Sunday, November 6, 2022

Alternate walking routes

 Here's why I have had to find alternate walking routes:

The crew is not done working on the drainage ditch.  They have both street and sidewalk shut down. It has been this way for about three weeks so far.  Saturday as I was drawing my walk to a close, I watched a dad and son who were running encounter the end of their anticipated route.  They had to turn around and find an alternate route, too.

At least we had sunshine, even though it is still a good deal cooler than it was early in the week.  Those super warm days won't be very common from here on out.  I tell myself I am acclimating myself to November.

Meanwhile, across town

Saturday was the 13th anniversary of the Fort Hood shooting, which as many of you know was very personal to me.  I've written about my experience that day before.  But every year around this date, I try to make sure I check in with my son.  As it turns out, he now has a positive anniversary to balance out the negative one:  he and his fiancé met on November 3rd, 2019.  November 5th, between the passage of time and that balance, I'm not as concerned about him.  But I still wanted to check in.

Got a message from his lady love before I got that check in accomplished.  In it she asked me if he'd told me they are both down with cold/flu like something.  Negative Covid tests, both.  He came down with whatever it is after a home visit (part of his practicum work) to a house with 4 cats (he's allergic).  Of course, he thought it was the allergies.  But she started in, too.  Anyway, because of it, they are both laying low and staying home and resting up for the weekend.  They got chicken soup delivered.

I did see "proof of online life" from him Saturday, so I know he's OK enough to run a keyboard or phone.  I know if I'm feeling really awful, I'll stay offline!

Falling back and streaming another race

I did not sleep particularly soundly last night.  Woke up more times than usual.  It being "Fall back" weekend, the watches and computer automatically adjusted in the middle of the night, so they were telling me it was only 4:50-something when I gave up and got up.

I was curious about whether the little Intermittent Fasting app would accept the phone's change in time on its clock.  It did not.  It was displaying to end the fast reminder as 6:49 a.m., but it triggered the reminder text at the time it said was 5:49.  I waited until breakfast at 7 a.m. new time, drinking my morning coffee black, so as not to break it early.  Just in case.  It gave me credit for a 15 hour fast. Then it adjusted the time to match the phone's clock.

A gal I know from my training days for half marathons is once again running the TCS New York City Marathon today.  I wanted to stream the coverage.  It's being covered by ABC, and I don't have access to an ABC station live.  I had to search to find a proper link.  The first and obvious one kept cutting out because of copyright issues.  Found another one!  The wheelchair and elite runners are out on course.  Betsy won't start for a while yet. 

Well, that gives a good start to Sunday, so I'll go ahead and post!  Hope you all have a smooth adjustment to the time change (if your section of the world is changing clocks, that is).  

Remember to hydrate, nourish your immune system, breathe and rest.  Oh, yeah, and move a bit.  We don't have to be marathon runners to be a healthy kind of active.

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Hope y’all found alternate routes! Looks like major work being done!

    So sorry for those lost @ Ft. Hood, but glad that your DS is doing well and has his wonderful fiancée to balance things out! Sorry their both ill w/a viral something! Glad they are laying low and had chicken soup delivered. Nothing more comforting. Hope they feel better soon and continue negative for Covid.

    Hope your friend does well in the Marathon!

    Here’s to a quiet week ahead.


    1. Thanks for the well wishes for the kids. I touched base with them this morning, and it looks like they are weathering it and improving. The elites have finished the marathon by now, and the age groupers (including my friend, and one of Alicia's) are out on the course.

      Hope you have a fine Sunday!

  2. This time change doesn't bother me nearly as much as the one in the spring. That one takes a few days to acclimate.

    Finding an alternate route brings to mind the saying, "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape." A favorite maxim.

    Sorry to read the DS and GF are ill. Happy to read it's not Covid. My DD says a grandson is really congested. I worry about RSV. One epidemic at a time, please.

    Good luck to your friend in the NYC marathon.

    Keep Sparkling!!

    1. I love your maxim! I sympathize with the "one epidemic at a time" desire. I think that ship has sailed, though.

      She's 15K in, so far. She posted a picture of Lady Liberty this morning, on her way to the start line at the Verazanno Bridge.

      Have a Sparkly Sunday, Jeanne!

  3. There is some kind of stomach virus winding its way through the schools here in our part of Texas. I can't help but wonder what goes through the minds of young students contending with this virus, concerns about Covid & potential shootings and adults at such odds politically. Seems like a breeding ground for extreme stress and anxiety.

    Even though it's 82F here right now, the crock pot is working toward an awesome soup inspired by one you pictured very recently.

    Keep on keeping on!

    1. I agree, it must be hard to be a young person today... but gee, that's probably what our parents and grandparents thought about the age you and I grew up in: duck and cover drills? Measles and Polio? Every generation has its own monsters. I pray for us all.

      I'm betting your Crock Pot will do its job and you'll enjoy every bite, mug and / or bowl of that soup. We got up to 59 with sunshine here, and I'm not complaining!


  4. I was feeling a bit self-conscious this AM (skin issues), but I dragged myself to the gym anyways. After the foam rolling and a set of back extensions the power went out. We were evacuated and told the gym was closing. No cardio today. I did an at-home strength training bit, it didn’t occur to me to go for a walk🤦🏻‍♀️
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I will be walking more this week, as my trainer is off being educated on training para-athletes. I think it's so awesome that the triathlon community is recruiting trainers to take on inclusive / adaptive training.

      Here's wishing you a good week ahead!

    2. Thanks! It’s supposed to be a rainy-cloudy week, but I’ll ‘see’ you out there!
      -RunKeeper Dee

  5. I can't believe its already been 13 years since the mass shooting there. It's never easy when the anniversaries come up. The sad thing is there are so many that many forget. Those personally affected by them always remember like it was yesterday. I'm so happy your son has a good memory for this time of the month.

    1. I think it's human nature to "move on" from tragedies that don't affect one personally. That's hard to understand from the inside of having been affected so deeply, but it's normal, or the world would go into overload of negativity, and we wouldn't have the space for re-growth.

      But for those of us that HAVE been affected, remembering is part of that regrowth. Like the volcanic ash from Mt. St. Helens fertilizes the regrowth there, our grief and remembrance feeds our personal growing.

  6. Huge hugs and much love. I love going back to Standard time and really wish they wouldn't bother with the spring change. I like the saying that only the government would take a blanket, cut the top off, sew it to the bottom and try to convince you that the blanket is longer.

    1. There is no getting over that the minutes of sunlight change over the course of the year. How we decide to humanly organize our activity with the concept of "time" is the issue. Some of us are morning larks and tend to like standard time! Sorry evening sunlight fans, I'm one who loves the early sunlight!

  7. I'm still snickering at "chicken soup delivered". Half of the cure is smelling it cooking! Kids these days. ;-)
    I opened the windows to bring in the 70F breeze and watched the herd of deer sift through the brown leaves covering the lawn looking for good nibbles. It's a T-shirt day again today!

    We hold these happenings doubly, suffering the trauma through our children's eyes as well as our own. Hugs.

    1. Delivered from the grocery store. They still cooked it at home.

      Ah, you got the 70's? We're only getting up to 56 today, if the weatherman is right. We've had a couple of these "seasonal" Fall days recently, and it's a good shock to the system after hitting a record high for a day last week!

      I agree about holding on to things our children are going through. We worry over them... like for the rest of our mutual lives! Motherhood!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...