Thursday, April 18, 2024

Eyes on Mommy


"Eyes on Mommy."  That's my sub-command, when I say her name:  "Ember.  Eyes on Mommy."  I copied that from the puppy pre-school class, because that's what the puppy is supposed to do in response to her name:  focus on her human!  Only when I see her eyes lock on mine does she get her name treat!

Her Auntie Alicia snapped this photo while Ember was being hand-fed her supper during our Wednesday sister time.  We make her work for her meals, going through the sit, down, stand, and come (recall) command.

Before her supper, we went on a walk, practicing some leash manners.  We went about a block, down to the entrance to the park, and over the bridge.  She did get to exchange sniffs with another dog, and of course she was ecstatic to have not one, but TWO humans paying her attention and praise.

Ember stopped being interested in her food and decided a nap was in order, where she could feel comforted while the sisters yakked.  So clearly comfortable under grandma's Duncan Fyfe table.

The bunny came with Ember when she came to me.  Being fabric, I don't want her learning to destroy cloth, so she only gets to play with the bunny under the watchful eyes of her people.

We must have worked her puppy brain really hard on Wednesday, because overnight she showed no interest in going outside at all.  She came out of the crate to lick my hand, then retreated back into the safety of her cave.  I left her be, as she wasn't whining or showing signs of pain, but I was dog-mommy concerned.

When at 4 a.m. she came out extra hungry (remember the skipped dinner?), I felt we were a-OK.  She lunged for the cat's food dish on the deck and I had to whisk it away.  Prisoner showed up looking for his breakfast.  After some drama, Prisoner got his breakfast in the laundry room because it started to rain, and he wanted some shelter.  Hunger satisfied, he came upstairs once Ember was settled in her crate again, to hop up on the counter and get some pets and give some purrs in return.  Yes, mornings are exciting around here!

Puppy proofing the house has been an incremental process, as she reaches each new level of boldness.  There is no longer a TV in the front room, it's been moved to the family room, because that electrical cord is just too tempting to the pup.  The recycle bins are about to be moved from the kitchen/dining area to the garage, for similar reasons.  It's so hard to keep track of all the no-no's in a human dwelling, thinks Ember.  Everything should be a toy!

Anyway, that's all I can write this morning... the saga continues.

And life is good!  Spark on.


  1. Enjoying the Ember Alerts!

    Had surgery #4 yesterday morning related to bladder cancer battle that began one year ago. Good news, potential issue with left kidney from previous stents and snipping away for biopsies has healed well (necrosis, dying, in left ureter & left kidney a possibility on the table after last tumor removal). All clear for any new growths and best of all I got to leave without a stent, catheter & bag to contend with. Three months to next round of BCG treatments and when cleared after them, six months to next round of BCG treatments, then another six months for hopefully last of treatments and move into annual monitoring stage. Praise the Lord and all my 'peeps' that have prayed for and sent positive vibes my way.

    PHOENIX1949, Susan in Central TX

    1. That is great news on the health front, Susan! Cancer sucks... but there is a lot of progress being made against various kinds, and I'm thrilled that you are healing well. Prayers, of course, continue to be offered. Can't ever get enough of those!

      Glad you're finding the Ember news uplifting. She's both an angel at times, and a whirling dervish at others. Just like a little one of ANY species, including our own.

  2. Using the chair leg as a place to rest his weary head is a million dollar shot! Re the bunny: We used knotted rags as tug toys for our pups. Somewhere, eons ago, someone told DH to use to use knotted rags to help with teething, so we did. I have no idea if that was good advice or not. He and the kids always had puppy duty. Puppy proofing will soon become dog proofing. Never ending process. Glad poor kitty is adjusting to the new house mate. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ˜ΈπŸΆ

    1. I agree... that little snout on the chair leg is precious. Photo credit to my sister for both images in this blog!

  3. Sounds like we wore her out well! Just love the love in her eyes for eyes on mommy! ❤️

    1. She's growing up so fast... and getting in trouble so fast... mommy's house is having to be readjusted "on the daily". Good to have you over to help socialize her... we went on another practice leash walk on Thursday with just me, and she is doing so well, so far! We have picked up on the "cross-cross-cross" for driveways as well as streets.

  4. Ember certainly is concentrating on Mom in that photo Alicia snapped! Good girl!

    She’s learning and training you well, too.


    1. We train each other, that's how the bond is formed. Two steps forward, one back... and onward we go.

  5. Hi Barb…love the pictures…Emmy certainly has her eyes focused on you…what a smart little lady! :) As I was enjoying vicariously your day with Emmy, it occurred to me that how in the world does a puppy get trained when a person works outside the home all day?? Just thinking…. It sure seems like it is a full time job IF you want a well-trained pup that is trustworthy in the home and socialized with people and other dogs. (Karen) Eissa7

    1. Thanks, Karen!

      I think same as you do, that it would be very difficult for a person who lived alone and worked outside the home to pull this off, for sure. When we were raising Diamond (26 years ago!) my husband stayed at home, so there was supervision.
      When my son was raising Carl, 5 years ago, he mostly worked from home, which made it easier. On his office days, I puppy sat.

      I also think its why so many people adopted pets during the pandemic... the work from home schedules. Even working from home you have needs to "do human things" as I explain to Emmy whenever she had to go in the crate for an hour or more.

      The socializing with others must have been hard during that time, though. It does take a village to raise a "good dog".

  6. The puppy pics are adorable!! She's lucky to have such a good home, and you are blessed to have her. I'm glad Prisoner seems to be adjusting.

    1. Thanks! Ember squirmed and posed for the A/C technician who was here to do the annual check today. She loves everybody!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...