Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Day 65: It's Hot out there! Stay cool.

When I placed the laptop in a different room yesterday (due to the heat, and just because I like a change of venue from time to time), Rubia decided she would plot herself down in its normal spot on the dining room table!


State of the blog preservation project:  Yesterday I started out with 128 pages of remaining blogs to review, or 1,920 individual blogs.  This morning those numbers are 111 pages, and 1653 individual blogs yet to be reviewed and decided about.  Doing the math, that means I touched and decided about 267 blogs!

Partway through the day, I started getting suggestions from other Sparkers about an "easy" way to programatically (someone wrote a program to retrieve blog content), and BOBCATGIRL76 had even shared the link to it.  My initial reaction was, "that's kind of like hiring the movers, who even move the dust and the unemptied waste baskets."  Which, believe me, I have done, in some moves under crunch time!

The blog post with the link was taken down overnight, and I got a Spark mail this morning from one member who said when she used it she got a "may be dangerous" message from her browser security.  In any case, I decided it wasn't for me.

Had I used a tool like this (even if I trusted its security), I would have missed the "linking them all together" that I did with the 2015 Good Life Halfsy family reunion blogs, where I copied a few of Kevin's and Alicia's blogs to go along with mine, to get multiple angles on the race.

Bottom line, in the end, there are no short cuts to editing... if you screen scrape the whole nine yards, eventually, to make use of it, you will have to go through those hundreds of pages of PDF files, anyway!

Today, the plan is to go looking for other opportunities like unto the Good Life Halfsy blog collection... finding the gems that mean the most to me... and bringing over any linked blogs that are still out there, too.  Time is getting short.  I know I am not going to be able to "touch them all".  Because even if I spent ALL of the next seven days on it, I'd have to average 236 blogs a day to "get 'er done".  And even in this week, there is more to life than this project!

I said at the outset that what I don't get to, I don't get to.  I'm sticking by that attitude!

This morning, even now, at 6:30 a.m., it's 79℉ outside.  And this is the "cool" part of the day.  I have a workout with the trainer scheduled for noon.  For those of you who have been praying along for his health, my thanks.  They did a successful out-patient procedure last Thursday, and he's been recovering.  Some medication and monitoring continue.  I'll assess for myself how well he's doing when I go in this noon.

Now, let's all get on with it, and live the best we can, this one and only Tuesday, August 10, 2021 we'll ever get.  That reminds me:  50 years ago today I started my first corporate job, still in high school!  Life is still good.  Spark on!✨💖


  1. I was a bit obsessed with cleaning out blogs and comments as I went along for the ride so was fortunate my moving on was easier than some.
    I'm also more excited about looking forward; leaving my musings about my mistakes behind.
    My future is in my hands!

  2. First, thank God your trainer is doing well!! That's fabulous news!! I'm glad you hesitated on that "new" idea. I am feeling sorry for those who indulged and it wasn't the right thing... You knew!

    1. It is my hope that as "risky" as it might look to me, that it wasn't taken advantage of, and that at least their data is safe.

      Trainer is looking so much better. He's not 100%, mind you, and will have to build back fitness, same as any of us who "go through" something. But he's not in that horrid pain, which followed after the procedure. He said he started feeling more himself on Sunday, and that's when he texted me to set up today's session.

      I am so grateful!

  3. Good news about your trainer.


    1. Thanks, and thanks to all who prayed on his behalf!

  4. Very glad to hear your trainer is recovering -- that's great news. And admire your attitude about blog preservation too: my dear son had done all of mine, not sure how he accomplished it, but he's a gem for sure.

    1. Kudos to your son for taking good care of his mum! I'm making progress, and if I got pulled off it this instant, I'd still be grateful for those I got through.


  5. Great news about your trainer. Prayers that he continues healing and fully recovers.

    It's hot here, too. The weather prediction is for big storms late this afternoon. Surprise! They arrived about an hour ago, a little after 9 this morning. At least I won't have to water this morning. It will be unbearably humid when it clears and the sun comes out. This morning, I read the Farmer's Almanac prediction for the upcoming winter. It looks like a 180 for the weather: lots of cold, snow, and ice. Yuck!!

    You have a very positive attitude about the blog project. Do what you can do and, when Spark is finished, accept that you did the best you could do. When the announcement was prematurely made, I removed all my pictures, I didn't want to take a chance they'd be out there somewhere floating around, and started deleting my posts. There was really nothing in the posts worth saving and I stopped.

    Enjoy the day. Stay cool.

    1. I have found it most interesting what path each Sparker has taken since getting the news... we are all individuals, capable of prioritizing what's most important to US to save. Kind of like the old parlor game, "what would you save if your house caught fire?"

      Spark on! Even off Spark! ✨

  6. great trainer is doing well stay safe

  7. I'm glad to hear your trainer is recovering.

    Happy Tuesday.

  8. Good job... we *will* have that community of Spark life rafts out in the wider ocean of the Blog-o-sphere, be it on Blogger, WordPress, or some other platform! With our little Spark diplomas reminding us of the wisdom we learned there over the years, we will encourage one another and reach out to new folks, too! 🎓👩‍🎓👨‍🎓✨

  9. Your kitty looks like a cat I had, Meo. He was a boy, though. His coloring looked just the same, but he was a British shorthair, and that looks like an American shorthair. Reminds me of him so much! Thanks for sharing the photo!

    I hope people aren't losing data over that program too.

    1. I was surprised to find when I adopted an orange kitten that it was a female! My dad used to swear that the orange cats were almost always males, and the calicos almost always females. And in my young eyes, my dad was THE authority on cats. But she, little blondie that she is (named Rubia, the Spanish word for blonde), is indeed a she. I'm quite certain she is not purebred of any sort, but she is American, and she is a shorthair! Her mama was hit by a car, leaving four kittens in the care of a co-worker, so of course several of us took in one apiece!

  10. That pic is adorable! Excellent news on your trainer. Best wishes with the project of saving your blogs.

  11. There is no short cut to living life the right way.

    So glad to hear trainer is on the mend.


Not a fan of the telephone

  I never was a fan of the telephone.  I hated calling up stores and asking for stuff, making appointments, etc.  This dates back to childho...