Sunday, November 13, 2022

The warmer weather teased us, but the sunlight never lies.


I snapped the above photo at 5 p.m. Veterans' Day.  Looks very different from 5 p.m. two weeks ago!  The sunlight is shrinking.  Suddenly the temperatures have decided to abandon their efforts to deceive us into thinking we've moved South.  And this morning I saw a FB status from a friend up the road who said she saw snowflakes.  Sure enough, a bit later, the smallest of snowflakes were drifting toward the ground.  Not enough to accumulate, but snow, nonetheless.

Day 3 of the comfort food crock I added the fresh spinach remaining in the 'fridge and some more fresh mushrooms, and it was ready by lunchtime.  It was an unusual combination of flavors, having both spinach and broccoli in the pot.  But I liked it.  I polished it off on Sunday.

Next week's excitement to come

I am to show up at the courthouse Monday morning.  I have a million questions, but not.  They have all kinds of information out there on the interwebs... including a nice educational video of what happens in a trial and your role as a juror.  My questions are more mundane.

Will I have to wear a mask while in the courthouse?  I suspect not mandatory, but I might feel the need. Going to take it along anyway.

Last time I went through this drill with the metal detectors and all, they confiscated my nail clippers.  What can I bring with me?  Water?  Empty water bottle?  Lunch?  Healthy snacks?  I've packed a bag of yogurt, carrots, apple, and walnuts.    

They gave us bathroom breaks last time, so I'm counting on those being there.  But just in case, I will wear a pad and pack extras.  I noticed that most of this boils down to "I don't want to embarrass myself", i.e. a tinge of social anxiety.  

What's happening with the intuitive / Intermittent Fasting

I'm finding myself remarkably calm with this whole thing.  It just feels "normal".  I'm eating like a normal person, i.e. my grandmother.  No eating after supper.  Early to bed, early to rise.  Morning chores before breakfast.  Most importantly, I feel good.  I feel well fed, not overfed, not underfed.  It may sound silly... why have I not been here before?  

My theory:  you can only go there when you are ready.  I must be ready for now.  Not promising I'll never lapse, but the scale is budging in the right direction.  I'm back to where I was the beginning of September.  I'm still 7 pounds above where I was a year ago today.  But the feeling good part is more important to me than the scale number.

Here's to all of us finding a stride that works for us.  A healthy regime!

  • Good hydration is a common element of every program that has ever worked for me.
  • Balanced nutrition has always been part of every program that has ever worked.
  • Getting some activity and getting my rest and remembering to breathe have always been essential.
Wishing a healthy life for each and every one of us:  body, mind and spirit.  

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Good luck tomorrow. It sounds like you're ready for any need that might arise. Your adventure in jury land will make for interesting posts.
    Be safe. Stay well.

    1. Thanks. I am prepared and will be disappointed if something causes them to cancel (this has been known to happen). When your life is bland and boring "adventures" add to the content, don't they?

  2. I kinda do the same thing, my mind gets whirling with all I should bring or have or do. I have to always take a deep breath because new places tend to push my buttons. Have a peaceful week.

    1. Thanks. I dodged the bullet and did not get empaneled.

  3. Enjoy your day!
    Mask up! I've made the mistake of trusting my vaccines and have succumbed to a plain old head cold. Dang. However, I don't want to be THAT person either who is germ obsessed (again). I've got to choose my public. It's the darned grand kids! I've been spending much quality time with sleeve-hand nose wipers. As long as that's ALL they give me, I can handle a cold.

    I've my 3x3 ft plot of cilantro to capture before the frost ruins the leaves. I made a cilantro pesto to put on grilled salmon. Nice, with some cumin, cardamom, lemon and a bit of hot pepper. I copied the ingredients off something DD1 got at Trader Joes. I think I can freeze it in single servings.

    Waiting for your rundown of the day.

    1. "Choose your public"... yeah, when they call you to civic duty, you don't get to choose. Not wanting to be "that person" I only wore the mask for a little while because NO ONE else was wearing one. Fingers crossed that I didn't come home with any "gifts".

  4. Yup . . . snowflakes in the air here in WI, and PLENTY more to follow this week, apparently. NOT ready. BUT guess Mother Nature is.

    Wishing you all the best w/your jury duty.

    1. When they let me out after lunch time, there were flakes dancing in the air today! Mother Nature keeps her own schedule.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...