Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What does a week of puppy growth look like?

Last Wednesday, Ember hid behind her Auntie's leg.  Interestingly, Auntie Alicia wore the same outfit today, and a similar photo is below.

Ember did not cooperate by recreating the pose, but Auntie says she's grown.  Bill, the companion to Baraby the rough-coated collie said he could see growth in Ember since Sunday.

Those "my how you've grown" comments are coming already.  I don't see it as much as some others who aren't hanging out with her every day do.

We had visitors from across the street after I had already put the puppy to bed, but I got her up to meet the neighbor boys.  The littler boy is still very much a toddler, and toddlers don't know how to move slowly and speak calmly to a dog any more than the dog knows that they are not playing a game, but as the famous phrase goes "nobody got hurt".  And they all got to feel her soft coat.

It was not a long visit.  I brought the puppy outside.  I showed them how to hold a hand in front of her nose and say "touch" and she would lick the hand.  This didn't work particularly well as all three, mom and both boys, seemed a little shy maybe even frighted of the doggie.  As soon as I saw signs of the puppy getting a bit too excited, I picked her up and said "It's bedtime for the puppy now."  She was a bit hyper, by now, having been wakened:  she wanted to play with my shoelaces and nip at my pantlegs. I put her back in her "safe space" to chill out while I had my supper.  I will left her in that resting place until at the end of my bedtime routines.  We went out for "one last bathroom break for the puppy", and she was good as gold. 

Ember is now tucked away for the night, and I'm about to tuck myself in, too.  I had referred to adopting a puppy into my life "at my age" as being a leap of faith... it's a commitment to myself and to Ember to stay strong and healthy so that she had a good home to grow old in.  It's a way of "choosing life" as we are told to do in Deuteronomy 30:19, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live," (King James translation, sorry, it's what I grew up with and that tends to stick with a body.)

Or to quote the Shawshank Redemption line:  "Get busy living or get busy dying."   

Life is Good.  Spark on!


  1. Oh yes, Ember does look bigger. She’s beautiful!

    Glad that the neighbors toddlers got to meet Ember. Yes, @ the toddler stage, there is no sense or sensibility so glad that Ember and they were safe. Sounds like Ember did pretty well, all told.

    What a lovely passage. Thank you for sharing. It’s true! Miss Lilly keeps us young and we take good care of her, too. It’s a good relationship!

    HUGS and here’s to a thankful Thursday!


    1. I think of it as a commitment for 15 years, and I hope that we both make it that long as functional mom and doggie!

      Hugs right back to you!

  2. I choose to get busy living every day!

    Ember is indeed growing. I still think you are a bit nuts ;-)

    1. Oh, you'll get no argument from be about being a bit nuts! I mean, after all, I started doing triathlons at age 58. Why not adopt a big "helper" at 70-something?

  3. Aw, here I am casting a covetous eye upon Scarlotta’s uterus! I would SO much like to try ONE MO’ TIME for my mule baby, with the hopes the next one will outlive me… But maybe I’ll get the chance to grow him or her up right!

    1. Isn't it strange, this new phase of life, when we contemplate the fact that the animals whose lives look so short to us as we go along, may in fact outlive us? And we need to plan for their future beyond that, just as we would for a human child?


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...