Saturday, November 19, 2022

Forward into the past

I think I've talked about handkerchiefs in the blog before, commenting that my older sister carries men's hankies instead of tissues.  Saves her a lot of money over the course of a year.  But it's also a better for the planet thing, not filling up the landfills, not feeding potential deforestation.

Anyway, I'm a slow adopter, but finally got there.  I needed to order new undies anyway, so I added the hankies to my shopping, and they arrived yesterday.

Talk about triggering memories!  When I was a little girl tissues were just not a thing at our house.  We had hankies.  And every year for Christmas we would embroider Dad's initial on new hankies.  Inexpensive gifts in a household that didn't have a lot.  Socks, hankies, PJ's slippers... classic Christmas for us.

No, I am not about to take up needlework in this cause.  Nope, gonna do what I do.  Figure out how many hankies I go through in a day or a week, and how many boxes of tissues that saves.  Of course, one does have to launder them, but you have to do laundry anyway.  It's just a matter of having enough to last from normal laundry day to normal laundry day.

I got over to medicate my sister's kitty Friday morning & bobbled the job.  Tomorrow I'll do better.  I did get the kitty to eat the tuna juice with the crushed half pill, but I didn't isolate her sister into a separate room, so both kitties and I were stressed out as I made sure the right cat got the meds.  As I said, tomorrow, I'll do better.  Report to follow.

Rubia is doing fine.  The vet's office sent a follow up e-mail asking after her progress.  I gave her the first dose of pain medicine they sent home, but not at zero cost.  She was NOT happy with me and nailed my finger in the process.  She's certainly getting feistier as she has had more vet experience.  But she's healing.

I couldn't get a good angle on her in the bay window seat (one of her favorite spots).  But there she is!  Still got that one leg wrapped, I thought.  I assumed when I got her back that this was what it was, wrapping that held in the IV needle.  

Friday evening, I had phone calls from my son, and later my friend Geri (the one I kayak with).  Son was commuting from his job homeward, and he often calls me during these kinds of drives.  He has it hooked up so that he is talking "hands free".  I will see him on Sunday afternoon, and Carl, and his fiancé.  Hopefully it will be slightly warmer for a tramp around the dog park.

Geri invited me to a women's Basketball game in December.  She got free tickets, and we both enjoy watching the lady Huskers.  I haven't heard back with a date/time from my niece's hubby, so I accepted, "weather permitting".

Saturday morning, I was able to lift Rubia and feel the leg.  I was thinking I might need to remove the wrap I thought was there.  No wrap!  It's where they shaved her.  I don't know if I just have that bad eyesight, or if there was a wrap and she had managed to remove it since getting home.  It is bare and starting to grow fuzz again.  I think it will take a while before my kitty with the incomplete "poodle cut" has a whole coat though.

On to sister's house to take care of her kitties.  It went better on Saturday.  I did have to heft her orange kitty to confine her in sis's bedroom.  Then the tuna juice with crushed pill dissolved in it was quickly dispatched by the thyroid challenged kitty.  I could then put down both little dishes of canned food at the same time.  Better process.

That's about it from here!  I hope everyone is staying safe and warm and dry, wherever on the planet you are!  Staying hydrated?  Nourished?  Exercised?  Rested?  And of course, inspired.

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Your “handkerchiefs for Christmas gifts” brought back a memory of a quite young myself sewing sequins on one in the shape of my Moms first initial as a gift to her. LOL. Can you imagine trying to use such a thing?! She acted like it was wonderful! AND, I also received slippers, robe, etc.
    Glad that Rubia is doing OK even if she is not appreciating the medication routine! Eissa7

    1. Sometimes I think the best gifts are the memories themselves. We would give grandma a candle shaped like a church. She would give us a "book" of Lifesaver rolls, in varying flavors. And she always had Cella chocolate covered cherries.

  2. I may have to start getting bf in on this handkerchief ‘trend’ 😁
    Looked like a standard skin bracelet to me🤷🏻‍♀️
    -RunKeeper Dee

  3. I have some embroidered hankies from my paternal Grandmother. Beautiful!

    Good luck w/medicating the kitty. Sounds like it’s a challenge

    Oh my. Sounds like Rubia definitely was not happy getting her medication!

    Have a good visit w/DS, fiancé, and Carl!

    Here’s to a good weekend.


    1. I remember the hankies of my youth being printed with flowers, too.

  4. Still fighting the crud here. Group daily thread was asking about Teeny Bikini and Claire in Paris, just throwing that out there in case you might know if they’re still on the interwebs somewhere. Ace

    1. I do not have any known contact with either of them. I found some folks who are former Sparkers that I never had much contact with ON Spark, and completely lost some I followed regularly. Oh, well!

      Hope that "the crud" goes away for you!

  5. Yep, I remember cross-stitching hankies with my initials and trying to make some flowers that looked decent. Hmm pillow cases, too! Then again, I remember IRONING pillowcases!
    Glad the kitty(s) are all behaving. You do good work!

    1. Ironing is fast becoming a "lost art". Yes, we used to iron Dad's shirts and handkerchiefs. Grandma (mom's mom) had a mangle in her basement and used it on sheets and pillowcases, but mom waved the red flag over that level of housekeeping!

  6. Oh hankies reminds me of my Dad. He used them all the time. We would buy him new ones at Christmas. That is such a great idea to use them.

    It sounds like Rubia is coming all just fine. That is so good.

    1. Thanks. Makes one wonder when they went out of style. Such a sensible item! Rubia hopped up next to me and purred with her head on my lap for quite a while Saturday afternoon.

  7. I love hankies, my hubby has used them all his life and always had one for me when I cried or needed for a cold. I have my own set as well and really they take no room in the wash. Now if I could only find napkins anymore.... Have a great Sunday!

    1. Oh, I love and use cloth napkins, too! There is something so luxurious about fabric. I bought the napkins to match each tablecloth I purchased. A wonderful Sunday to you and yours as well.

  8. Congratulations on another trip around the sun!

  9. On my computer, Blogspot did not update my reading I missed this post yesterday. Mom insisted that I carry a clean, ironed hankie to church on Sunday. Those requirements are long lost eons ago.

    For all her trials and tribulations, kitty looks quite content perched in the sunshine.

    Congratulatory email cards were not scheduled to go out until early this morning. Maybe tech is having an off day. Anyway. I see you share your special day with our leader.

    Wishing you a sparkly day filled with peace, love, and happiness.

    1. Oh, yes, that clean, ironed hanky to Sunday School was a thing at our house, too. Thanks for the good wishes on "my" day, shared as it should be and is with others.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...