Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Day 72: Closing the door and moving on!


We all respond differently to stressful times.  I tend to hunker down and get to business, more so, the bigger the stress.  My original weight loss in 1989 was based on my concern for my kindergartner and my ability to keep up should he hurt himself on the playground.

My "big" original Spark loss (after regaining and a number of rollers over the years) was leading up to and during my son's first deployment.  (Yes, that same kindergartner grew up and signed on to the reserves.)

I now present the little weight chart (weight is just ONE measure) of the last 72 days.  Yep, the demise of Spark has been a stressor, too.

What I have observed, over the decades is that minor stress, the nagging unfinished tasks (NUTS, yes, I found that old blog in the review), I would tend to eat over.  But major stressors threw me into self-preservation mode, and I did better at taking care of myself.

We are now back at the dreaded Finish Line Syndrome

This morning, I was up early.  Not knowing what time zone Spark operates on, but suspecting I still had a bit of time, I went over and logged my account out on the phone app, and deleted it from my screen.  I came onto the browser and did the same on the Web site.  I have closed the door.  I did not delete my account, but I am done.

The big question is:  what happens next?  And you know what?  What happens next is we move on.  I posted my tea-towel status over on My Fitness Pal.  Cronometer tracking has been a part of my life that whole 70 days or so, as that graph pretty much shows.  And here I am on Blogger, posting my morning pep talk.

The only piece that I haven't found a satisfactory replacement for is the little Spark Coaching piece on the start page that let me set up tasks for the day, and check them off as done, right within the web page.  I am only just starting to experiment with Google Calendar tasks.  I started a OneNote notebook to-do list, and I looked at the Google sheets version of a to-do list.  So far, nothing has taken hold of me.  I may just fall back on my paper calendar, which I still keep, all over the house (bedroom wall, on the 'fridge, and a big book style one on the kitchen phone counter).  

There is no need to consider this a finish line.  It's just another day.  😎🌞

So, for today:

  • Anybody remember:  "Eat what's in the bag"?  I don't pack a bag any more, since retirement, except on special days when I have an outing planned.  But the phrase resonates, and reminds me to eat what my body needs to stay healthy.
  • Remember to breathe.  Nothing is so vital it won't wait ten minutes for your exercise break!
  • Remember that taking care of yourself is not a selfish act.  You are of more use to others and the world if you take care of YOU!  YOU are a valuable human being, worth taking care of.
Now, let's get out there and LIVE, best we can, under whatever burdens we may personally have today.  After all, it's the only Tuesday, August 17, 2021 we'll ever get.  And Life is Good.

Spark on!  ✨💖🎆


  1. I did the same as you this morning. I posted one last post on my favourite team, made sure all personal pictures were taken down and very gently shut the door on SparkPeople. It has been a place of really special friendships and I am happy that I will not be losing the very close ones. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for the memories...I closed the door as well, with a sigh.

    I spent a bit of time explaining our dilemma to my son-in-law and he offered many other avenues. They aren't the same. The easy quick conversations, the sharing of pictures, the camaraderie...
    Oh my, these are the same things I can do with 'real' people! Phone calls, email, and even snail mail. I done all those recently and quite frankly they are satisfying. I think I found people again. I have friends I will carry on with me and here I can still torture people with my pictures!
    I'm good!

    1. Real life has always been here, hasn't it? Congrats on your growing awareness... and feel free to torture with photos any time! Glad you're good, but to be honest, I expected no less from you! 😁

  3. ❤️ Your graphs over the last two rounds and current round in this challenge are showing that same trend:


    Well done! 😁

    I have an iPhone and I like to use the “reminder” feature to bug me to do things daily, which I can tick off a list it presents.,.

    1. No iPhone here, I used my Google calendar on my phone to remind me of appointments... but it isn't good for those "you can do this anytime" kind of tasks. For example: put out the grass clippings sometime before you go to bed. Bring the trash bin back into the garage in the morning. Believe it or not, I used the Spark Coach list for repeating tasks, those two being only a couple of them.

    2. Yep, that’s exactly how I use my to-do reminder list on my phone. “Must get it done sometime today”. It pops up a little thing reminding me in the morning so I won’t be able to say I forgot. 😂

      I bet there’s something analogous on Android... the two OS’ track each other pretty closely (iOS even got swype a couple of years ago! LOL)

  4. Congratulations on turning a stressful event into a personal win! When I logged onto SP this morning at about 7:45, my personal page was already gone, so I deleted the website from my various computers, tablets and phones and now we have a different way to communicate, which is great! It did seem like SP had it all in one place which is why I returned to it, but I am also confident that new places and new ways will still get the job done. ❤️

    1. It was a convenient community, but sometimes we need to be shaken out of our complacency!

  5. Apps asked for a login and then wouldn't open for me. The site directed to Spark America. I'm Canadian so I'm trying out MFP and Lose It to see what I like.
    I noticed that Spark Recipes site is still working for now.

    1. I'm over on MFP just for the "friend feed" kind of feature, track food / activity on Cronometer. Do I have you as a friend there? (Pause to check... nope... there is a DebeDebe over there, with a profile shot of a gorgeous dog... you? If so, I'll send a friend request...)

  6. Same... closed up shop on SP last night by deleting the link/bookmark... onward we go!

  7. You've used the stress of the Spark People shut down most effectively and I congratulate you!! NOT off the rails: simply as motivation to use all the tools we learned together to stay healthy: physically and mentally and spiritually. Well done.

    1. Oh, heck, this was virtual... you just pulled off a big move in REAL life, and in the midst of a pandemic... SAFELY! Well done, indeed!

  8. "All good things must come to an end." Geoffrey Chaucer

  9. I found the days leading up to the 'end' stressful. I was sad. This morning I got up early and closed the door for one final time. I deleted the app from my phone and I am ready to move on. As you said, 'Onward'.!

    1. Yes, Ma'am. Every stage of the process of leaving brought some level of resolution. With each decision, a weight dropped. Now, it's Onward, ready to move on.

  10. Life is good! I enjoy the morning pep talk, even at 7 pm. 💗

    1. You are welcome to use it for tomorrow morning! 😁

  11. Yes, quite the morning. I was on just perusing any last minute things on Sparks and was done. Sad. Then the spark went out. Error msg. Site no longer available. Redireced to SparkAmerica.

    Wo, moving on. Life moves forward.

  12. Wonderful blog... it is a testament to all on SP how much each of us is 'suffering' at it's closure and also how much each of us gained finding a group of amazing people who encouraged us to keep moving and meet and excel goals. All the time making life long friends..

    1. It's pretty amazing, what Spark pulled off. It's even more amazing to see how many of us might remain connected, beyond the closing doors. "All the time making life long friends." That says it all.

      These life long friends are supportive of each other's goals and dreams, too. The BEST of friends, even if we never meet in "real life".💝💖

  13. I remember "eat what's in the bag." I used to post what I was going to eat for lunch first thing in the am, so I had no excuse. Above all else, guar your heart, for everything you do flows from it, says Scripture!!

    1. That is a great "virtual bag", you list of what's for lunch each day! And yes, guard your heart to keep it pure and loving and wise. Spark on. 💖

  14. Yep, Spark was a great tool, but the best bit was the people. Like you, I logged out and removed the icon from my screens. The last few weeks I'd only checked in to read friends' blogs and was logging elsewhere. Moving forward I'm down several pounds.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Good job on moving on AND on dropping those pounds. We'll keep on cheering each other on!

  15. 🖐🏼I remember “Eat what’s in the bag” 😁

    1. There have been some classics invented over the years... remember WATERMELLEN's Charlie: "not my food"?

  16. Remember that taking care of yourself is not a selfish act !!!

    Sparks provided all the essentials I was looking for. So, now to find a NEW way of taking care of ME.

    1. It's only been a week... most of us are still establishing our new ways... good luck and keep on Sparking!


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