Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Hero bracelet


Good Morning, Sunrise!

And if you don't have music playing in your head, you are not of my generation.  😍

Went walking this afternoon, checking out the progress of the construction down the street.  The weather being nice, the big machines were active, and the workmen, too.

I had barely turned the corner when my phone chirped with an instant message.  "Do you have a spare 467th and 1908th hero bracelet?  Mine broke today?"

I responded that I would look when I got home, but I thought that I did.  You see, my son has been wearing this hero bracelet for 13 plus years, through two deployments overseas.  It bears the names of five of his fellows who lost their lives on November 5, 2009 at Fort Hood.

I found it the first place I looked.  I had been hanging that "spare" on the Christmas tree every year since.  (I wear one myself, and it's been through triathlons and mud runs and all.)

I messaged him back that my search was a success.  He called me and asked if he could come over and get it.  He felt nekkid without it, it has been such a part of him.  Of course he could!

I wasn't going anywhere and he sounded kind of down, so a mom hug might not be amiss.  He put the new one on his wrist, and showed me the broken one.  It had snapped at a flexion point when he took it off to go through a metal detector as he went about his workday.

He couldn't stay long, as he had another appointment to get to.  Still, he got three or four mom hugs out of the stop.  After he drove off, I sent him a link to the web page of the place that put my brother's Boston Marathon medal into a shelf-display case for me.  I figure they might be able to help him find a way to preserve the original, as clearly he has a deep (and understandable) attachment to it.

Some keepsakes are just that.

Here's sending vibes of peace and healthy choices to everyone.  Life will have these choppy waters some times.  We are better suited to survive them if we take care of ourselves, best can do, body, mind and spirit!

Life is good!  Spark on!



  1. Replies
    1. I choked up when I got a message from his lady-love last night. She thanked me for having that back up bracelet for him, as he was having trouble with his breathing yesterday and it meant so much to him. Folks, PTSD is real. Thanks for the hugs.

  2. Mom hugs are the lifesavers to help with those choppy waters.

    1. Indeed they are. I miss getting them from my own mom, who's been gone for 26 years now. Blessings to you, as well.

  3. Chiro visit today, he suggested walking on my “rest days” to help with my hip pain that seems to creep up on me. My walks are going to be done indoors, on the dreadmill 😕 I’m not sure why I’m dreading it so much 😔
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Good music, or a TV in sight help. Funny thing about treadmills. Let your mind roam, and it will be done before you know it!

    2. I can watch the World Cup matches!! You are brilliant! 😁🤗

    3. Outstanding motivational viewing! Good choice.

  4. Glad you could help your DS out, and yes, in situations like that, a MOM hug or 4 never, ever hurts.


    1. 💖 I know you know! He didn't tell me about the breathing issue, that pot of beans was spilled by his fiance. And my heart did that thing that mom-hearts do when their child is in pain upon hearing it. They may be grown men and women, but they will forever be our babies.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...