Thursday, April 11, 2024

Is she still hungry?


We learn a lot from the experiences of others.  My kid sis asked me yesterday if I was feeding Ember enough.  Why?  Because of the "teeth", "nipping/biting" training.  Her experience with Benji was that her doggie indicated hunger with more pressure/less control of his bites.

How much does she weigh?  People have been saying she's grown... 

On Thursday morning, I stepped on the scale, then picked up the squirmy puppy, and stepped on it again.  This is pure estimate (remember, squirmy), but it's looking like she's "around" 25 pounds already!  

Yikes. That's a whole lot more than I expected (I was thinking 20 pounds).

The food bag says that a 10-pound puppy in her age range gets a cup and a half.  Noting that she was 16 pounds at the vet a week ago, I had been feeding her not just that cup and a half, but maybe half a cup more in training treats plus whatever Kong filling I was using.

Deep breath... time to up the ante!  The bag says at 20 pounds she should get 2 2/3 cups a day; at 30 pounds it says 3 1/3 cups.  Aiming then for 3 cups, I added an extra quarter cup to her breakfast this morning and will do so for her other two meals and make sure she gets another 3/4 of a cup in treats.  I don't worry about her getting overweight as she is just plain growing so fast.  

Feed her enough and she's a calmer puppy!  

Life is good.  Spark on.


  1. Well, hope your feeding plan helps!


    1. So do I! LOL. Because having an air-conditioned sweatshirt is not the most fashionable thing.

  2. Those eyes! She IS mighty cute. Bet she is bigger than you expected when she's done.

    1. I am mega-impressed with her learning curve. I'll be super frustrated on one day, and then the next, it will click in her doggie little brain and "poof" we're making progress. One of my problems is that I use different words at different times for the same desired action: "leave it", "drop it", "let it go"... which is of course one of the problems with human to canine communication. Eventually the smarties get it, in spite of us!

      I do expect her to be BIG when she's done growing, too. As long as she is well trained and socialized that will be fine. Biggest "fear of failure" of a human companion for an animal is putting the dog in danger of a death sentence for an animal when it's not the dog's fault.

      On with the fun!

  3. Good luck with the extra food. Maybe that will solve the milkweed problem. 🤗🥰🐶😸

    1. That, and some weeding on my part. She really does seem more content with the extra quarter cup in her meals! And we are making progress on a most vital command. "Leave it" seems to be the most effective form, so far.

  4. 😮😮😮 around 25 pounds already - oh my goodness! Great to catch up on your adventure and hard work ❤️ It will pay off! Hugs, Auntie Eeee

    1. It's an emotional roller coaster, as are many things in life, but with a warm sense of satisfaction when we are a gentle puppy, calm puppy.


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