Saturday, April 20, 2024

Up in the 3 a.m. hour

Puppy emergency... sigh.  There have been two nights in a row now, where the puppy did not manage to get mommy up in time to be let outside, and since her crate is a little bigger than it needs to be, it led her to foul her own den.  This upsets the entire schedule, of course, as mommy has to put puppy on the deck so she can do the necessary cleanup.  

The Prisoner was a player both nights.  He had been inside each night.  I have to wonder if the puppy was reluctant to raise a ruckus with this presence in the house.  She and he are continuing to work on their pecking order.  This morning after the great cleanup, they had an encounter in the upstairs hallway that involved claws and hissing. Ember had to back away.  I have given Prisoner permission to keep Ember in line (not that a cat waits for permission).

Once Prisoner got safely outside with his breakfast dish, we had to have enough puppy play time, training time, and feeding so that she would go back into the now "cleaned" (although I'm sure her little nose can still smell what happened) den.  

We do some puppy calming, comforting and cuddles before she goes back to bed after such an episode, too.  No shaming here, it really isn't her fault.  It's Mom's job to give her opportunities before an emergency happens, at her tender age.

Ember safely tucked back in, I could then take meds, shower, etc.  

We've had a second session of puppy outside and puppy indoor play, to tire out the puppy for another nap while mommy cooks and eats her own breakfast. The second play time was held in the family room, a new venue for Ember.

We had some tail-chasing (which Mommy tried to catch on video, but failed), and we brought out toys that Carl likes.  The "big" chuck it ball was one of the stars of play time.  It looks huge in Ember's mouth, but Carl does a good job getting his jaws around it.

Not content with just doggie toys, Ember decided to co-opt the cat tree.  She will not fit in this space for long, folks, so I kind of let her use it as her soccer goal.  Whenever she dropped the chuck-it ball, I would soccer pass it across the room, and she would chase it and bring it back to the kitty condo for another round.

Squeaky toy play was the intermission between some of the rounds.  

Cousin Carl's "big stick" was a distraction from the game, at times.  Pre-chewed by her bigger cousin, it was quite attractive as a teething helper.

Finally tuckered out, the Little One is back napping, and mom is enjoying breakfast and a blog!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Awwww, sorry Ember had problems. But glad it was cleanable.

    What a cute photo of Ember on the cat tree! Bet Prisoner didn’t care for that!

    Gotta love puppy nap time! Just like when kids finally nap and you have a tiny bit of time to do what you need to/want to do!

    Here’s to a good weekend.


    1. Yeah, well, I had to take the cat tree away, as my teething puppy likes to dig and gnaw at the fabric/carpet and its padding. I don't want her ingesting that! So the cat tree is now in the garage and we'll see what trouble she finds to get into next. And yes, I love puppy nap time. I might even nod off myself for a few minutes during that puppy nap!

  2. Awww the little one will learn with such a great mommy teaching her. I'm sure Prisoner is thinking when does that thing leave? LOL

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. LOL, I'm sure Prisoner understands enough English to know that Ember lives here now. But he's also cat enough to know he doesn't have to like it.

  3. LOL at Paula's comment! Poor kitty. If you spoke kitty, I'll bet his comments are "blue". He will keep Ms. Blueberry in her proper place. Sitting on this side of all the commotion, it's hilarious. From your side...probably not so much. It will get better...someday.
    Better days, or nights as the case may be, for you. Hang in there.

    1. Better night Saturday, and Puppy Class Sunday morning, so Ember is chilling out in her "safe space" for a while. Humor is born of chaos and sometimes even pain. Persistence pays off. Ember did a great job showing off her skills in class this morning.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...