Monday, August 30, 2021

Happy Monday morning!


Yes, friends, Spark or no Spark, I am still a fan of a Monday.  Mondays are my fresh start for the week!

This morning I was out to walk and had to do another "early morning park entrance" shot to catch the sunlight rising.

One thing about living in the suburbs, there are certain times of day when it's a little less fun to be out walking.  You're good from 6:30 to about 7:15, but then the great migration begins, and there are all the workers starting to head out toward their jobs.  They might not have had their coffee yet, so as a walker, you need to stay alert to stay out of their way.  It gets worse as it gets closer to 8 a.m., because by then they are in a hurry, depending on how far their drive is going to take them, and how many kids they might be transporting to school, distracting them!

Lighting enhanced...
so you can actually see the squirrel.
It wasn't the humans that chattered at me, this morning, though.  It was a cheeky squirrel.  Cheeky squirrels are in their busy season, and they are reminding us that Autumn is closing in on us!  

We are having one of those blessed breaks in what was a week long heat wave.  Most of August here was "above average" temperatures, and we topped the Fahrenheit century mark on the thermometer twice last week, and we had a high of 99 two more days!  So when yesterday was cooler, and so is today?  Being very grateful.  We got some rain yesterday morning, too.

The Pep Talk

Now let's all get out there and live the best we can, this one and only Monday, August 30, 2021 we'll ever get!  Make good decisions that nourish body, mind and soul, recognizing that each day's need may be different, and each person's place on the path, too.

Spark on, for Life is Good.✨💖 And we can do it!


  1. Yes, the last week of August . . . . time to wind it up in a strong way.

    LOVE the squirrel! They are indeed busy right now!


    1. A month that went by both slowly, and way too fast, all at the same time!

  2. Didn't August go by quickly! Too fast even though some days were miserably hot and humid.

    I have noticed the squirrels getting more active again in our back yard.

    1. Between the squirrels and the crickets, the song of August and September is playing.

  3. Yes, I time my outside walks for heat/cold and the start/stop of the two neighborhood schools ...

    Happy Monday!

    1. 😁 If these are the worst problems you and I have in life, we really are blessed! Happy Monday!

  4. When I was shopping for Pikes Place decaf coffee pods at a store 2 weeks a go . A straw stuffed squirrel with the cutest gold dress , jumped in my arms . I told her she had to stay at the store , but she insisted she was coming home with me . So rather than argue with her I bought her and she is watching me type to you , right now . So we all have our own squirrel problems , at least yours didn't come home with you , like mine did . LOL

    1. LOL, indeed. Had this squirrel come home with me, no doubt The Prisoner and Rubia would have had something to say about it! Had it been a straw squirrel, it would have been endangered at Carl's next visit. Yes, we all have our own Squirrel problems! Thanks for sharing yours and making me smile! 😊😊

  5. I think fall is coming prematurely here - we’re going to have to cover the potted citrus trees three nights in a row, this week! (Temps below 50F)

    I don’t want to think about bringing them inside, already! 😳

  6. During these past couple of weeks, if you have outside things to be done, the earlier the better is the way to go. We haven't had any relief here yet. Maybe say the weather folks.

    The sunrise photos is remarkable, plus the peace and quiet that accompanies them.

    Not a great fan of the squirrels. Our woods is full of the destructive critters. Rats with bushy tales.

    Happy Monday! Hope it was a great one. 😊

  7. That squirrel sure looks cheeky! 😂❤️

    1. Oh, she was! It was her chittering that made me stop, look up, and decide to take the photo, since she didn't run off!

  8. As August ends, time to look forward to autumn just like the squirrels. I don't deal with commuters here on our isolated country road, just speeding pickups and lawncare trucks. Early is best for me too. It's our humidity here in the south that is our main problem. Like breathing jello.

    1. Yep. You might not believe it, but here in the "Great American Desert" (so named by Lewis & Clark), we get humidity, too. All that underground aquifer, and the corn sweating? But until I moved East, I had no clue what humidity really was!

  9. Beautiful pics. Glad for the good walk before the human migration started. Enjoy the cooler temps.


Not a fan of the telephone

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