Tuesday November 29th
This morning I spotted a meme that said the cup you drink your coffee from makes a difference in how it tastes.Do you believe this? I do! It's Christmas season, and I pull out my collection of festive mugs. Several of these were gifts, one was a Christmas themed race swag thing, a couple I actually bought. But in the dark month of December, I freely savor my hot beverages from these mugs in rotation.
I'm an "early to bed early to rise" gal. And I find there is magic in the dark hours before sunrise. I don't think it will get terribly bright today. We are under a Winter Weather advisory.
The flakes flurried a bit as I drove to my trainer workout, so I was appropriately "little old lady careful". He and his wife drove back from Colorado on Monday, when the roads were less crowded, and before the snow started. Their children all got to their respective homes safely, too.
There is this big deal going on over in Qatar, and there's been a bit of "noise" about political stances around it. I get tired of that kind of fuss but have found a workaround. I am watching the Iran vs USA match... in Spanish language. Understand little enough of the rapid-fire audio that it's just the action on the field! Let the players play! World Cup 2022.
As long as I'm talking sports, I just read an article that leaks news that has yet to be announced by the formal organizations. Link to Triathlon Today article. It looks like my dreams of being a spectator at the world championships on Kona might be constrained to only half the competition: women in 2023, men in 2024. The other half in each year will be a month earlier, and halfway around the globe in Nice, France. I may have to make some hard choices: to go or not to go, and which year... to see the women or to see the men.
I ended my day by once again turning on the tree lights while I did the whole bedtime preparation routine.
Wednesday November 30th
The snow had stopped yesterday before the evening news, and we ended up with a "trace", nothing measurable. Sad, considering the drought. This morning, I woke to cold temperatures, and cats that wanted outside anyway! Oh, well, cats will be cats.
The mug for today is the Jingle Jog one. It's the only squat round mug I have in my collection. It is so cheery!The funny thing about the weather is that tomorrow and Friday are going to get up into the 50's and 60's Fahrenheit. Then we'll get plunged back into the cold again. The roller coaster continues.
Oh, and thanks to those who gave me recommendations for preserving the banana bread. I bagged and put several slices in the freezer. And about half the loaf I wrapped to give away. I figure the kids will have to come over at some point to return the pie plate and tea towel from Thanksgiving... good possibility for a destination.
Life is Good. Keep on Sparking!