Saturday, April 6, 2024

Carl and Ember puppy pics on the steps.


I thought I was not going to be able to get Ember step photos to compare with Carl's, but on the way up to bed Friday night, she  stopped halfway up the stairs to chew on her chew stick.

Carl used the bottom step of the same staircase as his "den" at Grandma's house.  His safe space.

Here was his first step photo, from May 20th, 2019.  He would have been 10 weeks old, we estimated.  

His pose is a little different, but it looks as though Ember takes up more of the step.

The closest "size" I found among the weekly measurement photos was from June 3, 2019 a week later, at 11 weeks.  Ember, in the top photo, is nine weeks and a half.  So her growth curve is a little ahead of his, at this puppy stage.

It will be interesting to see if this comparison shot can even continue, as it is based on where two different dogs decided to pose!

You can see that Carl's legs look longer.  Some of that may be the two week difference in age at time of photo, but some of it is also their different breeds.  Ember is all lab.  Carl is a mix of GSP and Doberman.

Adventures, people, adventures.

Saturday morning:  Ember's first Puppy Pre-school

This is going to be as much learning for me as for her!  Introducing, the clicker.  She did sort-of OK with responding to her name, and to "touch".  She has an outstand "sit".  We are making good progress on "down", and starting to work on "stand".  She has "step up" just fine, having learned stairs at home.  She LOVED the puppy massage.  And she was the last puppy in the ball pit so she was digging for treats that other puppies left behind.

Meanwhile, I have to work on my timing of the clicker as a marker for "you did great" such that I click BEFORE I give her the treat.  But despite my clumsiness over the clicker and treat juggling, she got the idea.  

We practiced a little more with the clicker for responding to "come" in the yard when we got home.  And now she is zonked.

She is so zonked that The Prisoner was willing to come inside and eat on the counter!

More adventures to come, but Mom is glad for breaks when they happen.  Off to fix some lunch for ME now.

"This restaurant is messy, but the food's OK" says Prisoner.

Life is good! Says Mom, whose heart is full, and head is working!  Spark on!


  1. You are BUSY…fun, interesting busy…it’s great that Prisoner is feeling more comfortable…every day something new to experience and work on! Ember looks just like Carl but perhaps a bit bigger … but could be the position on the step. She’s a sweetheart, for sure! Eissa7

    1. Ooh, there's a storm front coming through... and get this... both cat AND pup are inside! I left the crate downstairs, and I'm in my own pre-bedtime routine. I still expect to go down for a last potty trip with the puppy, weather cooperating.

      She is a sweetheart, except when she becomes the devil puppy (so excited and can't keep her teeth to herself... pulling on pant legs, untying shoes, tonight it was the curtain that had blown in the wind...). I'm hopeful that I learned a couple of things at the puppy class that will get me through the next week, and onward!

  2. How adorable to have both Carl and Ember’s step photos. Yes, Ember does look slightly bigger on the step, but as you say, the 2 week age difference could be the answer to that.

    Wow! Ember and you did a lot of work @ puppy school! Ember looks like she is having a ball in the ball pit/pool.

    Prisoner looks none-the-worse for the wear. Good kitty!

    You’re doing a good job. You have your hands full!


    1. It reminds me of my childhood on the farm, watching how the grown ups set the priorities... morning chores came before breakfast... and animals were fed before the humans!

      Prisoner consented to come inside KNOWING the puppy was coming in, too, as the storm front approached. Puppy and I had heard some LOUD bangs earlier, and peering down the street, it looks as though a basketball hoop halfway up the block blew over. Neighbor has some things knocked over, too, and my weed garbage cans, being plastic, blew over, too.

      We've got a little over two hours left in this particular weather watch! Fingers crossed.

  3. That ball pit looks like a giant bowl of Skittles which in the past would have had this sugar-addict diving in! Enjoying your journey.

    PHOENIX1949, Susan

  4. What a treat that the training is going so well. Life will be much easier when she learns the commands. It's nice to see that poor kitty is getting special treatment. A truce, no matter how temporary, is a good start. 🤗💖🐱🐶

    1. I am trying to control the exposure of cat-puppy so that the cat tolerates the puppy and the puppy respects the cat. So far, we are making incremental progress.

      Today's plan is to have Ember meet Carl to touch noses in the park nearby. Hopefully with the cloudy day we won't have too many other dogs or people nearby. Fingers crossed.

  5. We had enough breaks in the cloud cover to get some good views of Totality, but a brief & intense thunderstorm blew through this evening - I was just setting out to scoop up Peran & Izzy when they came “wading” down the drive! One wet dog, one wet husband - Izzy got a big fluffy towel, P stripped off to go warm up in the shower…


    1. Oh, those walks in the rain when the rain is a storm! Glad they made it home safe, wading though it may have been.

  6. Oh, a tired puppy from training is a good thing for the owner! So glad Prisoner came in, especially as the weather sounds not great. I know you are a busy bee, but oh what sweet company animals are.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...