-back companion she is!  She belongs to the owner's dad, who helps out.  It seems like this little kayak / paddle board renting venture is a full-on family affair... we met the owner's cousin today, too.  She brought in a group of 20, including that paddle-board crew.

Now let's get on with the remainder of this Sunday, August 22, 2021... the only one we'll ever get!  Be safe, be sensible, and be kind.  For life is good!  Spark on.


  1. Zoey does look pretty laid back . Glad you got you exercise in . You do great . ROSESAREBLUE

    1. Thanks. Zoey is a sweetie, so calm, lets anybody pet her.

  2. Uh oh. Tell Gerri to beware. I sense a latent WW kayaker, in her. If WW kayaking grabs her, she will become addicted, and end up driving (and flying) all over the world in search of adventures on rowdy water. Slightly less dangerous and expensive, compared with, say, a heroin(e?) addiction πŸ˜‚ (pun fully intended)

    Seriously though, that’s the kind of thing I’d do, go out and play in waves when the wind kicked up. I went to a sea kayaking symposium one weekend and only one other guy was willing to paddle out there with me, it was so rough. We had a great time! (And yes I had all the proper gear and a competent roll in both sides. We both did). Those sea kayakers called me, “that crazy ww kayaker girl” and taught me all their fancy Greenland rolls. It was a blast.

    Thanks for sharing Zoey’s picture. What a cutie! ❤️

    1. PS I take it your glasses stayed on your person. πŸ˜‰

    2. I will pass your warning on to Gerri! Maybe if I had a Croakie for my glasses, I might have chanced it a little further? Yes, the glasses stayed on, and it's a good thing, as they were the only pair I had with me and I was the driver! LOL!

    3. ZOMG yes! 🀣

  3. Zoey looks like a sweetie!

    LOVE the pictures! Glad you had a good time and glad that person was rescued!

  4. You got fresh air and exercise. What could be better?
    I took a humid walk between showers (outside) as we are still heeding the don't go anywhere warning since there's flooding all around my hill. Nice to be on top of where it all runs down! Not so much when walking those 2 miles.

    1. Fresh air and exercise, yes, not much better! Oh, my goodness, stay up on that hill... even when it becomes an island? Be safe!

  5. Major props for you getting out there. Enjoying nature and getting in that exercise is great.

  6. You tried for 45 minutes. Words do not convey the tone. Hear a shocked, "You tried for 45 minutes?!?!" To paraphrase Yoda, no did! What a adventure!

    Enjoy the evening.

    1. LOLOL! But my friend not only tried, she really DID, for an hour and a half!

  7. WhooHoo ... sounds like you did good today.

  8. You make recess adventures so much fun. Dare devil? No stay within bounds so you can do it again tomorrow. Navigating waves for 45 min. Let’s see how you track that? Strength training? Aerobic? Both?

    1. I let Fitbit decide. It tracked only 15 minutes "active". Must not have boosted my heart rate, but there's definitely a strength component to paddling. In the end, I entered it manually in Cronometer as canoe/kayak/rowing light.

  9. You may decide some other day to do the whitecap thing when you have more experience under your belt ... or not. Sounds like you had a good time.

    1. I may. But I don't know if I'll be there by September 12, when I have volunteered to do kayak support for a triathlon... that was part of yesterday's test. We will see.

  10. What a sweetie Zoey seems! I would have been with you, waves and I just are not the best together. We are near Lake Erie and so I know how high those waves can get. Bet you slept really well after all the fresh air.

    1. These were tiny, compared to what you get on Lake Erie, for sure, but I was not ready for them... yet. And you are very right... slept very well! It's Monday morning now, and I'm off to replenish my freggies!

  11. Juliet Gordon Lowe would have approved, eh? (Founder of US Girl Scouts, based on the Girl Guide programme!) And you are so right about recognizing one's limits and not becoming an obstacle for others, or putting a rescuer at risk.

  12. If you are going to insist on calling yourself a wimp, I am going to dub you a wise one. Better safe than sorry! And your fortitude to get the repetitive paddling in anyway would make our brother proud. Good job!

    1. Hee-hee... and today I went online and ordered myself a floating croakie for my glasses, in case I decide to chance it on that kayak support for the triathlon upcoming. Which is on that same lake.

  13. Zoey! Such a sweet face and looks like she can handle anything. :)

  14. What a great adventure. And agree with your sis - smart, not a wimp. I think a healthy respect for water is ALWAYS a good idea. Love Zoey! When we were in Pajaro Dunes on the "safari" tour of the slough, there was a person on a rented aqua bike whose chain broke Yikes. Luckily, our boat captain called the rental outfit and someone was sent out to get that person.

    1. In retrospect, a week later, I'm OK with it, but at the time I felt like I'd failed. Silly insecurities!


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