Friday, November 25, 2022

The Geek Report: what kinds of things was I grateful for this season?

Looks like in terms of categories, I did end up with some duplication and I'm not sure I categorized them the way anyone else would, but I here present the list of what kinds of things I said I was thankful for, over the days of the Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving exercise!


  1. Warm blankets
  2. Clean running water
  3. Calm sunny weather
  4. Safety from nearby wildfire
  5. Autumn colors, smells, and crispness
  6. Schedule flexibility in retirement
  7. Earlier sunrise due to time change
  8. Cloud cover promising rain
  9. Good driving conditions over holiday travel season
  1. The gratitude exercise itself.
  2. Dreams
  3. Memories
  4. Trust
  5. Procrastination (patience in disguise)
  6. Elections and honoring the process
  7. Specific days of recognition, such as Veterans' Day
  8. Music
  9. Humor
  10. Love of learning

    People and services:

    1. Neighbors who plant flowers.
    2. Grocery store staff who shop for me when I order online and the convenience of curb-side pickup.
    3. The life of my Dad
    4. The SparkPeople community (and its remnants)
    5. Kitty duty swapping sister
    6. Online friends who introduce me to games, and who offered greetings on my birthday
    7. Heroes who fight fires
    8. My cats' vets and their skills
    9. Reconnecting with my niece
    10. Lawn service guys
    11. Court personnel and the justice system
    12. Uniformed branches of the military
    13. Younger generations 
    14. Older generations, gone before me.
    15. Storytellers
    Physical objects:
    1. Coffee mug collection
    2. Home appliances
    3. Alarm clock and that it rarely needs to be used.
    4. Soap
    5. My body and that it's still working!
    6. Books
    Food and cooking
    1. Herbs and spices
    2. Measuring cups
    3. Shelf-stable food
    4. Black coffee (that I learned to drink it in college)
    5. Supply chain that gets groceries in wide variety into my stores.
    6. My cookbook & having learned to cook.

      1. Online games
      2. Streaming platforms
      3. Smart phones and tracking apps
      I notice I left out being grateful for the animals in my life... so I guess they will headline the start of the next list:  Thanksgiving to Christmas, the Advent season (for Christians)... I'll probably start that list tomorrow.


      1. Thank you for the list(s). For the past 3 hours, I've been trying to manage this site and figure out how to post. For today, I'm grateful that some hair remains on my head. ;-)

        1. How far did you get? If you click on the B in the upper left corner of this page, it should take you to your own blog Words of the Minions, the page that lists all your posts. There's a button to "+ New Post" if you don't have any yet.

          You can choose a theme for your blog that saves you designing the layout for yourself. Mine is Watermark: Flower, but there are a whole lot to choose from.

          Type away, add photos, whatever, and when you're ready to release it to the world, you "Publish" it. It will pop up to ask you to confirm or cancel.

          Good luck! I'm looking forward to reading YOUR blogs, too! I'd be happy to try to help you out if you have questions.

      2. I changed my user name a bit (added Jeanne) to begin anew. I deleted all the old blogs and started over. Now, logged in with the new name and go to the reading list, it is the old posts that post up. I have no idea what happened to the one I wrote today. I clicked on publish, but I can't find it. I turned off the computer and after a few minutes, started it up again, hoping the site would catch up. No luck!
        Tomorrow is another day! Thanks for the offer to help.

        1. I notice when I click on your username, it takes me to your blogspot page, and it does not show any blogs that you have made visible (yet). I'll keep checking, over time. It's a learning process!


      A hunker down week has begun

      It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...