Saturday, August 14, 2021

Day 69: Onward


Happy Saturday morning everyone.  With the rising Delta variant numbers and all the stir about how contagious it is, and that it spreads via aerosols, some of the medical talking heads are saying "by all means" we should be in N-95 masks.  I have to admit I have been a slow adopter, but this week I received delivery of a small collection of these pretties.

Yesterday, on my weekly trip to the grocery store, I dipped my toe in.  I carefully followed the instructions on how to "fit" this mask to my face, with the nose piece molded to my own nose's shape.  Testing that there was no escape of breath around the edges.  And here's a plus:  no escape of air means... the glasses don't fog!  For the win!

With the 'fridge all stocked with my freggies, I pressed on with the blog review project over on SparkPeople.  

Partway through the day, a warning appeared in a comment that if "too many broken links" appeared here on blogger, one could lose posts, or possibly even an entire blog (collection of posts).  As a result, I put my own warning up for those who are preserving archived Spark blogs... to be sure to edit out the links that had been embedded in those old blogs.  Once Spark goes away, those links might well be broken (if they pointed to somewhere on the Spark site)!  If there are too many of these broken links, it could invalidate all your hard work in archiving.  You should be safe if you have them as PDF's on your own drives, but if you put them in BlogSpot posts, you need to review them to make sure you don't have invalid links in them.

Following my own advice, I went through all the blogs that I have re-published, and all the new ones I have written over here.  I found only ONE invalid link, and it was a link to a BlogSpot blog that another Spark refugee had written.  So I removed that link, and put an explanation in that blog (it was a July 9th blog where I referenced it).  

So, with that little detour I shall be back on the job reviewing the blogs after I get back from this morning's walk/jog.  Yesterday I started out with 55 pages, or 820 blogs remaining.  When I retired last night, there were 29 pages, or 427 individual blogs remaining.  The math says I "touched" 393 blogs yesterday.  A lot of them got pitched!  But obviously, some got preserved.

Those that I am saving, I have on personal storage, backed up to the cloud... for now!  I've mentioned before that my intention is to re-publish them a bit at a time, in the archives... or possibly re-organizing, re-combining, re-writing as blogs of insight, in the present day.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling the pull of the sneakers to get out and get active... it's an interval day for me!  I'm wishing all of you a healthy, active, self-care day, this one and only Saturday, August 14, 2021 we'll ever get!  Off to another "adventure before dementia"!  Spark on.✨💖🎇


  1. Thanks for the tips! Appreciate them

  2. I am masking again, especially now! With some 450,000 visitors all around here in the Black Hills because of the Sturgis Motorcycle rally, I feel a need to be more cautious. They'll mostly pack up and leave tomorrow, but for now... Even our newspaper editor commented about the wisdom of masking, and the challenge that all those others choose not to. With that many people, there's no doubt a number of variants are in play, and our numbers are already jumping!

    Thank you for always being a leader in so many ways!

    1. Given your "conditions on the ground" up there, I'd be doing the same. On the other hand, I heard some good news about Lalapaloosa in Chicago, where they enforced "vaccination proof or proof of negative test", and photos of many, many thousands of people crushed in to the concert grounds? "Only" 256 cases of Covid traced to there.

      Sorry, folks "only" isn't good enough for some of us.

  3. I'm glad you had time to check those links! I've been feverishly going through all of my blogs trying to save them in time, and, just now, I did! Yay! But I can't stop now, because I told everyone I was archiving someone else's blog. Someone who blogged every day! or nearly! I am just using email, to save things right now. You can copy and paste into emails. No limits! Any of you run into limits, just switch to email. Good luck!!!

  4. I wish I had gotten some of those masks, for the wildfire smoke that has filled the valley.

  5. I’ve been rereading my blogs and letting them go. I’m in Florida, and I never did stop wearing a mask even after vaccine; better safe than sorry.

    1. "Letting go" is a very viable option... we live life facing forward, not back. But rereading to glean the wisdom can surprise us, too! Wise woman, for Florida's conditions on the ground, too.

  6. Agree about the N95s. Good point about the fogging - if it’s happening, you’ve got a leak!

    All the masks I’ve sewn have slots for replacing nose wires and pockets for replaceable filters. But now that N95s are available, those should definitely take precedence.

    How interesting, that Blogger will automatically remove pages that have many broken links. I agree that has implications for porting old SP blogs. Especially since so many of us were in the habit of writing blog posts in response to someone else’s post!


    1. Fogging can happen from eye moisture, too, not just leaking breath... at least that's my experience. Have I thanked you before for your service in producing those masks? I'm in awe of those who stepped up and used skills that I don't happen to have... including my childhood friend who supplied me early on with three cotton masks.

    2. No need for thanks - the county health department sent me a very nice thank you card. With a stamp, and everything! 😄 I didn’t expect one - I know they were BUSY! 😳

      Honestly just hearing someone who respects the science and shares cautious behavior is thanks enough. ❤️

  7. As always, thankful for your insight and tips! Have completed the process of reviewing and deleting my SP blogs. I wasn't very prolific but they did contain some useful insights as well as memories. Onward...

    1. I'm finding a lot of interesting things... if nothing else context about when various events in life coincided. There's a lot of living spread over those 12 years! Onward!

  8. You have done a valiant job with the blog review -- thanks for the tip. And yes, I'm thinking some of the N-95 masks would be a good idea!!

    1. Not for every day, and not using them at the gym, but it's nice to have them for things where I can't keep distance and it's crowded. I figure I can wear the same one for a while, if I don't get it dirty.

  9. ROSESAREBLUE : Oh my word your energetic . What a lot of work you have done . That's a plus for the mask not fogging up your glasses .

    1. LOL! Passionate, obsessive, prolific... yes, energetic... well, I pace myself, and I'm retired!

  10. Totally agree. Thank you. As Anje said, Honestly, just hearing someone who respects the science and shares cautious behavior is thanks enough.

    My DD has severe uncontrolled asthma. Our Pulmonologist said he would hate to see her in the ICU. When she has to take steroids it weakens her immune system. We take every precaution seriously.

    Wear your mask proudly. You are inspiring people to save a life every time you go out in one.

    1. Thank you! The more of us who do, the safer your DD and JEANKNEE, and many, many others (including kids under 12) will be.

  11. No having glasses fog up is definitely a positive.

  12. I've had N95's for years due to all the fine construction messes we've done in our house. I find a well-fitted 'surgical' mask a good substitute (they came in second to the N95 in one medical review) as long as the nosepiece is bent properly to your nose-cheek line.

    I'm enjoying more time away from my chair lately. Wonder why?

    1. Well-fitted is the key, in all cases!

      Enjoy that "away from the chair" time!

  13. The Covidiots and maskholes make life a such challenge. I read this morning that nurses at a Shenandoah Hospital are picketing because they have to be vaccinated or get fired. Insane...we're following the science and doing our best to stay safe and healthy. Happy Saturday.

    1. Risks / benefits. Doing our best. We may not know the large-scale impacts until 20 years from now, but when you bump that up against the potential of dying today (based on rates for your age)... it was a no-brainer for many of us. I get it, but... the public health is about all of us, not any single one of us.

  14. Glad you are being super safe! Watch the footing out there, and enjoy those intervals ❤️🐔❤️🐔❤️🐔❤️

    1. You are such a good mother hen! Cluck-cluck... the intervals were wonderful, thanks. 3.2 miles of them, and oodles of endorphins! Today mostly a rest day.

  15. Oops bet that was my blog post. I have been doing some tweeking and adjusting but I should be back there later today. I had some computer issues and blogs were taken down by me until I fixed it. All good now and am happy to be catching up with friends once more. Hugs and Sparkles

    1. LOL! Yes, it was yours, and I edited it out... if you're done, I'll restore it.

    2. Yes, I have fixed the trouble and everything is back to where it was. Just did the Poor House blog this morning so all is good! Sorry about that.

  16. Will it be weird when you finish? I know when I am engaged in a days long or weeks long project, it feels odd to be over. Of course, the whole SP ending deal is all kinds of odd feelings.

    1. It's going to be VERY weird both when I finish, and when Spark goes dark. I wonder if I'll know what to do with myself. Guess I'll have to pick up another project!

  17. Very glad you're staying safe with those masks! And that you were able to save your blogs. It'll be such a good record of your SparkPeople years.

    You made me smile and then laugh with "pull of the sneakers" and "adventure before dementia."

    1. And to think, at first I despaired of saving those blogs to the point of "I don't even have the energy to try." It came from somewhere.

      Glad to bring a smile these days!

  18. Again ... always helpful.

    Wish I could figure out how to get notified when you respond to my comment.

    1. I have figured out that one way I think I mentioned with the "notify" but I don't like the way it works because then I get notified of EVERY comment on that blog, not just the owner's! Sorry.


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