Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday and peopling


Community Free Market

I may have mentioned in prior blogs (or I may not have) that my son's girlfriend and her parents are involved in several community minded efforts.  For example, they host a "Little Free Library" in their yard.  You've probably seen them around... just a box on a post, but enclosed, so sheltered from the weather... a tiny bookshelf.  You can pick a book, or leave a book, and the whole concept of a neighborhood library has been expanded.  Obviously not as robust as a full public library, but a neighborly thing to do.

They also help host the Community Free Market.  For those of you who don't have the benefit of a Community Free Market in your town, it's like a multi-family garage sale, only the price for everything is zero... it's like donating to the GoodWill, only it's going directly to people who show up to look.  

The third event they work is the Repair Cafe, where anybody can bring in something they have that is broken, and the volunteers who come repair it... for free.  My kid sis took a lamp there once, and came back with a working lamp.  

In fact this was the first event that my son invited me to come to, in order to facilitate meeting this young woman he had started to keep company with.  I didn't make it that time, but two months back I did get there, just to check it out.

Last month I happened to be kayaking on the day they held it, so I was determined that I would take some of my excess things to this month's market.  I started pulling a few things together, and last evening, I packed the car.  A folding table and chair, and two boxes full of "stuff" I was ready to release to new homes.

I was heartened to see that most of the folks there masked, even though it was held outdoors.  The tables were setting up with social distance between.  Almost right away, before I even got a photo snapped of my spot, the little folding lawn chair I'd bought for a great-niece's use was claimed by a grandma!  The unopened rubber gloves went with her friend.

As the morning progressed, several folks accepted lens wipes for their glasses.  A young woman setting up her first apartment was happy to take my old drapes (from the new sliding glass door) off my hands.  A young man exclaimed, "Is that a can crusher?  I've always wanted one of those!"  His girlfriend tucked it into her bag for him.

At some point, the multi-vitamins that didn't have iron in them disappeared.  A book lover took two of the books off my hands.  Having gone with two boxes, I came home with just one.  The door hardware didn't go.  The extra keurig refillable filter (where you grind you own beans to fill it) didn't go.  And several of the books didn't go, either, but I really didn't expect to shed a lot of books.

All in all, I survived, and the great de-stuffing project goes on!  I didn't bring any NEW junk home!  And some of my junk WAS someone else's treasure.

This afternoon, it's Nebraska football in the background, and indoor pacing as it's nasty hot outside.  

Let's now get out and live the rest of the one and only Saturday, August 28, 2021 we'll ever get best we can, taking care of our health, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual!  Because we're worth taking care of, each and every one of us.  Life is good, no matter what.  Keep breathing, and Spark on!✨💖


  1. Sounds like a very well spent Saturday!

    We have several of those little libraries in the neighborhood. I love books and love sharing them, so that's perfect!


    1. I've seen them in various neighborhoods around town... we're one of those kinds of towns. And I like feeling like we are!

  2. I love those little free libraries. And what a great idea to have a free place to take stuff! I've contributed to a buy=nothing FB page. Kind of the same concept. Plan to do some more of that, and it's great someone can benefit from what you no longer want or need!

    1. I could not believe what a charge I got out of that young man's excitement over my can crusher! Or that young woman's satisfaction with the curtains!

      Doing good feels good, y'know? And Yes, I do plan to do more of these... so much more satisfying than tossing them in a charity bin.

  3. Replies
    1. To be honest, I was anxious leading up to it, but ended up having fun. I really have to admit to social anxiety... kind of like that "first day of school" dread. It probably explains my indulges of Friday... OK, that's my story, anyway.

  4. What a wonderful thing to do!! We do have free libraries, but I'd never heard of the other events! Excellent!!

    1. I will have to hit up the faux-inlaws to find out how they got started, but they are great ideas! It's an all-volunteer effort. I would suspect it of being a church-sponsored kind of thing, but there's no church involved (at least visibly).

    2. Admiring your wordsmithing of “faux-in-laws”.😀

  5. What you call de-stuffing, I call the lighten the load time of life. I’ve got all the stuff I need. I miss the church rummage sales. Having been a helper there, I’m always amazed that it’s mostly the same stuff year after year. We attend a large church and the rummage sale finances the missionary work each year. They make nearly $10K each time.

    1. Oh, "de-stuffing" is not its only name. Swedish Death Cleaning is another. LOL.

  6. Great goings on! Wonderful! I love going to the Little Free Libraries too! I'm thinking about having one, but it's a bad time to start one, with everyone fearful.

    1. A little free librarian disclosed to me a book that was left in theirs. Being so open and anonymous, you have little control over what kind of material (including things you find objectionable) that gets donated.

  7. A million years ago I managed our local community Freecycle list (like Craigslist but only for things people were giving away)

    It really was nice to help facilitate keeping things out of landfills!

    1. Not only that, saving some folks who are just getting started. Now looking to make a few donations to Catholic Social Services for families coming here from Afghanistan. I don't need two sets of mixing bowls, the families coming in have NOTHING.

  8. What a brilliant idea. And...just because everything didn't find a new home...there's always next time. It's just waiting for the right person to come along. 😀

    1. That is true, if I don't find another home for it first. We have refugee families arriving this week...

  9. That is a great idea. I love when someone else can use what you no longer need.

  10. I have seen the little library but not those other ideas and they are really great. Bet our apartment buildings could do it too. Thanks for the ideas.

  11. Those are brilliant ideas to do in a community. You must feel very satisfied with your contribution. Awesome! Everything is recycled! Well done.

  12. That's very interesting. I know my sister visits Free Cycle on the computer.

    1. 👍 Hmmm... online give-aways... I'll have to look it over! Thanks.


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