Friday, August 20, 2021

Carl resigns himself to human silliness

 What can Carl teach me today?

After some initial resistance, my grand-dog Carl accepted the silly basketball jersey his humans put on him, and just flopped down on their door mat.

Isn't that what a lot of us do with "go along to get along" behaviors?  It might explain why we eat more than we really need, just because our friends are indulging?  Or why we flop on the couch to watch a movie, because we want to spend time with a loved one, and that's the thing you both might enjoy?

It takes a bit of effort to exert ourselves to get our own needs met... Carl eventually got his taken care of in this little story.  Son's GF (the photographer) said after they got the photo, they soon took it off, and even let him out of his collar so he could enjoy his natural "nudist" self for a while.

A lot of living a healthy lifestyle is about balance.  Balance of various needs.  I was pondering about this lately, as I have been in a time of "easy living" with healthy habits.  Why is it that some times are easier than others?

In a couple of blogs this week I explored the effect of the stress of circumstance, and when that stress evokes the determined response in myself.  We really have to pay attention to all kinds of needs!  One of those needs is the need to feel that we are "doing something" about that stress of circumstance.  And many times (more often than we might like) those circumstances are not something we can personally control.

For example:  
  • the earthquake in Haiti.  
  • The wildfires in places near and far.  
  • The exit from Afghanistan of US and allied forces... and the people who are exposed to danger because of it.  
If we are not physically there, we can't go dig in the rubble ourselves, help put out the fire, try to guide or shelter the fleeing people.  If we don't have the skill set or resources to GET there, we cannot directly help.  If we don't have the right skill set for the job, even if we could get there, we might just be in the way of others more equipped to help.

Too much news coverage can just spin up our emotions.  My kid sis described me as an "empath" in a recent conversation.  "These are tough times for empaths" she quipped.  Let me make it clear, I am no Deanna Troi (the Star Trek counsellor, who was half Betazoid, and a true empath, capable of feeling the emotions of others).  But I do tend to project myself into the shoes of others, with a "how would I feel if..." mindset.  In short, I'm a softie.

I have a life-long tendency to "eat" my emotions.  The important lesson for those of us who are emotional eaters to learn is that OUR eating over a situation will not make it better!  Depending on our individual circumstances, we might be able to change our behavior, budget a donation to a cause, etc., but eating because there are starving children in Africa doesn't feed THOSE children!

The same is true of watching news:  is my watching this, and hanging on every word going to help the people being depicted?  If not, and it's raising your hackles, might be time to turn it off!  When you are in the middle of it, you can't turn it off, but if you're NOT in the middle of it, it might be better to do something that prepares to help, or at the very least calms our own emotions!

Various folks I know clean like demons when under emotional turmoil.  I have found this works, if I can get myself started.  So does getting active.  Moving the body gives us the sense that we are "doing something"!  So this morning, I shall be out to do those intervals between the rain showers that seem to be descending on us.

The pep talk:

For today, let's 

  • "Eat what's in the bag", 
  • "Remember to go to recess", and 
  • "Remember to breathe".  
Even without the Spark site, we can keep on sharing our Spark of motivation to nourish ourselves, and take care of our health, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Let's LIVE, this one and only Friday, August 20, 2021 we'll ever get, best we can do.  And that is enough!

Life is good!  Spark on!  πŸ’–✨


  1. Amazing! Couldn't have said it better myself - and in fact didn't even try ;)
    It is so easy to take the world's problems on our shoulders and there often isn't much we can do. I can make contributions and share posts; e.g., our local rescue needs fosters so got that word out to friends. It's been hard to realize that there really is nothing I can do to get people to take the vaccine and worrying about it is fruitless although it hurts my soul.
    Luckily I'm not an emotional eater and remembering that we can only do what we can do helps. And getting outside to walk or go to the gym makes all the difference in the world. today taking a restorative yoga class which is just what I need.

    Love the picture of Carl. What a cutie.

    1. Enjoy that yoga class. It sounds perfect.

    2. Hi Barb! Just checking in on a few blogs. Enjoyed the Carl pic!
      I’m not much of a news watcher. My big sis keeps me informed as she is an over-watcher in my opinion. But that’s ok I suppose as she doesn’t stress eat over it! Lol
      We can do something on our own…pray for those suffering and in turmoil. Often times that means just calling it to mind and dedicating a task (like a mindful walk).
      The news is kinda like the bag of potato chips or the candy dish, just stay away.
      Or check it only once a day…
      Just thinking aloud…
      So nice to be able to check in or reach in new places, like here on Blogspot or MFP.
      Cheers, Tricia

    3. Hey, Tricia... good to see you here, too! I'm the "overwatcher" until I realize what I'm doing and turn it off. Go for prayerful walk is good. I do NOT bring chips or candy into the house, because I'm the only one here. Have to remind myself that news is like them, only in the thoughts category!

  2. We brought our Sparks with us!

    1. πŸ‘ You want a funny... when you right click and start typing a word, it suggests emojis for you... I started to type "thumb" because I know it will bring up the thumps up, only the "t" didn't get caught, and I got as far as thum and was offered πŸͺ🐫 camels!

  3. Carl . . . lessons to teach, eh! He is a handsome boy.

    Thanks for this lesson. Lots to think about!

    1. πŸ‘He's both handsome and cooperative... son's GF has greatly gentled him/socialized him.

  4. So right on target! I try to move or distract myself with something good-whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lively, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. Think on these things. Despite what he hear and read, there’s so much more good-even right in our neighborhoods!

    1. So true! Seeing people helping people lifts one's heart. This morning, out on my walk/jog, someone driving by rolled down the window and hollered a compliment, "Looking good this morning!" I think I floated the rest of the way home.

  5. I rarely watch television news, and limit the news I read or listen to on the radio, have been that way for a few years. The rehashing, editorializng and sensationalizing is a bit much. I stay aware of what's going on, but don't spend my time being captive to it. Life is so much more.

    Happy Friday!

  6. Is it a bad thing I’m still stuck on the idea of a “nudist” dog? πŸ˜‚

    Cayenne seems to like having her collar on; she shakes it to make it jingle, and I swear she does that as a way to communicate...

    Sorry, I really did read the whole post, and I definitely think compassion is both a blessing and a curse,

    ...but NUDIST DOG!!! 🀣

    1. LOL! 🀣 Glad I was able to get you going! Maybe you were already on the verge of hysteria with all the stuff going on in the world and all it took was the mental image of a collarless dog? My cats are nudists, too, by the way, but I can't even get them to wear a collar to show off their licenses! They strip them off. Sigh. So... microchips!

    2. You are such an inspiration and have a way of putting things into perspective! (Hemtech)

    3. To be honest, it *was* a rough night and I’m kind of logey today, but due to indigestion, not the news... apparently my mouth enjoys spicier food than my stomach can tolerate! 😳 🌢🌢🌢

      ...just heard Cayenne jingle her collar downstairs. It’s like musical jewelry, for her! She’s not a nudist or naturist, I guess. 😁

    4. Thanks, Hemtech! Anja, give Cayenne an extra pat for me!

  7. Cleaning or any vigorous activity works foe me. I got off social media for Lent and never returned in a big way. It helps to quiet the mind.❤

  8. Hmmm... you provoked some thinking today. My attempts to balance being an informed and caring citizen of the world in these days and times without stress, anxiety, or burying all the emotions is quite a roller coaster ride. And I'm not an empath either.

    1. Sending vibes of balance to you! If we're going to be on a roller coaster, at least help it stay on the rails?

      Informed and caring, but not despairing, that's the balance!

  9. Empath, I don’t think I’ve ever used the term.
    I typically explain it to people as: I feel EVERYthing. People can’t hide their feelings/emotions from me. It scary, sometimes. I’ve been called a witch before, but I can’t help it. I think its part of why I’m introverted, if I keep everyone at arms length or “relationships” on the shallow end I save myself from myself.

    1. Empathy is often a strong trait in introverted folks, but maybe your theory is more right... folks who are deeply empathetic protect themselves by behaving in introverted ways? Or maybe a bit of both. Thanks for giving me another way to look at it!

  10. Cleaning has always been therapy. While the world is in chaos, I am able to keep the chaos under control at home.

    1. Not only that, but you have something to show for it! A clean, welcoming home!

  11. A very wise blog! I’m infuriated by people with Covid being left at home untreated as cases soar in Japan, but what can I do about it? Just trust that everyone is doing their best and maybe turn off the news. Obviously Carl was thinking, “ I’ll just calmly wait here until my humans take this T-shirt off me! LOL

    1. Sometimes turning off the news is the best thing one can do!

      Clearly Carl is a spoiled rotten love-pup! I love it when he visits and when Grandma gets to go tramping through the dog-park with him and his humans!

  12. As usual, you nailed it. I've "eaten" the world and local news recently.
    I've just dried off from cleaning the pool at 8:30 am this morning. I needed to get away from the TV, computer and a particular person's grumbling about the state of affairs in the aforementioned places. I've never done that and found it refreshing for both my body AND soul. No one outside yet making noises, just me and the crows and doves. It helped the water was 86 and the air 75.

    As to all the stuff going on, my BFF uses an English translation of her Polish grandfather's saying:
    Not my circus; not my monkeys.

    I guess it's out of my hands although I can hope the show will go on.

    1. Yep! Out of our hands... and as for the show going on? We have only our part in our scene(s)... we don't control the whole act, much less the whole play!

      Here's hoping you have a fine weekend and take good care of YOU, as you said, body and soul!

  13. I read that we can write letters, about seeing that the money earmarked for Afghanistan, goes to helping our allies leave that country, as now the people who worked with us to make it a better place are in danger.

    1. Yes, and since I live in a city that resettles refugees, there are local charities that I can donate (time or money) to, as well.

  14. Hmm, a new version of which came first, the egg or chicken, for me to ponder -- empath or introvert.

  15. From a fellow softy ... we can only do what we can do and not everything is ours to contemplate on if we can do anything..

    I am usually in the dark about worldly news coz it ... overwhelms me.


Not a fan of the telephone

  I never was a fan of the telephone.  I hated calling up stores and asking for stuff, making appointments, etc.  This dates back to childho...