Wednesday, November 16, 2022

It's that hoodie time of year!

It's that hoodie time of year!  When you need something to take the chill off, from the time you slip out from between the covers until you get back in again at night.

Tuesday, a day to get back in the swing of the "regular" workouts with Gary, after a week off.  I got to quiz him on what he's going to do with his new knowledge for training para-triathletes.  He got some hands-on experience last week up in Colorado Springs, at the Olympic Training Center.

Now it's back to the collection of "mature" ladies that he puts through our paces, one by one. I drove home to a hot shower through the dancing flurries.  I must say that while it took its time getting here, the weather looks a lot more like Thanksgiving and Christmas time with overcast skies and flurries.  Thankfully it's not accumulating!

The vet's office called to remind me of Rubia's surgery coming up on Wednesday and what I need to do to prepare for it.  I think I'm close to ready.  Just have to remember NOT to open the door once I get the two felines in for the night.  Drop off time for surgery is between 7 and 9 a.m.  Soft towel in the carrier so she has something familiar and warm in recovery, as she comes out from under the anesthesia.  They will keep her overnight on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed.

I went to the grocery store after lunch.  I found many other ladies of my generation stocking up on the baking ingredients.  Just like me.  Tradition!  There have been some good sales, dribbled out over the weeks.  One thing I've noticed in this time of inflation (especially at the grocery) is that I am paying more attention to sale prices and coupons and adjusting the menu to suit the budget.

The squirrels are preparing for the season ahead, too.  I wonder if they ponder over an abundance or a dearth of acorns, year to year?

Wednesday morning

I woke from a dream that I didn't have my act together.  I think we all have these, but the content varies with whatever is at the top of our personal worry list.  In this morning's example, I had putzed around and it was 8:30 and I wasn't ready to take Rubia for her vet appointment, and she has to be checked in by 9 a.m.  This was foolish.  It was 4:10 a.m. when this thought woke me up.

Naturally, knowing that I'd gone to bed at 7:45 p.m., I figured what the hey, I've had my sleep, I'm awake.  Got up and went through the routine.  This routine includes leaving my bedroom to go weigh in before I take on water, meds, etc.  What do you think was waiting for me in the hallway right outside?

Yes, you're right.  Two furry creatures, miaowing plaintively.  "We're hungry mom!"  "Where did you put our food?"

Once I padded downstairs to get the day started, they picked two stations to make their desires clear.  Rubia set up next to where the food dish belongs!

Both are very alert and active.  Big eyes, laser-focused attention to the potential for acquiring what they need.

The Prisoner opted for the "let me out, I'll catch my own" post right by the sliding door.

I got the message, kitties, but sorry, not until Rubia is safely at the vet can I offer you food or outside.  If it helps any, since Mom is on "intermittent fasting" regimen, I shall only have my black coffee, no meal until I get back from dropping Rubia off.  I know how you feel.

Remember that picture of Rubia peacefully existing inside the new carrier, last week?  That was not the case this morning.  We had a traumatic struggle to get her in and zipped up.  I'm going to blame this one on trying to follow my niece's model.  She told me she had the same kind of carrier and would put her cat in the top, and release them out the end.  Rubia was having none of this "place cat in from the top" thing.  Eventually I got her in the end/side.  I had intended to take her picture in her carrier, but after that struggle, I was too distracted to do so.

She is now at the vet's office, and they will call me when she's done.

When I got back home, I let the Prisoner in and filled his dish.  I finally broke my own fast after I fed The Prisoner.  Longest fast since starting on this Intermittent Fasting regimen, topping out at 17 hours and 22 minutes.

Here's wishing all a good mid-week!  Take care of yourselves best can do, and when the day is through, accept that it is enough for the day.  Tomorrow will be a fresh new one!

Life is Good.  Spark on!



  1. With your dedication to healthy living, you are truly an inspiration.

    The struggle with kitty and the cat carrier is surprising. She looked so comfy and at home in the picture. Psychic kitty?? Wishing her well.

    The snow is gone here. It didn't stick around for long, but it has been replaced by high winds and arctic temperatures. Wind chills are brutal.
    Here's hoping the foam insulation in the crawl space and new heat tapes will keep the water lines from freezing. "I hate winter" is the song I sing until spring...not that it helps.

    Again, well wishes for Rubia. Have a happy hump day!

    1. Well, most kitties know the carrier means the vet, and she didn't have the best time there the last time she went.

      Yeah, I think we have some of those same kind of wind chills here, too. Brrrr! So we have bright sunshine but cold temps right now.

      Call from the vet... kitty is done with her surgery, and it was bizarre. Turns out, it was not a classic tumor, and it doesn't look suspicious... it was fat. Escaping through two holes in her intestine! They put the fat back where it belonged and stitched up the holes, and she's recovering. The good news is it won't cost as much. But it's certainly one for the "strange things in veterinary science" books. All that hassle! But also relief. She should be fine.

  2. Glad she's ok and that IS strange. Hopefully she's on the mend. You need a good nights sleep.

    1. Good night's sleep delivered, with her safely resting at the clinic. I'll pick her up around noonish. Of course there will be the ongoing nagging thought: it happened once...

  3. Great news!! As a human, I'd like for them to keep the fat. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

    1. The thing is, she is NOT a fat cat! So for this fat to "escape" from its proper place is very strange!

  4. I'm glad the surgery went well, but how weird was that? I hope she has a speedy recovery and back to her old self again.

    1. Thanks. It was a huge relief to know it's not a malignancy. I feel as though I've dodged TWO bullets this week, between not being put on that jury, and the kitty being OK.

  5. Such great news to hear she is going to be okay. Our Tigger would be just as tough getting in a carrier, even though she sleeps in it often. Wouldn't happen when we would want to take her someplace.

    1. Somehow they *know* when something is going down, don't they? I just checked with the vet and she's ready to come home but I'll wait until 1 p.m. because they close for "rounds" between now and then.

  6. DEFINITELY paying more attention to sale items. And yes, stocking up on baking items. LOL -- yes, tradition.

    Your pair knows what they want! Good luck to Rubia w/her surgery.


    1. Funny, we *do* remember how to budget and play this game, those of us in the silver hair generation

  7. Yikes Barb, so sorry to hear about Rubia - glad she seems to be healing. I had some undetermined issues with Trinket this past summer. I couldn't get into my own vet so was at Emergency all day. That was a $1200 visit and I had a couple of follow up so that was happy birthday to me. as you said, happy to do it and that her getting better was the best birthday present.

    1. Totally with you on that. Worth it! And grateful that I am able to afford it. It's like Christmas all in one lump, or a super big birthday present to self!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...