Monday, April 8, 2024

Ember's boring Monday

Ember is having a boring Monday, at home with her hu-mom, who has things like laundry to do, and said something about an "eclipse" to view later.

Mommy got Ember all excited by giving her another blueberry while she was fixing her breakfast, and this time Emmy knew just what to do with that blueberry, then trotted back to the kitchen to see if she could talk Mommy into another one.

Yes, the Puppy Preschool trainers said it sometimes helps to have a nickname, as well as their formal name, to improve recall during distraction.  So I've decided on Emmy.  It's more girly than Ember, which can result in some folks thinking she's a boy.

Ember thinks that the hall closet is her personal toy box, and whenever Mommy is taking her coat out or putting it back in, tries to sneak in and try out a "new toy".

This shopping bag from one of Mommy's trips to watch her brother run the Boston Marathon was the victim of Monday morning's mischief.  It is now in the trash.  Sigh.  But one does have to let things go, right?

The old boot is one of Emmy's favorites.  It can be pulled by the laces or chewed on.  Emmy has a shoe fetish, let's be honest.

Mommy is learning to just stop playing when she unties the shoelaces on her very feet.  We have adapted the phrase "Puppy Pause" as a signal to calm down our play and stop and breathe.

If you know, you know a TikTok creator who is a preschool teacher and uses "Preschool Pause".  That's where it came from.

But at this point, Mom can't even bend over to tie the shoes the puppy has untied without triggering the "let's play" response.  So we're working on alternatives, leaving the laces untied, doing a "puppy pause", and distracting with something more appropriate.

Puppy training is not for lazy people!  It takes constant vigilance, persistence, and patience.

Meanwhile, Mommy finds herself muttering "good girl" to herself for picking the right product at the grocery store, or loading up the dishwasher, or whatever else is going on in a day.  

As with healthy living habits, so with puppy training:  never give up!  Complete the follow through until you get the results you want.  And puppies love routine, so consistency is good for them and for you!

Life is good!  Humor abounds, bubbling up with a heart full of puppy love, the literal kind.  Spark on!



  1. Ohhhhh, Emmy has good taste . . . blueberries.

    Ohhhhh noooooo! Sorry Ember got hold of the shopping bag used to watch Kevin in the Boston Marathon. *SIGH*

    You are sooo oright. Puppy training is not for lazy peeps! Not at all.

    Yoiu and Ember are off to a great start!


    1. One of the side effects of solar eclipse (not total here) was sleepiness. Couldn't have anything to do with getting up in the night to ensure "no accidents" could it? Ember is fast asleep in her crate and I am nodding after emotionally savoring the movement of shadow across the sun!

  2. I was at the gym during our partial view. A superstitious lady was warning everyone in the locker to not be outside until it completely passed. I was still drying off, but it made me giggle. I was purposely indoors to not be tempted to look up.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I had my good glasses, and we got 80 - 85% occlusion. I would look a bit, then go do something else, then go back and look again... the day grew darker, the wind kicked up, and the temperature dropped. Not quite as severe as the totality we had in 2017, but because I experienced that one, this one stirred up the emotions, all over again.

  3. Puppy training or toddler training, both require consistency and routine. Good outcomes for either are not possible for those who are lazy or lack of commitment. Ms. Blueberry looks like she's having a good time with the bag. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ˜ΈπŸΆ

    1. Indeed. She has lots of fun, and I make her work for her kibble... I keep watching training videos, and gee, if I tried EVERYTHING in them, she'd be in college!

  4. Emmy has a shoe fetish 🀣 and “puppy pause” ❤️❤️❤️ ~Ace

    1. She's just starting to "get" the command "leave it", and she gives me lots of practice without it being a formal training exercise! We've been on poo patrol already this morning (we do this once it gets light) where Mommy tests her memory of where the plops were left in the overnight trips out.

      After some fetch games, and her lessons, Emmy is napping, and I let her fall asleep outside the crate next to my feet, and only shifted her into the safe space when I needed to get up and do things.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...