Thursday, November 17, 2022

One Gold-Plated Kitty for Christmas


Short blog today.

Rubia is home.  Vet tech referred to her problem as "hernias"... the vet had explained it as fat coming through two holes in the lining of her abdominal wall, into the subcutaneous layer, thus looking like a lump / tumor that wasn't a tumor at all.

In any case when I went in to pay and pick her up, the poor girl at the desk kind of cringed when telling me how much, but it matched the estimate I had already been given.  I was prepared.  Rubia is now the most expensive cat I've ever owned, and she was born in a barn.

They said that Rubia had been good about leaving the stitches alone, so they sent her home with just the squirt in the mouth every other day pain meds.  No cone of shame.

I'm glad the weather forecast, while cold, doesn't have a lot of snow or ice in it over the next four days.  Starting tomorrow is my "medicate the sister's cat" stint.  I received the text messages for when she left to drive to her daughter's home in Kansas, and when she arrived there safely.  This is how we travel these days... keep the families on both ends in the loop!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. So I ask you, what price do you put on love? You have a huge heart. Karma will be kind. Great news that the kitty is healing properly. Has she gotten over her carrier snit, sitting on your lap, and purring loudly to let you know that all is forgiven? She looks quite content sitting on the table.

    In our family, back in the "good ol' days", when the price of long distance calls were ridiculous, a traveler would call the contact person. The traveler would let the phone ring twice and then hang up, letting the contact person know they had arrived safely. Crazy system, but it worked.

    When do we get to sing to you?

    Have a pleasant evening. Keep sparkling!!

    1. She has been on the lap & purry at least once. She has been rubbing her cheeks on every vertical surface in the house, marking her territory. This is MY house and don't you forget it, she says. Meanwhile, the Prisoner has been sniffing at the carrier and the towel I sent with her.

      Yes, I remember those "ring twice and hang up" days.

  2. I just read the answer to my question on the gratitude list. My middle DD celebrates on Thanksgiving. The year she was born, a Tuesday, I was supposed to take the pies to my mother's for Thanksgiving dessert. For years, she was teased about being the reason for the missing dessert that year. Pie with candles for her teen years. That was my mother's gift to her. ;-)

    1. My trainer's birthday will be on Thanksgiving NEXT year, it's the day before this year. I love the middle DD story about the pie with candles!

      We had a similar "thing" with my brother (two days after Christmas) never getting a birthday cake and everybody giving him one present for both Christmas and birthday. One year my mom tried to remedy this by holding a half birthday party for him... but then of course my sister and I wanted one, too! Kids.

  3. We pay what we pay for the love. I'm glad you can rest easier. I hope she sleeps through the night!

    1. She seems not to have missed a step, and I'm betting on a peaceful night. You are so right... we pay because 1) we can, and 2) we love.

  4. Love her skin bracelet 🀭 Glad she’s ok!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. That's actually tape holding down her fur! I think it's where they inserted the IV during surgery. It's a huge relief to know for sure she's OK, and that makes it worth the expense to me.

    2. Oh! Why wouldnt they take that off after they were doneπŸ€”

    3. I don't know, but since they left it on, so did I, so far. When she starts to trust me a little more, I will probably snip it off, but right now, I'm "choosing my kitty battles" to get her dosed with the after care medication every other day.

  5. Those are shocking prices for our fur babies. You can't put a price on them though. So, glad that she's home and doing well.

    1. πŸ’– Yeah, I know if it were Scoots, you'd probably be finding a way to cover it! Thanks.

  6. So happy to hear no cone of shame. Those are so tough to keep on just because it seems to make things so tough for them on top of having surgery. Such a pretty kitty. Isn't it great how we can send quick messages to say we have arrived or are on the road. Remember the days of calling collect and hanging up just to let family know you were okay without costing a fortune?

    1. I do remember those days. I also remember paying an arm and a leg for an overseas call or two. Life and communications are sure different these days.

      I'm glad she isn't confined... it's very hard to contain a cat's behavior, but on the plus side, they are pretty good at self-regulating and recognizing what will help them heal.

  7. So glad that Rubia is OK even tho it cost a small fortune…yikes!! I know that you are relieved that ordeal is over! Have a lovely Friday! Eissa7

    1. Yes, a big relief that it's in the rear-view. Had I not taken her in I would have second guessed THAT, too. Have a great Friday. Sunny but frigid here. Feeling for the folks up in Buffalo.

  8. Happy for Rubia and her human!

  9. Good girl, Rubia! NO cone of shame! Awesome

    Safe travels to your sis. Glad she arrived safely. And good luck to you on your cat medication duties!


    1. Medicating cats is no fun. My sister described it as "adventures in creativity"... for her kitty, we crush half a thyroid tablet in her dish, put a spoonful of tuna juice in it to dissolve the powder, and she licks it up.

      We're not in "the snow zone" this week, thank goodness. Kevin's daughter is in Rochester, which is just a ways down the road from Buffalo, NY, which is getting hammered this weekend.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...