Saturday, August 7, 2021

Day 62: The blog review project continues.

Yesterday I started at 188 pages of blogs, 2,815 individual entries.  
Today I am sitting at 169 pages of blogs, or 2,534 individual blogs left to review.  Doing the math, that means I processed 281 blogs.  But it is exhausting emotional work, because each blog reviewed involves a decision.  Back during one period on Spark we talked about decision fatigue and how it leads to a number of ills:

  • Tired of making yet another decision, we can make poor ones.
  • Tired of being tired, or beating ourselves up with internal perfectionism can lead us to give up on the project entirely.
And of course the blogs that are important to ME may not be the ones that are important to YOU.  Yesterday, I got through my son's second deployment and my sister in law's final illness and death.  I also found my trip to Florida for Marsha (SLENDERELLA61)'s first half marathon.  And meeting Becky (KALIGIRL) for the first time, not to mention her rescuing me during some of those stressful times by bringing the dogs over and letting me walk with them!

Self-pep talk and other mitigating stress relief is in order for such projects!  
  • First, I went for my morning walk, being aware of and appreciating the wind that was coming through, as well as the small droplets of water, the overcast sky... because it was already 77℉ here when I headed out at 7:39 a.m.  It will get much warmer before the day is done with us.
  • Second, I am reinforcing the attitude that what gets done, gets done, and anything I don't get to, well, it was meant to be let go!
  • Third, I am appreciating that I have accomplished as much as I have, because in the process I have been reminded of oh, so many lessons learned.  And those lessons have been reinforced.
My morning walk did include some intervals today, but they were shorter (60-80 steps of jogging), and I was not so cheeky as to tell RunKeeper it was a run, but called it a walk.  

Now, with a deep breath, and allowing for life to keep happening as I proceed... I'm headed back in for today's blog-review session!

Everybody:  remember that real life in real time still triumphs over any stressful interruptions.  We still have to take care of our health, even when distressed by worry over others or over circumstances.  For today, treat yourself well, and live the best Saturday, August 7, 2021 you can manage, right where you are TODAY!  Because we only get ONE of each day... it's NOT the movies that allow for repeats.

LIFE is good!  Spark on!  ✨💖🎇


  1. You have accomplished a ton!! I wasn't remembering your sister-in-law's passing, though I have had a couple of people on my prayer list also nearing the end with ALS. Such a mean disease...

    So glad you are able to get out and about! Yesterday, the grands and I had to quickly escape from our house as the roofers were tossing tags into the huge trash container. Once we escaped, we went to the library, the new Lego store and then their house. I made it back in before supper time.

    They are back this am, starting gain at 7. I'm sure they'll finish today...lots of OT for these boys! Grands are peaceful at their home. Have a peaceful day and be sure to take breaks to refresh!

    1. Yes, Ma'am... taking one of those breaks right now, reading comments here, and going to get up and move my 250 steps for the 10 a.m. hour!

      Spark on!

  2. “We still have to take care of our health, even when distressed by worry over others or over circumstances.“


    I find that one challenging. 💖

    1. Fight, flight, or Freeze? Pick your response... freezing is fatal! We CAN do it!

  3. Keep up the good blog reviewing. And thanks for sharing your life lessons!

  4. Right now it’s 74 here and looks like rain . . . but . . . we need it!

    Good that you are doing some intervals. Good job.

    1. We got a little warm rain later in the day, too. The kitties adapted.

  5. I remember you posting your bathing suit picture on that trip!

    1. That is correct. That beach photo got posted with several blogs, later, even let them use it for my "success story".

  6. "Tired of being tired, or beating ourselves up with internal perfectionism can lead us to give up on the project entirely."
    Unfortunately,many times the project we give up on is ourselves. At least that is true for me. Some days it takes every bit of fortitude to plow ahead and clear a path...sort of.

    Keep pushing!

    1. You said a mouthful there! Onward! And never give up.

  7. You have done a fantastic job with your blogs. Thank you for sharing. Hugs!

    1. First visit under that name? Welcome! Thanks and we'll keep on keeping on, save what we can.

  8. Love the self pep-talk and mitigations steps employed as you continue the blog review.

    Today, I've allowed myself to use the energy available to me with catching up on others blogs.


    1. I'm flattered you've used that much commenting on several of mine! Now take care of YOU, too... cluck, cluck, cluck goes the mother hen (I'm channeling my kid sister).

  9. Happy Saturday!! I'm glad you've decided to do what you can and call it good.

    1. Happy Saturday! And a blessed Sunday tomorrow!

  10. Replies
    1. I saved the one with you and me and Edison... not sure where I filed it, but I have a good guess. Will let you know when I migrate it over here.

  11. WhooHoo ... do what you can do !!!


  12. Now, with a deep breath, and allowing for life to keep happening as I proceed.
    Love this ... going through my blogs was a real incite into the years I spent on SP, I can revisit them now :)and the comments

    1. I have pitched several "classes", saving only significant events, but since my daily blogs were such a mix of things, quite a few were saved just for life events!

  13. So glad that you are doing this -- and mindful of the stress it re-triggers as you go. You are taking care of YOU: what we've all learned together.

    1. Some of those things that were struggles in the beginning are so ho-hum in the present time, and some of the strategies that I may have thought were no longer needed... worth re-instituting! It's been a very worth-while journey.

  14. Catching up here. I saved each of my blogs to pdf - not all are "save worthy" but it saved time and they do represent a big part of my life. They all reside on my own server/website now.
    My spark page has been closed and I've moved on to my "After Spark" life. Projects getting done that Spark time never would have allowed.
    I always keep your wise words in mind as I go about the only (fill in blank) day I will ever get.

    1. You are so organized, and many of us ARE moving on to projects that we just didn't get to, due to complacency with where we were on Spark. Blessings in the shakeup!💖✨

  15. A huge task! Thank you for your words of wisdom about perfectionism.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good...? 😀


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