Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cousin Carl visits Saturday, Puppy Class Sunday


After all the drama in the blog from Saturday early morning, several cycles of puppy activity and napping led to a backyard visit from her big cousin Carl.  They wrestled and played in good doggy style.  Turns out Carl is a fine mentor to Ember, on "how to dog".

As usual, Carl's carers gave me the heads up that they would be heading in my direction and the option for whether to have a joint play session.  Of course I said yes!  As they did last Sunday, they wore one another out.

Carl was very patient, but also acted like a parental kind of dog, stopping Ember from doing what he deemed was "not OK" by blocking her way, in some cases.

Both got good and dusty, so it looks like Carl went home to a bath, and then crashed.  Ember did not get a bath, I pretty much just sponge her off if needed, or brush off the dirt.  But similarly, she napped for two hours after the visit.

Sunday morning was her Puppy Preschool.  This weekend they put the two litter mates a couple of stools apart in the class lineup, and that worked better for both of them in terms of focus on the lessons.

I took NO photos during today's class, so that my own focus would be good, too.

I was glad to have confirmation on how I'm trying to train "drop it".  This one's going to take some work, witnessed by the shoe obsession... it's nearly impossible to get her to drop shoes she pulls from the hall closet.

They also had the "conditioning to the vacuum cleaner" as a station, the ball pit, and hurdles and a hoop from agility as the other two stations.  Of course we showed off sit, down, and stand, and puppy push-ups.  I told the trainer that at home we are working on "off", "leave it", as well as "drop it".

On to HUMAN stuff:

This is my son and daughter in law's first wedding anniversary.  Her parents have arranged for an anniversary dinner at the same place we held the wedding dinner.  I am grateful that we don't have to re-live the bone-chilling ceremony part before dinner tonight.  I only have to make sure Ember's in a fit state to stay quietly in her safe space for the two to three hours of dinner.  She's had practice, so I'm pretty confident if she's on a good bathroom schedule through the afternoon we'll be fine.

Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful rest of your Sunday!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Appears that Carl is a great role model for his cousin Ember which is a very good thing.

    Between KC and departed Bailey, there was always an undercurrent of tension that would flare periodically (5 years).

    We got some good rainfall here the past two days so the lawn is greening up nicely -- helps that spouse put out fertilizer right before the downpour.

    PHOENIX1949, Central TX

    1. Thanks, Susan. The whole family is glad that Carl has taken the addition of Ember to the family so well. Hopefully that will hold true for years to come, as they are going to be together a lot.

      So glad you got some rain, and YAY for the timing of the fertilizer!

  2. Sooo, Ms. Blueberry is an overachiever! The overachievers ALWAYS "show off" for the teacher and the other students! πŸ˜† Poor kitty is like the kids who sits by himself at lunch.

    Congrats to DS and the wife. Is it really possible that it's been a year?!?! It sure doesn't seem like it. But then again, it seems that Christmas was just a few weeks ago.
    Have a happy week!! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. "The kids" packed a LOT into that year... they are in the final stages of becoming licensed for foster care in this state.

      Kitty is doing just fine... today he decided to hold the line, where the puppy is concerned, and when the puppy became so bold as to try to play with the kitty as though he were another puppy, the kitty did not flee to the deck rail, but put up with only a bit of puppy foolishness before the stickers came out. After all, Prisoner has seniority in this house.

      In any case, I gave the Prisoner love and praise for being a good teacher, and the puppy I HOPE learned a lesson that cats are NOT the same as dogs.

  3. Awwwww, adorable pictures of Ember and Carl together. He is so patient, it seems!

    And bonus points that Ember napped for 2 hrs. Yeah!

    Happy anniversary to DS and DIL! Wow! A year! Doesn’t seem possible. Congratulations to them. And enjoy the dinner!


    1. Wait for tomorrow's blog, where we will feature what happened when Ember decided that the appropriate thing to do to play with The Prisoner was to treat him the same way the puppies do with each other during playtime! No surprises how that ended, but I will start out with Prisoner was standing his ground on the deck.

  4. Happy anniversary to the loving couple!

    1. And I hope your birthday was a happy one, too!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...