Friday, November 11, 2022

Veterans' Day 2022


Pay no attention to the blender by the sink...

I am doing nothing particularly special for Veterans Day this year.  It's chilly and windy outside.  I had to go out in the driveway and put the tree branch holding bins upright a couple of times and they were still blown over again before the garbage men came and emptied them.

I remind myself that while this may be the coldest day of the season so far, we aren't anywhere near as cold as it CAN get around here, particularly in a couple of months.

I decided I'd best lay in the week's groceries.  On Monday I am to report to the courthouse for jury duty.  That doesn't mean one is necessarily going to be selected for a jury, mind you.  This is the third time I've been called and I have yet to be put on a jury.  But it does mean my time will not be as flexible, at least on Monday, as it usually is.  And if I should happen to be put on a jury, only then does the judge tell you how long he expects the case to last.

The comfort food festival continues.  Yesterday I ate the chicken breast, but not all of the potato-onion-pepper-soup portion, so today I added broccoli and a few diced onions to the mix in the crock pot and cooked that on down for today's comfort food of the day.

Yum!  Cooking makes the house smell so good!

After starting it cooking, I followed through with my trip to the grocery store.  It was packed, and then I remembered:  this is the day they feed all the veterans for free!  No wonder it was packed.  

It's also packed because all the gray-hairs, like me, are shopping the specials they put out there for the holidays.  Butter, flour, sugar, and baking chips are on sale, Friday thru Sunday only.  I saw a mix of masks (including my own) and unmasked faces.  I think we have got to a point where we're OK making our own choices and not giving others a hard time about theirs.

With tongue firmly in cheek:

I am quietly watching an "old boy network" shuffle going on between Nebraska and Florida.  Both are solidly "red" states.  Our new Nebraska governor elect was at one time a Regent of the University of Nebraska.  One of our US Senators will be resigning his seat in the Senate to take on a position at the University of Florida.  I have to wonder how much influence the incumbent Governor of Florida, newly re-elected, has at the U of FL?  For that matter, I wonder how much the officials and one university interact with those at another, and the incoming Governor of Nebraska might have made some recommendations? 

Meanwhile, our out-going Nebraska Governor had announced that he would not appoint anyone to the soon to be vacant Senate seat; the incoming Governor would have that call.  Incoming Governor was the choice candidate of the out-going Governor.  What are the chances the outgoing Governor gets appointed to that Senate seat?   

No guarantees, of course, but they do all know each other. By January, we'll know if any of these projections come to pass, but we won't know for sure the motivation of how it came about.  That would be a conspiracy theory, wouldn't it?

Back to real life:

That's about it from here, this Veterans Day!  Here's hoping all's well in your own corners of the world, and that you are safe, warm, and taking the best care of yourself that you know how to do!

Life remains good.  Spark on!



  1. Windy, rainy, chilly day in progress here. We've gotten about 1.5" so far which is badyly needed to help our drought conditions. Just enjoyed a bowl of vegetable soup made in the crock pot. Mmm.

    1. Nums! You got more rain than we did. They are even tossing around that s- word (snow) for Monday night.


  2. Good luck w/jury duty.

    Your comfort food sounds delicious.

    Watching the election results w/baited breath to see what the Senate and house of representatives balance of power is.

    Have a peaceful Veterans Day and thank you to your son for serving!


    1. And thank you to your son, too! I'm also following the slowly unfolding counts. It feels like a relief, in that sanity seems to being voted in. Granted sometimes by a very slim margin, but a rejection of the worst offenders.

  3. Happy Veteran’s Day, Barb.
    I stayed clear of every place today, except the gym this morning😁
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. LOL! That's what I do all Christmas shopping season... avoid the crowds. And I have done this since LONG before Covid reared its ugly head. Just not a crowd sort of person. Or rather I'm picky about what kind of crowd I wish to join.

  4. Windy and cold here today with lots of sunshine. Deceiving. Made a trip to the cemetery, stopped at Aldi for potatoes and bread, treated myself to barbecue lunch. A favorite for take aways. First visit solo.
    Another cold and windy day tomorrow and potato soup will be perfect.

    Sent out "thank you for your service" messages to several immediate family members who have chosen military careers as a way of life.

    Nebraska loses and U of F gains a voice of reason. At least in one instance...IMHO. Quid pro quo will no doubt be reflected in the changing of the guard.

    Have a smashing weekend! Stay warm! Keep sparkling!

    1. Sigh. I think it's a long game move on his part. I do wish him well down there in Florida. But I would not consider this the end of his political path. Ambition is part of the whole scene.

      Thanks to your family for continuing to serve. And enjoy that soup. It sounds lovely for a cold day!

  5. Our temps dropped, our high was 33. It's going to be in the teens overnight. I had to get the mail and it was sunny, but so cold.

    We would normal go to the cemetery on this day, but it's so cold and my mom was sore.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Brrrr! It's 19 here as I get up on Saturday. Really not ready for this. Especially as next week is one with a whole lot of commitments. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. We even had some sleet last night. Your cooking sure sounds yummy. We are the same here, some mask, some don't and all just leave it be.

    1. Sleet... more brrrr! That's when the warm comfort food, morphing day by day, smells and tastes the best!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...