Tuesday, April 9, 2024

My backyard is full of toxins


For some reason, Ember's favorite thing to crunch on in the backyard are the old dried up milkweed pod shells.  This of course got me looking it up on Google, where I found several articles proclaiming how poisonous milkweed is (the entire plant) to dogs.

So, I had to take them away from her.  And she's not happy about that.  The biting games begin.  Angel puppy and demon puppy both live in her little body.

But we shall continue to work on the basics.  "Leave it" and "drop it" are at the top of my wish / practice list.

The eerie thing about a partial eclipse is that it stays sunny (if it's a sunny day), and you just "sense" it's not as light as it was.  Here, I knew it was happening, I had the glasses to look periodically, and I could experience some of the same things we had in 2017 without its "totality".  The wind kicked up, the temperature dropped, and if you looked through your safe glasses, you could see that only a small sliver of the sun remained uncovered by the moon shadow.  But that one sliver still put out a lot of bright!

Tuesday I was back at the personal trainer for the first time since Ember's arrival.  A spot of sanity and normality!  Whew!

Emmy and I played ball outside after I got home, with the holey roller and a tennis ball.  I would switch off which one to encourage her to chase.  We still have issues with untying my shoes.  She had an accident back inside because I didn't stay out with her long enough to have a poo.  She had peed, and I kind of decided maybe she didn't need to.  But then I didn't get her back outside, missed the signal... and now the carpet cleaner is drying, Ember's in her crate and I'm about to go start supper.  Every puppy has their own biological schedule, and I'm coming to realize that THIS puppy you have to patiently wait for both kinds, no matter what order.  She does great in the nighttime trips, but not so hot in the daytime when there are so many yard distractions!

We will get there!  Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. I wonder if there's something in the dried milk pod that has a "crunch" when she bites it? Is there a crunchy chew toy/treat that can be saved for those trips outside? Just my curiosity.

    Yay for the spot of normalcy and sanity with the trainer.

    Enjoy the evening. Have a great tomorrow! 🤗💖🐱🐶

    1. Yes, I have a "crunch" bone for her. But for now, the distraction of the ball or holey roller are the major thing. Hope you had a great evening and that today is starting well!

  2. It's been too long since I've been here, but I'm back getting into the swing of things.

    So you got a new dog, so cute. I love her name. Is the Prisoner taking to her?

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Cute. Hard work. Worth it.

      Prisoner and she have a certain level of detente... which mainly means the Prisoner comes up, and if the puppy offers any kind of curiosity toward him, the cat flees to higher ground. But does not completely run off... sort of observes and teases the puppy by simple presence. In a way this is helpful to me, because the cat keeps the puppy's attention so I can, for example, put on my jacket without having its sleeves turned into tug toys!

      Hope your day is also wonderful! (( hugs ))

  3. I guess this is going to force you to keep your yard neat! ;-)
    We took Oscar home for because of the shoelace fetish. When we had a meet and greet, he untied my shoes 4-5 times. I found it endearing. His chewing later was not.
    Glad you had a trainer visit. I've been away from the gym for about 3 weeks with various ailments. I went back Monday and am thoroughly wiped out.

    1. The problem with endearing puppy habits is that they become difficult adult ones to un-train. We accidentally train bad behaviors into them by our responses. Even with the nipping/biting of puppies the importance of a calm correction to the puppy is something I am having to learn!

  4. Could be the sounds of the crunch, Tigger loves dried leaves to stomp on. Certainly keeps you busy all day.

    1. For sure! Busy from before dawn to dusk! And yes, I think the crunch is an attractor for her.

  5. Emmy is exactly what you needed to help keep you alert, active…and educated (who knew milkweed pods were poisonous)?! I love reading about your training activities…somehow it will all click together in her feisty puppy brain. The eclipse was awesome…. Only 66% ish in coastal central FL but it was an event! Eissa7

    1. I do see incremental improvements. Sometimes consistency of the command is what I struggle with: "leave it", "drop it", "let go". So far, "drop it" seems to be working best, but that can change. Working her little puppy brain to the max.

  6. Oh my goodness! Milkweed is so hard to get rid of, even pulling it out by the roots. Thanks for the info re: toxicity to dogs! Everything goes in Miss Lilly’s mouth. Have to watch her.

    LOLOL! Miss Lilly’s her given name, but we call her Lil-cifer as she, too, has the devilish side to her. Little minx.

    That’s exactly what it was like here . . . the sun was out, but could sense that the sky was less light and the temp did drop a tiny bit. Didn’t last long.

    Well, good luck w/the daytime distractions. Miss Lilly is going to be five in June and she STILL gets distracted easily outside during the day.

    Glad you got to the trainer. Yes, a spot of sanity indeed.


    1. Thanks... puppy memories stir up, don't they? I end up in my mind comparing how Carl was during his once a week puppy visits to how Emmy is doing now.

      Hope all is well with your family's health and happiness! Or if not absolutely tip-top, improving!

  7. Oh we 'old folk' are plugging along. Jason started PT for balance and core strengthening. I am thrilled as I have been suggesting it for awhile.

    I took a tumble a month ago and really bruised my cheek and shoulder. Both are healing now. Still have to keep up w/my shoulder exercises, but that was an issue before the fall. So, will keep working at it! That's what it's all about, right! Staying functional.


    1. Baby steps is kind of how we "older folk" do recovery... plugging along, for sure.

      Hugs & functional wishes!
      - Barb


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...