Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A fresh new gratitude list Nov 25 - Dec 3


This one is to last from Black Friday to Christmas... a continuation of the Thanksgiving-to-Thanksgiving gratitude challenge.  We'll see how long I can keep this up.

Nov 25:  I was thankful for Leftover pumpkin pie.  Since I was alone, I was able to focus on exactly how it tasted.  And if I must say so myself, I got the spice rations "just right" this year.  It was yummy.

Nov 26:  For balance, I am thankful that my body tells me it's not a good idea to prolong feasting, it's time to stop.  Good body, fine body, I'll listen to you!  There is a thing called "enough".

Nov 27:  I promised I would include my thankfulness for the animals in my life in this list, since I missed it in the Thanksgiving-to-Thanksgiving list.  I'm grateful for how kitties come into my life, almost by accident.  I'm grateful for their little personalities and how we tolerate living in the same house!  They greet me every morning and follow me up the stairs at bedtime and accept they are not allowed in that room.  Which reminds me, I'm thankful for doors!

Nov 28:  Today I am thankful for my online contacts, and that some find what I post helpful in their own journey through life.  We all have so much in common, and knowing we are not alone is an awesome thing!

Nov 29:  Today I am thankful for my hearing.  I am listening to Christmas music, the accapello kind.  Yesterday on my walk I was appreciating wind chimes.  Over the weekend it was honking geese overhead, in their V formation, circling for a lake landing spot.  What a blessing our senses are!

Nov 30:  Today I am thankful for personal rituals.  I have morning ones, and evening ones, that keep life on an even keel, medications as prescribed on board and the dental health preserved, too.  Lighting the candles in the dark of the morning is one that feeds my spirits, too.

Dec 1:  Today I am thankful for the calendar, and how it is divided to give us "fresh starts"... a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year.  Renewal is wired in to us.  Some challenges may take bigger chunks to get past, but the whole linear progression, and taking personal stock as the pages turn gives us a way to see that life is good, that there is a purpose.  Happy December, all!

Dec 2:  Today I am thankful for another "best weather day for a while".  It got up to 60℉ and the wind wasn't terrible.  Good weather to walk in!  On the way back I encountered another critter I'm grateful to have in my life.  His name is Barnaby, and he's a rough-coated collie.  I got enough ahead of him and his human (Bill) to dash inside and get the doggie treats.  Barnaby knows I stock them and he sat down prettily to politely request his cookie.

Dec 3:  Today I am thankful for the burr under my saddle provided by my cousin asking for my mailing address.  It actually spurred me to write a Christmas letter and get a card in the mail before my faithful friend in Texas landed one in my own mailbox!  


  1. Glad you like your pie! Feasting ends here today, too!!

    1. I think it helped that I didn't even take a nibble until it was cut at the gather.

    2. Wind chimes are one of my favorites sounds. I have two sets, a very low register one and an "alto" set; both metal. I have to store them in the winter as they are out of earshot.

  2. So often we don't appreciate just how great our body is, thank you for the reminder.

  3. Joining you in saying “Enough feasting!” My body is ready and my mind seems to be in agreement! We can Spark on, can’t we?! Eissa7

    1. We can Spark on! The holidays with lots of food traditions have only just begun. 🎄 is coming!

  4. That pie looks deeeeee-licious! Yes, the body definitely lets us know when it's time to get back on track!


    1. The healthier you've been living the faster that body gives us the cues, too!

  5. Got out the measuring spoons, cups and scale this morning with resolve that it's time again.

    1. Every day between now and Christmas that we take care is one less we have to struggle through later, eh?

  6. 11-26 Today finds me grateful a "help" request that was met with the most gracious reply with the answers that solved my problem.
    Thank You!!

  7. 11/26 - A day late for me, but you know I took the weekend off. That's what I'm grateful for spending time with my mom.

    1. I can't think of a better thing to be grateful for!

  8. Yes, our fur babies add so much love and joy into our lives!


  9. 11-27 I am grateful for word games that exercise my mind and brain and helps to keep it healthy.

  10. Yes, you always have sage words of advice . . . thank you!


    1. 💖🎅🌎🌏🌍 The world spins on wisdom and caring!

  11. 11-28 I am grateful for your post today. Thank you!!
    Barb posted, "Today I am thankful for my online contacts, and that some find what I post helpful in their own journey through life. We all have so much in common, and knowing we are not alone is an awesome thing!"

  12. Yes! For sure, I feel blessed to have my hearing aides to hear the sounds this wonderful world has to offer.


    1. Hearing helpers do just that! Two of my sisters wear them. I'm due up for a check next year, and next year is just around the corner.

  13. 11-29 I am grateful for the choices of how to spend my day.

    1. Ooh, I like that. Choice is a good thing! Be careful out there, I hear your part of the country could have some severe weather today, too.

  14. 11/29 Today I'm grateful for not having to leave the house while it's snowing and in the teens outside. I can stay inside in the warm home.

    1. 💖 Another excellent thing to be grateful for, as the wind howls outside.

  15. 11-30 I am grateful I found the yard tractor cover. Last night's wind was so strong, even weighted with 3 heavy, concrete stones, it blew off. I'm grateful I didn't have to look for the roof.

    1. It could have been worse, huh? Glad you weathered the storm with minimal damage.

  16. Rituals are important in this household, too! With the fur baby, she makes sure that rituals are carried on!


    1. Animals do love routine, and dislike change, as a general rule. Dogs especially count on the timing of household events. Cats expect certain human behaviors at certain times, too.

  17. 12-02 Christmas letters from Santa to grands...done. Bills paid. All awaiting tomorrow's mail. Christmas cards addressed to be completed this weekend. I'm grateful for a good day.

    p.s. This site has gremlins. At 3 something this morning, I realized I forgot to leave a gratitude for yesterday so posted one then. It's nowhere to be found. ??? Probably that id10d problem again.

    1. I don't think it's the Id10T issue this time. A comment from Paula overnight on my main blog came to me via e-mail but never showed up in the blog comments on the entry. I hope I haven't messed up the settings. But clearly, you were able to comment on THIS one. And I got the e-mail about it, too.

    2. I think I found your errant comment. It was on a different post, the one titled "The Quiet of Morning". You said "12-01 Everything checked off today's errand list. I'm grateful for the physical ability to get things done." And the timestamp on the comment was 4:05 a.m. Sound about right?

    3. That's it. I haven't been sleeping the greatest. Up at 3 or 3:30 every morning this past week. Brain dead...no doubt.

  18. 12-03 After 2 months of dealing with customer service at Lowe's, I hired the husband of a former coworker to install the dishwasher, sink, and new faucet that was ordered on 03 October. To say that I'm grateful would be a huge understatement!!

    Notes written in all the Christmas cards while he was working. Another thing for which to be grateful.

    1. Good use of time while new appliances and fixtures being installed. I even got a Christmas letter written to my oldest friend/correspondent yesterday: BEFORE I received one from her. That's unheard of! I will be closing out this post and starting a new Gratitude post for the next week.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...