Thursday, November 10, 2022

The cold front has come through


When the cold front blows through, and the temperature drops by leaps and bounds, and a bit of rain falls because it's not as cold as it will be later, it smells so wonderful outside!

As if in a call and response, the ghost of winters past rises up in my breast and I begin to cook warming comfort foods.

Today's offering is something I would never have encountered as a kid.  Sliced potatoes layered with diced onions and pepper, a few mushrooms tossed in for good measure, topped with a chicken breast dry spiced for flavor and sealed with a can of cream of "you pick it" soup.  Into the little crock pot it goes, set to high for the first hour, and turn to low and simmer for however long it takes to become supper.

Meanwhile, the cats had trouble deciding whether I would be able to pull off opening the door into Summer for them.  I was not.  They have now settled for some indoor time.

I have one of those schmaltzy Christmas movies on in the background, listening more than watching, as I do.  The scene out the bay window is one of misty gray.  What a difference a day makes!

Gratitude is easy when you are warm and dry, my mind thinks.

My walk-sharing sister shared with her daughter's hubby about my basketball spectator habits.  This has its roots in the 1970's.  I used to take my kid sisters to watch the Nebraska High School Girls' state tournaments.  They were brand new, and I wanted to be sure women's athletics was supported enough and we would not lose the opportunities that my generation fought so hard to get.

After I had tucked into bed last night, I heard my phone chirp across the room and ignored it.  The first time I woke up again, I made a quick trip to the bathroom and checked the phone.  My nephew in law had messaged me to ask if I might want to go to a women's BB game sometime.  Aren't young people awesome?  Of course I would!  We shall see what comes of this, but it's wonderful that he asked.

Here's wishing all my fellow Spark refugees a wonderful Thursday, taking care of ourselves, body, mind and spirit!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Our first cold front is expected this weekend. Lower electric bills and friskier dogs guaranteed with this change!

    When I was in high school, our Dad took us kids to the basketball games at a local Lutheran College (now a burgeoning University). The gymnasium was so small that if you sat on the front bleachers you were almost on the court! Mom stayed home and enjoyed her few hours of silence.

    Taking care of some medical appointments beginning last week. Colonoscopy and Endoscopy last week -- awaiting biopsy results, Monday the Podiatrist for diabetic foot check and nail trim, yesterday labs for next week's appointment with Endocrinologist (A1C 6.1, pat on back for myself) and heading out to meet my new Dentist for replacement of a gold crown that is over 30 years old -- fingers crossed that a root canal won't be needed.

    Spark on, indeed!

    1. Sounds like you are preparing to hunker down for the Winter, yourself. Good for you.

      I remember early basketball games when my dad was a small town newspaper reporter. As a toddler they put me in a mini-cheerleader outfit for the local high school team, and I toddled around the sidelines while dad took pictures. I wonder if the germ of my interest in the game goes all the way back to that tiny gymnasium in small town America.

  2. Brrrrr. After our tropical disturbance drops a couple of inches of rain on us tomorrow and Saturday, the high temp on Sunday will be 45-ish. I'm not ready, but am I ever?

    Crock pot looks good. I picked up the ingredients to make a good old fashioned tuna casserole. I haven't made one in at least 20 years. It just feels right for this weekend. I'll add bigger veggies to add good nutrition ;-)

    1. Crock pot was good, had it for supper. I really like my small crock for things like this. Tuna casserole fits right into the "comfort food" genre!

      The sun came out and the temperature crept back up to 45 this afternoon. Tomorrow, even colder.

  3. We broke heat records again today. It all comes to an end tonight as the cold front and storms push through. I'm not a fan of winter weather. After the next week of cold temperatures, ll be ready for spring. Long road ahead for that.

    I took advantage of the last warm, sunny day and headed to Walmart for a few groceries and a box of Christmas cards. Prediction for tomorrow is cold and windy. My plan is a trip take photos of all the flags at the Veterans' Cemetery and then place one of my own.

    Like you, I see soup in my future. Looks like the cold is going to settle in for a while. Ugh!!

    How great to be invited to a basketball game. Looking forward to hearing all about that outing!

    Have a wonderful evening. Make it Sparkle!!

    1. I once again tucked in early. It's dark. It must be bedtime. That's how my circadian rhythm works. I put an extra blanket on the bed, no less.

      Soup is a lovely thing this time of year.

  4. The winds came in and brought the cold with it. We might get some snow today and the cold will hang around for a week. I think I might be making soup this weekend.

    1. Brace yourself, then enjoy surviving that cold. Makes us realize we are strong, we are Pioneers! And with all the folks commenting they shall be making soup, I think I might just follow suit and make another pot (I finished off the first one).


  5. Your comfort crock pot meal sounds just right! Our weather turned cold, too.

    How wonderful that your nephew-in-law asked you to a woman’s BB game! Sweet.

    Have a wonderful day!


    1. It was good, as was its re-constituted follow up today.

  6. Very much soup weather. I was thinking of restarting my nighttime herbal tea drinking, too. I’ve been waking up clearing my throat lately; irritating to say the least. 😁
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Feeling good is goal number one! Hydration is important in dry seasons.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...