Thursday, August 12, 2021

Day 67: Closing Day is coming soon.


I love the angles of sunlight in the morning.  This one was about 7:30 a.m. today, as I headed home from my walk.  I had seen the new post (center) yesterday afternoon when walking with Alicia363... it's new this week, as they keep working on the little bridge.

Yesterday morning my starting point on the blog review project held 96 pages of blogs, or 1437 individual blogs.  As of quitting time last night, it was down to 73 pages, or 1089 blogs left to review and decide about.  Which... ta da!  says I touched 348 blogs yesterday, and put them "somewhere", either on local / backed up storage, or in the bit bucket.

I currently have from January 15, 2017 through December 20, 2020 blog entries left to review.  That's four years worth.  Some of the blogs from that time period have already been cherry picked and saved.  I am finding that when I went through "saving" the first sweep and the featured blogs, I did not delete them, so I'm having to check to make sure I don't already have a copy (if I want one).  

Considering that I started blogging regularly in May of 2009, I'd say that's progress.  Onward!

I have a workout with the trainer scheduled for noonish, and I've already been on this morning's walk and have my healthy breakfast on board.  I watched my favorite local public health doctor's weekly YouTube update this morning, and he thinks we SHOULD be in a mandatory mask directed health measure NOW, having been in a high spread zone for three weeks already.  His opinion is that the reason we're still in the yellow zone on the risk dial is "Political will", not epidemiological fact.

So... guess who will have this look for some time to come, fully vaccinated or not, whenever indoors in a public area, or outdoors in a crowded one:

How did we get into this fix?  Well, in his opinion, "the honor system doesn't work".  When the vaccinated were told they could go mask free, the unvaccinated went mask-free, too, allowing the virus to spread and mutate freely.  So, we tried it.  We tried to NOT mandate, NOT verify, take people at their word... and here we are.

His prediction is that vaccine verification tools are coming.  The fact that many businesses are starting to require vaccination of employees and patrons is what will allow them to remain open.  Even out here in rural America.  You can't control a virus with myth and politics.  You just can't.

What CAN we do?  We can nourish ourselves to keep our immune systems as strong as we can.  We can keep ourselves as fit was we can, same reason.  Fit people survive better.  But most importantly, we can keep ourselves informed, and share what we know with others.  Not in a judgmental way, but in a kind way... but as those of us who have struggled with weight issues know, we can't control how the message is received.

Vaccines save lives.  Disinformation kills.  Don't listen to the false arguments that taking care of the public health is interfering with your freedom!  Getting Covid, being hospitalized, getting intubated, or causing someone else to be is what's really interfering with our freedom.  Don't wait.  Protect yourselves, your loved ones, and your community NOW.  

Sorry, probably preaching to the choir here.  But one thing the pandemic taught me, and the short reprieve of the past four months since getting vaccinated reinforced, is that I love LIVING... and that even an introvert needs contact with people!  If we want to have contact with others, let's be as smart and safe as we know how to be!

Spark on!  You're important to me!  ✨πŸ’–πŸŽ‡


  1. It is possible that there is no way to stop a virus as many epidemiologists have suggested since the beginning. And now, with so much data coming out of countries who are fully vaxxed, some countries, like Israel, are concluding the vaccines are failing. I am with you that the best defense is to strengthen our immune systems through proper diet, exercise, Vitamin D levels (above 55) and possibly other supplementation to prevent viral replication in one's cells. As a species, we have learned to live with other coronavirus, the annual flu, and now maybe we need to learn to live with this one too.

    1. Watching other countries' experience, who are ahead of us in the timeline is instructive. You can calculate "how far behind" we are and get ahead of it in personal behavior that is protective, but you can count on the wave getting here and washing over us. We are NOT smarter than the rest of the world, and the vaccine doesn't care.

    2. Misspoke, the virus doesn't care.

  2. I agree with you! It’s frustrating to know there’s so many unvaccinated here, including my daughters mother-in-law, who is trying to recover from having been hit three weeks ago. She’s been terribly sick! We can’t force them, and our governor is reluctant to be serious about it. It amazes me to realize that so many still think it’s a myth. Just playing bizarre!!

    1. I'm so sorry about your daughter's MIL. Be kind, of course. And unfortunately, we don't get a lot of say in our governors' stances, until the next election, and even then, we may not be on the winning side.

  3. Yep, choir here. ❤️

  4. Since your friend is not in your personal bubble, but has contact with others outside of yours... I assume, anyway... probably wise to take those precautions.

    Ace and I walked outdoors unmasked yesterday, but she masks at work. I'm still a little braver than I was pre-vaccination, but the vaccine is only PART of the picture. As my epidemiologist YouTube doctor tells us, it's like layers of swiss cheese... the virus might beat some of the layers, but if you have enough layers... hopefully, you'll be good. Vaccine. Mask. Distance. Hand washing. Disinfecting common touch surfaces. Testing. Verification. Etc.

  5. It's a treat to see the larger photo at the end of the comments section. The shadows are striking.

    An active member of the choir here. I'm in total agreement with the science experts and you. It's my opinion (that and a couple of bucks will get you a soft drink)is to continue with free vaccines for the interested and informed. For those who refuse to be vaccinated, inform them if/when they contract Covid they will be responsible for any and all doctor, hospital, and equipment costs for their care.
    If/when they die, the cost will pass to remaining family members. So sad!!

    We continue to mask-up when we are out. We plan to get the booster as soon as possible.

    Stay safe.

    1. Masked going to the trainer again today, matter of fact, I'll probably be masking at any indoor event from here until... well, until the numbers are once again good... however long that takes. I'm doing the math in my head, six months after being fully vaccinated would put a booster for me into October. Flu shots are about due now, too. Oh well, oh well, oh well!

  6. Another choir member here. Spouse has been back at the office two weeks and last night got an e-mail that someone in his area tested positive so plan on working from home 10 days and consider getting tested. Even though we both are fully vaccinated you never know about the habits of folks outside the bubble.

    A gentleman from our church, in his early 80's, passed this week from it and two long-term female acquaintances of mine (friends of siblings since childhood) are in ICU's battling for their lives.

    1. CDC is now saying if you are fully vaxxed, even with no symptoms, you should get tested if you've been in direct contact with a Covid 19 positive person, 2-5 days after said contact. Added your hubby and church folks to my prayer list!

  7. The honor system absolutely did not work πŸ˜”

    1. Which is sad, because I want to be optimistic about my fellow man and woman!

      We lost three more people today, and saw over 100 new cases reported each of the last two days. That's in a county with a population of 320,000. It's moving in the wrong direction.

      Stay safe out there!

  8. I’m also a choir member, fully vaxxed. I got an upper respiratory ailment last week & was pretty sick. After 4 days of fever, runny nose & coughing, I decided to get a Covid test, which thankfully came back negative. So I’m back to wearing a mask indoors. Amazing how I could go 18 months without so much as a sniffle while social distancing & masking, but 1 month without a mask & I'm sick. You can’t tell me that masks don’t work. They DO work!

    1. You have good personal evidence, there! Last year when I was masking even outdoors... allergies were not nearly as troubling as they were in a "normal" year.

  9. Oh, & congrats on your blog saving progress! I think you’re going to get through them all.

    1. I think I will, too. I've got a few more races to pull off... and I'm pitching a lot of the "moody" ones and simple pep talks that are so repetitive. You really only need to save so many cute cat photo blogs, you know.

  10. A Blogger Question. What do I need to do to allow anonymous comments? When I went to privacy on the bottom left of the page it took me to Google settings. Not sure how to fix this?

    1. Looks like you found a fix? Anyway I was in bed by the time you posted this, so... Go to your blogger menu and pick settings THERE... scroll down to Comments section...

  11. Replies
    1. I went over to your blog and it seemed to allow "Anonymous" as a choice to comment as. Good job!

  12. Not too blunt, no need to apologize for articulating the facts so clearly. You may want to review yesterday's long string on the At Goal and Maintaining check in -- very sobering indeed.

    1. I admit to not following the daily threads... I didn't follow them on Spark, and I haven't followed them on Google Groups, either. I just tried to go over and take a look... and nawwww, couldn't figure out what was "very sobering" in it. Either I got the wrong thread or I've just become numb.

  13. You are doing well on your blogs!

    I wish our state legislature would listen to our public health dept. recommendation for masking. They have now taken the power away from our Gov. to make that decision (and HE was listening to the voice of our local health dept. . . . the voice of reason). *SIGH* So, I mostly stay put and mask when I need to.

    Oh my goodess, all I can say is absolutely . . . . the honor system is a dismal fail! Sad. I also agree that vaccine verification is coming. In many venues here, actually, it is already started.

    I have heard every manner of excust not to get vaccinated. And most of it coming from my own brother, an ENGINEER (chemical and mechanical). He is Mr. Science Guy. Don’t know what’s gong on in his brain but . . . no vaccine. “The govt’s attempt to control us, chip us”. CHIP US! Have you ever seen the bore size of a needle used to insert a chip? NOT the same bore as used to give an intramuscular injection, for pete sake. I could go on and on but this is the type of myth people are buying into. **SIGH**

    Stay well, stay safe, stay masked, wash hands, distance. LIVE.

    1. Not every unvaccinated person is a conspiracy believer. Some of them are just living very busy lives and ignoring the news until it hits someone very close to them. And as your example shows, we can still love those who "don't get it". Hopefully, they love us, too... enough to indulge us and get vaccinated?

  14. I've seen what happens when you let your guard (mask) down. My sister in law, vaccinated in March, has recovered well from catching the variant at a family wedding. She sounded and felt horrible (scary) for a few days and slowly improved with the help of medication and self-care.

    There's a large contingent of our extended family who are the rabid, anti-all of it people.

    I wear my big smile under my mask. No problem!

    1. As I said to a woman in the hall, on my masked way out of the building after my workout yesterday... "You can still see the smile in the eyes", and she agreed, unmasked.

      Yep, I was vaccinated in March, too... I figure six months after the two weeks after takes me to mid-October for a booster? But, those are not approved yet, and studies are "averages"... so... Masking NOW!

  15. With alllllll the mixed messages, people individually deciding THEY know better AND it's against their right to be told what to do ... the rest of us are losing our right to be safe.

    Just sayin'.

    1. πŸ˜₯🀐 Sad and zipped lip... sometimes we seem so divided that whatever one might say, someone thinks you're wrong, and says so.


Not a fan of the telephone

  I never was a fan of the telephone.  I hated calling up stores and asking for stuff, making appointments, etc.  This dates back to childho...