Monday, August 9, 2021

Day 64 Happy Monday and full of endorphins


Happy Monday, my friends.  Over on, it is the final week of operations!  I took the selfie this morning after my interval training session (80 - 140 running steps in each 5 minutes of walking), mainly to carry on a running joke on Facebook.  There's a friend of a friend who claims that "coffee is not breakfast".  Of course that one required some leg pulling, by various and assorted folks, and I had to add to the conversation.

Let me be clear, I do believe in a full, nutritious breakfast.  But often, like today, I have one mug of coffee before I head out for my walk and don't fix and consume my full breakfast until after.  So coffee is sort of a pre-breakfast?  Still, my coffee has a bit of almond milk in it, so it does constitute breaking my overnight fast!

Yesterday's progress on the blog review project is as follows.  I started out with 146 pages, or an individual blog post total of 2187 to go.  This morning, that sits at 128 pages, or 1920 individual blogs left to review.  That means I looked at and made decisions about 267 blogs yesterday.

For those of you who were fans of the alphabet blogs or the book reviews, including Beck and the Refuse to Regain series... sorry, those got pitched.  I figure those have to be worked actively, and reading about what they meant to me two or more years ago, not so worthwhile to me NOW.  Same was true of the Siebold "" work.  The only ones of any of these series I saved were ones that peripherally mentioned other life events that I considered significant:  hospital stay of a sister, for example, passing of an aunt, and of course, event reports!  I am up to January 2015, which was a year of a lot of personal bests at athletic events.  So I'm kind of looking forward to today's review.

As I was into reviewing blogs from 2014, I got a welcome interruption in a phone call from the mythical son.  His girlfriend was off on a trip with her parents, he was between lawn mowing sessions, and bingo, I've reached the point in his week where... "Oh, I have a mom, I should call her."  Seriously, this is the generation that doesn't write letters.  I remember my mom telling me about the early days of her marriage (1949, for those who might be interested in timelines)... and how she and her husband, newlywed and living over 150 miles away from their parents, would sit down on a Sunday evening and write letters, she to her parents, he to his.  This is the nowadays equivalent.

Now, back into the fray... the goals:

  • Pace myself, taking breaks to move (and do laundry)
  • Remember the reset:  what I don't get to, I wasn't meant to get to.  Let it go!
Everybody:  off to live the best Monday, August 9, 2021 we can manage, wherever we are along the continuum!  It's the only one we'll ever get, and we're worth taking care of.  Let's have some more Adventure before DementiaLife is good!  Spark on!  ✨💖🎇


  1. Thanks for sharing your SP blog re-read... have been letting go of mine. A bit sentimental about it. fyi... this is a much shorter version of the previous comment I wrote which ended up who knows where. Guess I just can't get the hang of how it works -

    1. Yes, I saw your blog over on Spark this morning... it's a bit of a hill to get over. I see you've echoed it over here. Sigh. It's going to be an emotional week!

  2. Of course coffee is not's a magical potion made from magical beans that turns me into a princess instead of a witch! ;-)

    Blogspot is not updating. Followed the link you posted on Spark.

    Happy Monday. Enjoy the day!

    1. There's a lag on BlogSpot from when I post to when it shows up in the Reading List. It can be a brief lag, or a long one... unfortunately, not predictable.

      Love those magical beans!

  3. You get to decide what to keep and what to pitch -- and I sure understand your logic!! Some stuff "keeps" and some gets a bit stale maybe . . . but how we all enjoyed all of it as it was unfolding!!

    1. Yeah, a lot of my whines are getting pitched... I don't want to leave an overall impression that things were always puppies and rainbows, but who wants to read the daily variations of emotions that wash over us all... except, of course, to recognize that it happens to us all!

  4. LOL! Yup . . . coffee is usualy my pre-breakfast and sometimes has almond milk in it, too.

    Glad you heard from the mythical son. Things are sure different.

    1. Thanks for popping by... evening beverage time by now, but I've paused the blog reviews for a while, and am indulging in responding to comments! 💖

  5. Morning coffee is so important to me that I have it defined as its own separate pre-breakfast “meal” in Loseit! 😂

    Sometimes it includes a tiny 20g bit of baklava when we’re feeling decadent...

    1. As long as decadent doesn't become the norm, why not?

  6. I think drinking your coffee pre-workout makes it a pre-workout (drink) 😉

  7. Wrote a lot of 'letters' last year in pretty cards...I like to write letters BUT email has replaced it. My handwriting has degenerated I think.

    1. My handwriting, too! But there are a few places where I still write a paper check, like at the dentist, and it feels... I don't know... pleasant... to know that we used to do this all the time, and we still remember how! The problem with physical letters is how to sort and store them... and when to destroy them and how. Not being a crafty sort, I'm not a big fan of paper cards... funny, I used to be, many decades ago... used to make my own stationery!

  8. You're making great progress! Yes, those event blogs are a joy to go back to. That's one good thing about being "older." The competition in races is so much less that the final result is often pretty good!

    1. The event blogs are fun. But... whine... it's a lot of work! So... I'll be glad when I get done for reals.

  9. Yes, a little cuppa first thing if breakfast will be delayed is a good thing.

  10. 2015 - 5 siblings and the Good Life Halfsy year! What fun!

    1. Yes, and an earlier visit from our brother, too, for a memorial service, plus his first full marathon... all sorts of good stuff in 2015.

  11. It is great to be able to keep blogs especially the comments received that helped us along our journey :)

    1. I have been saddened to see how many commenters had already reverted to CDxxxxx id's, meaning they had already left Spark before I printed off the blog.

  12. Looks like someone wrote a screen scraper...

    1. NANBH’s blog suddenly disappeared. How interesting.

      I wonder if people using the tool were causing a DoS type of effect?

    2. Reply to the reply: that would be my own suspicion, Anja! I put that concern in a Spark blog this morning.

    3. Saw that 🙂

      I suspect that even if the tool was created with good intentions, the programmer probably didn’t bother including page request delays. If they had been properly included (including a randomizer) it would probably have flown under the radar for a while.

      My guess is that SP yanked down any references to the URL and has probably blocked any requests from that domain, to prevent the whole site crashing...

    4. Meanwhile, I keep slogging through, manually!

    5. PS I belatedly saw your blog on SP mentioning this. Nice job explaining the DoS effect! 😀

  13. I have an infusion of coffee every morning. One mug, maybe two. I can't exercise on a food-filled stomach so it serves as my breakfast until later.

    1. Pre-breakfast! Yep. I'm back to doing a bit of pre-breakfast, pre-workout caffeine sipping, too.

  14. My personal "IT alarms" went off as soon as I saw it, and it's definitely not for me.

  15. Whew ... catching up.

    I LOVE the smell of coffee but don't enjoy drinking it. I worked with a lady that main lined it allllllll day.

    1. I was taken "off" coffee a couple of years ago, but I'm not totally "off". I allow myself one mug, and sometimes two, in a day.


Not a fan of the telephone

  I never was a fan of the telephone.  I hated calling up stores and asking for stuff, making appointments, etc.  This dates back to childho...