Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Somebody is warming up to a new safe space


After two days of "inspection", Rubia finally put herself into the carrier and purred away.  I didn't do anything to either encourage or discourage her, and when she was done with her nap, she got up and wandered off, but not before I snapped her photo.

We have had overcast skies overnight and through the morning, so the total lunar eclipse was not visible from here.  Oh, well!  It did trigger my memory of a lunar eclipse many years ago, when I was a college student, living off campus.

I hadn't been paying attention, so I didn't know it was coming.  I was sitting on the wide front porch (lived in an apartment carved out of a big old house), practicing tunes on a little wooden recorder, and enjoying the mild evening.  I noticed a strange band of cloud (I thought) moving across the moon.  It was dark and thick, and isolated to one side, moving slowly.  After a while it dawned on me that I was watching an eclipse, and it gave me the feeling that this must be how people "in the olden days" experienced them.

Tuesday morning's walk started and ended at the local Honda Dealer.  Dexter (the car) was in for his twice-a-year preventive maintenance.  Once again, it had been less than 1000 miles driven since the last one.  He got his oil changed and all the vitals checked.  I went ahead and had them replace the pollen filter.  The tire pressure light has been taken care of, as when it gets cold out, it goes on.  I don't know how they fix it, whether it's simply filling the nitrogen in the tires or something else, but every year, I take it in, and they take care of it.

Oh, and that thing about the supply chain issues that affect the availability of vehicles?  Remember my son's truck that took so long to arrive, months upon months?  All blamed on computer chip shortages.  Here's what it looks like on my dealer's lot:

Empty!  In years past there would have been rows and rows of inventory!

Here in the USA, it is election day!  I voted weeks ago, having discovered its convenience.  I get my ballot in the mail, am under no time pressure while filling it out, and drive to the election commission office to put it in a drop box.  

That's about it from this end... here's hoping you're all well, safe, and taking the best care of yourselves as you can manage.  Because you're worth it.  And the world needs you, whether you know it or not!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Putting out the cat carrier is brilliant! Nothing for the kitty to fear.

    Speaking of cars: today the dishwasher installer offered me $500 for DH's 2002 little red GMC pick-up. He wishes!!

    The eclipse was spectacular. I got up at 3:30 to find the start, kind of, and just stayed up and followed it periodically until sunrise. Got to the polling place early.

    Our state does not make it easy to vote. No early voting. Many, many hoops to jump through to vote absentee. This time, 2 pieces of ID were required. For me, I like a challenge...I intend to cast my ballot as long as there's one to cast. Time to get off the soap box before I fall and hurt myself.

    Have a Sparkling day!!

    1. Oh, my goodness! I remember back in the day when I lived in NY state I had to 1) attest that I would be out of town on election day (business), and 2) vote in person at my county's election office, I forget how long before election day, but it was "early". That was not easy.

      Voter ID is on the ballot here today. I don't see why we have to have voter ID on election day when we have to go through hoops to get registered in the first place and they are matching signatures with the registration rolls?

  2. Sweet picture of Rubia! Now, what happens when the enclosure is zipped up with her inside?

  3. My g-dog, Chewy, loves his carrier. It's a nap spot.
    I sprang from bed at 5:15 using my mental clock and tried my best to get some pictures of the eclipse. I'm loosing my touch. Try as I might, I couldn't get my 400mm lens focused enough for a clear picture. I've plenty of so-so pictures, but in the end my mind has the best ones. When I finally got things in control on my end, the moon sunk too far into my neighbors' trees!
    You reminded me my car's due for an oil change.
    I never named a vehicle. My outdoor statues have them as do most of the fauna that visit regularly. The squirrels are easy as they have a genetic predisposition to have white tufts on the ends of their ears, thus all are named "White Ears". Almost everyone else is Fred, George or Harry.

    1. My sister's cats have chosen: one the carrier, one the stroller, as their safe spaces. This is the first time I've tempted the cats this way, and it looks as though Rubia has claimed it. But she also has a safe space on the couch, different from Prisoner's ownership of the wing-backed chair, which is among his safe spots.

      How many Freds, Georges, and Harrys do you have? I tend to call all the squirrels just "cheeky squirrel"!

  4. Oh how sweet Rubia in her carrier. It'll be a safe spot for her.

    I love being able to vote by mail. We've been doing it twenty plus years now. I can't even remember the last time I voted in person. We just dropped them off last week.

    1. Glad election ad season is over! Feeling good about the realistic balance of results. Nebraska is raising the minimum wage, spread out over the next four years.

  5. Glad Rubio is adjusting to her new carrier. She looks content.

    Couldn’t see the lunar eclipse, either . . . . too cloudy.

    Glad Dexter is in good shape. That is so sad Our local dealership is in pretty much the same shape **SIGH**

    Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst w/the elections.


  6. We couldnt see the eclipse because it was pouring rain out. We need the rain more than the eclipse anyway.
    I also vote by mail. I vote in small chunks so I dont get too overwhelmed with too much (mis)information all at once.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I vote for the needed rain, if I get a vote. And I don't blame you for taking your time with a ballot. Being able to take your time and look things up makes it more like an "open book" test than voting used to be.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...